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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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It's preferable to live in the hyper-critical 21st century than the doffed cap, know your place eons of deference that saw millions of people lollop forward as cannon fodder in world wars, carry out acts of genocide because orders and allowed the likes of Saville to waltz around as a 'national treasure' for decades.

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As mentioned the other day, the Russkie vaccine is indeed pretty good:

Posted at 12:50

BREAKINGRussia's Sputnik V vaccine gives 92% protection in trial

Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images

Russia's Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine gives around 92% protection against Covid-19, late-stage trial results published in The Lancet reveal.

It has also been deemed to be safe - and offered complete protection against hospitalisation and death.

The vaccine was initially met with some controversy after being rolled out before the final trial data had been released.

But scientists said its benefit has now been demonstrated.

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Oh look. The Kent variant has turned Ninja.

Wondered when any good news would be drowned out by more scare stories

The word "mutant" must be losing its impact so it needs replaced with "superpower".

As has been said, someone needs to come out and properly explain these variants. They're either a massive concern or they're not. Personally I'm still sceptical given that there was no mention of variants in the news (from what I can recall) until the government needed an excuse to backtrack on lifting restrictions over Christmas.
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This is the whole problem with the modern world, social media etc. People are now given a platform and voice for every mump and moan irrespective of whether it's justified or not. It's a thing I've noticed throughout this whole debacle, basically both the UK and Scottish Governments have done what they've thought / been advised is best and don't get me wrong, many mistakes have been made in the pursuit of trying to please business and then going too far the other way when that route resulted in many more deaths than were necessary. The over promising populist route has also come back to bite them, but what makes it all even worse is that the mainstream media have been playing politics and creating situations and tensions throughout, without actually caring about the damage they're doing to ordinary people in the process.
I'm not saying the press should be silenced, far from it,  but I am saying that they should be acting far more responsibly and reporting things factually and in context as opposed to sensationalising, insinuating, and manipulating every little thing in order to try and create a big story.
What this thread in particular tells us all, is that you'll never please everyone, some of us think the restrictions are way over the top, others think the restrictions don't go anywhere near far enough, some of us think we know better than qualified Scientists with decades of experience in their field and some of us aren't even willing to admit we're wrong or that there COULD be some merit in an opposing view, I suppose that's just the 21st century for you and it's really not a pleasant place at all.
Absolute nail on the head
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5 minutes ago, Elixir said:

As mentioned the other day, the Russkie vaccine is indeed pretty good:

Posted at 12:50

BREAKINGRussia's Sputnik V vaccine gives 92% protection in trial

Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images

Russia's Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine gives around 92% protection against Covid-19, late-stage trial results published in The Lancet reveal.

It has also been deemed to be safe - and offered complete protection against hospitalisation and death.

The vaccine was initially met with some controversy after being rolled out before the final trial data had been released.

But scientists said its benefit has now been demonstrated.

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Is that single or double dose ?

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Guys, can we keep this all doom and gloom please?  We can't be sharing data showing how good all the vaccines are and how they're working exactly as they should.

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11 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

This is the whole problem with the modern world, social media etc. People are now given a platform and voice for every mump and moan irrespective of whether it's justified or not. It's a thing I've noticed throughout this whole debacle, basically both the UK and Scottish Governments have done what they've thought / been advised is best and don't get me wrong, many mistakes have been made in the pursuit of trying to please business and then going too far the other way when that route resulted in many more deaths than were necessary. The over promising populist route has also come back to bite them, but what makes it all even worse is that the mainstream media have been playing politics and creating situations and tensions throughout, without actually caring about the damage they're doing to ordinary people in the process.

I'm not saying the press should be silenced, far from it,  but I am saying that they should be acting far more responsibly and reporting things factually and in context as opposed to sensationalising, insinuating, and manipulating every little thing in order to try and create a big story.

What this thread in particular tells us all, is that you'll never please everyone, some of us think the restrictions are way over the top, others think the restrictions don't go anywhere near far enough, some of us think we know better than qualified Scientists with decades of experience in their field and some of us aren't even willing to admit we're wrong or that there COULD be some merit in an opposing view, I suppose that's just the 21st century for you and it's really not a pleasant place at all.

This is the dictionary definition of Old Man Yells at Cloud

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10 minutes ago, Elixir said:

As mentioned the other day, the Russkie vaccine is indeed pretty good:

Posted at 12:50

BREAKINGRussia's Sputnik V vaccine gives 92% protection in trial

Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images

Russia's Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine gives around 92% protection against Covid-19, late-stage trial results published in The Lancet reveal.

It has also been deemed to be safe - and offered complete protection against hospitalisation and death.

The vaccine was initially met with some controversy after being rolled out before the final trial data had been released.

But scientists said its benefit has now been demonstrated.

Read more

Yes, that sounds good but I am a little concerned about the side-effects - that was the jag that Navalny took isnt it?

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The South African variant did suggest lower efficacy in the trials undertaken in SA. Accepted.

However, the wider point still stands - how many people that caught it became seriously ill or died? If it's not as effective but continues to prevent serious cases then it's still doing its job. 

Same with this new super-Kent mutant spawn or whatever they're marketing it as. Find out the impact on the vaccines and take it from there. If we need to tweak the vaccines we can do so. 

Above all, stop announcing these new varients with no context. All you're doing is 1) fearmongering and 2) encouraging the anti-vaxxers (look, it doesnae work anyway!). Viruses mutate and that's a given, but we need context. We can't keep doing these rounds every single time the virus mutates or else this will never end. 

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33 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
38 minutes ago, ayrmad said:
I've no idea, that would depend how many vaccinators we have, if we're asking folk to wait 15 minutes after their jag then as many places as possible, gym halls are not the only halls available. 

Why don't we go the whole hog and just go door to door so lazy buggers like your pal Effie who you think shouldn't have to travel a mile or two to get what could be a life saving vaccine can sit on her arse ???

I'd rather we were drumming our fingers waiting for more supplies than dragging it out, we really aren't too hot at this shit. 

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Trials of combining Sputnik V and AstraZeneca jabs 'could begin next week'

A few minutes ago, we heard that Russia's Sputnik V vaccine has been found to give 92% protection against Covid-19.

One of the backers of the vaccine has praised the results and said trials combining the jab with the AstraZeneca one could begin next week.

Kirill Dmitriev, chief executive of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, tells BBC Radio 4's World at One: "We generally believe that two shots of different vaccines, AstraZeneca and Sputnik, may actually work better because immunity gets stronger.

"We believe this is the best way to fight mutations."

He also says "many EU nations" have made approaches about the jab but the UK has not done so yet.

"But once we have proven the efficacy of AstraZeneca-Sputnik combination, I think its possible to have a discussion with the UK."

He says a dose of the vaccine costs less than $10 (£7.3), making it and the AstraZeneca jab the cheapest vaccines available.

Like the AstraZeneca vaccine, it can be stored at fridge temperature, making it much easier to roll out.

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6 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

Disappointing to see the UK rollout lagging behind other nations, less than half the rate of Israel.

That's how this game works, right?

Maybe being "in the lead" is a pretty pointless exercise as Sky are reporting that the Pfizer vaccine is apparently useless for the over 80's in relation to the Kent / SA "variant" ????

So have we just wasted a couple of months, wasted lots of time and money and put our most vulnerable through an uncomfortable ordeal for no apparent reason ???

As someone else mentioned, yesterday was a "happy" day with talk of summer holidays, virus being controlled, normal summer etc, so obviously we need to bring the population back to earth with a right hardcore scare story !!

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Whilst I understand schools are important, it does annoy me that the main man Clownshoes is saying we “could” have fans back at sports in Sept, yet schools will be back imminently. Surely having 800 folk dotted around Somerset for example and wearing a face covering (and being outdoors) for 2 hours is safer than 800 kids indoors for 6 hours. Yet again it’s a case of covid and schools uber alles 

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9 minutes ago, Michael W said:

The South African variant did suggest lower efficacy in the trials undertaken in SA. Accepted.

However, the wider point still stands - how many people that caught it became seriously ill or died? If it's not as effective but continues to prevent serious cases then it's still doing its job. 

Same with this new super-Kent mutant spawn or whatever they're marketing it as. Find out the impact on the vaccines and take it from there. If we need to tweak the vaccines we can do so. 

Above all, stop announcing these new varients with no context. All you're doing is 1) fearmongering and 2) encouraging the anti-vaxxers (look, it doesnae work anyway!). Viruses mutate and that's a given, but we need context. We can't keep doing these rounds every single time the virus mutates or else this will never end. 

Also, the fact that any re-infections will be asymptomatic and generally mild in nature is continually overlooked. Sure, it may allow the virus to continue circulating, but eventually an equilibrium and borderline level of immunity will build in the population, with or without the aid of vaccination.

Linda Bauld was already pushing the 'possible re-infection due to the E484K mutation' talk, while conveniently leaving out this fact about asymptomatic/more mild illness upon possible re-infection. And with that, my faith in 'public health scientists' erodes further.

Edited by Elixir
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Whilst I understand schools are important, it does annoy me that the main man Clownshoes is saying we “could” have fans back at sports in Sept, yet schools will be back imminently. Surely having 800 folk dotted around Somerset for example and wearing a face covering (and being outdoors) for 2 hours is safer than 800 kids indoors for 6 hours. Yet again it’s a case of covid and schools uber alles 

Yes, it’s probably safer. Less necessary though.
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