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They have explained the reason. Multiple times.

We need a bit more than that I’m afraid. I appreciate times are not possible but criteria is,
At what point in terms of measurable variables will we revert back to full pre pandemic freedoms and liberties? They need to give us a roadmap and they need to do it now
If other countries enforce quarantine or proof of vaccines well f**k it, nothing we can do about that but surely to f**k there won’t be an indefinite ban on dancing at weddings becuase somewhere in outer Mongolia has only vaccinated 56% of its population?
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3 minutes ago, KingRocketman II said:

what is your sample size for that astounding assessment and what do you consider as better.? I am genuinely intrigued. 

1st part, sample size is very large on and off here, part 2 you just need to read through here. 

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5 minutes ago, virginton said:

In what way has this attitude ever been displayed in policy terms in the UK? As opposed to other sections of society  whose issues, opportunities and vulnerabilities actually have been give the 'f**k you' treatment by the politicians and referendum decisions determined by the boomer generation no less. So spare me the crocodile tears act. 

The idea that we yet again need to wring our hands about the fairness of measures towards older generations is ridiculous. This entire pandemic response has already been orientated around their needs and lone behold it has been an objective disaster. 

:lol: "lone behold " ffs.

I thought you were a clever guy.

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4 hours ago, Gordon EF said:

Just watching Newsnight and they had on some Professor of Global Health talking about vaccine passports. Absolutely nothing to say  about the health implications. Basically just saying it would be unfair to allow vaccinated people to travel when those who haven't had it or can't have it can't. When asked what about if the government decides liberty trumps inequality, she replied "that would be unfortunate".

Are you fucking joking here? I'm likely to be relatively near the back of the queue for vaccines what kind of utter c**t would I have to be to think my 60 year old neighbour who's been vaccinated can't go on fucking holiday until I can?

Following through on that logic do we all need to wait the best part of a decade until some 18 year old in Eritrea has finally had that last vaccine and got her vaccine passport and we can all go on holiday again?

"All must have prizes" syndrome.

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1 minute ago, Ron Aldo said:
27 minutes ago, madwullie said:

This is why need restrictions in Scotland forever and ever. Can't trust those Tanzanians.

Few anti vaxxer rogue states = Permanent and irreversible restrictions, in the world of Jason Leith et al. Next thing they will be citing poor uptake in countries closer to home...

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33 minutes ago, Perkin Flump said:

Have you seen virginton?

Unfortunately I have. Not a pretty sight. However, regardless of how much I disagree with a lot of what he says  he at least makes his point in most of his posts and they’re not all “look at me and how I deal with everything so much better than everyone else” 

Lone behold though, belter. 

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1 minute ago, Rugster said:

Unfortunately I have. Not a pretty sight. However, regardless of how much I disagree with a lot of what he says  he at least makes his point in most of his posts and they’re not all “look at me and how I deal with everything so much better than everyone else” 

Lone behold though, belter. 

It's like you find offence with someone who deals with problems comfortably, the more I practice the easier it gets. 

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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

Something I suggested weeks ago when folk were giving it "AYE BUT WHIT COULD WE POSSIBLY DAE TAE SPEED IT UP!?!?!?!"

Are you a senior manager at the Scottish Ambulance Service or are they trawling P&B for ideas?

Either way I think it's a really good idea, but feel that when the bus rolls up in a village they should be doing everyone over 18 rather than doing about 10 return trips especially in the most remote areas.

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5 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

He can get himself squarely to f**k tbh. I will not follow a single rule that's within my control once the general population are vaccinated.


Do they expect everyone to put up with these restrictions when everyone is vaccinated? 

Do they expect those who suffer from mental health and other related illness's to put up with the restrictions when everyone is vaccinated? 

SNP will be losing my vote in May if they keep up making statements like this. 

Edited by Lyle Lanley
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Yet more dystopia peddling: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55952899


Months to go before 'new normal'

With the vaccine rollout picking up pace, many Americans will be hoping life can return to some form of normality over the next few months - but experts say there's still a long path ahead.

"It will be many more months before we see not necessarily a return to normalcy, but the emergence of a new normal," according to Dr Keri Althoff, a professor of epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University.

"I'm hesitant to put a date on it because every time we figure something out with this virus, it seems to have another trick up its sleeve," she added, pointing to the new variants that have emerged in recent months.

Dr Althoff says that "new normal" will see public health officials continuing to recommend social distancing and face masks while warning against any large social gatherings, inside or out.

"Many people in the US are feeling exhausted by this virus. It's totally normal and we need to be empathetic towards that, but this virus is not going to just go away," she said.

"So we have to continue to protect ourselves and our families and our communities."

Given the rampant infection rates for the past year and the speed of their vaccine rollout, the US will inevitably reach 'herd immunity' in the next six months.

So, when will these sociopaths be fired out of cannons en masse, ideally onto another planet with their 'new abnormal' if they want it so badly?

Edited by Elixir
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We need a bit more than that I’m afraid. I appreciate times are not possible but criteria is,
At what point in terms of measurable variables will we revert back to full pre pandemic freedoms and liberties? They need to give us a roadmap and they need to do it now
If other countries enforce quarantine or proof of vaccines well f**k it, nothing we can do about that but surely to f**k there won’t be an indefinite ban on dancing at weddings becuase somewhere in outer Mongolia has only vaccinated 56% of its population?
There was some attempt at justification on a UK basis saw on TV that I was posting yesterday. It went along the lines that the natural R of the variants currently circulating would be so high (we were never actually told what it was hence I asked that very question of folk on here if anyone knew) that if all measures were removed, the amount of folk still getting seriously I'll and putting pressure on the NHS would still be above levels they can cope with.

I think that is massively unlikely. We have tests showing a decent effect on transmission by AZ and if everyone is jagged then only efficacy and refusals would be an issue. IMO the number of infections required to drive the nightmare scenario described would need to be massive, way above peaks seen. That would be dictated by the natural R number hence my questions of what it is estimated to be ?
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4 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

There was some attempt at justification on a UK basis saw on TV that I was posting yesterday. It went along the lines that the natural R of the variants currently circulating would be so high (we were never actually told what it was hence I asked that very question of folk on here if anyone knew) that if all measures were removed, the amount of folk still getting seriously I'll and putting pressure on the NHS would still be above levels they can cope with.

I think that is massively unlikely. We have tests showing a decent effect on transmission by AZ and if everyone is jagged then only efficacy and refusals would be an issue. IMO the number of infections required to drive the nightmare scenario described would need to be massive, way above peaks seen. That would be dictated by the natural R number hence my questions of what it is estimated to be ?

Even in any such nonsensical hypothetic example, I'm afraid we would just have to accept greater illness and death than the constant declines we have grown used to over the last decade or two.

That would certainly be the preferred option to this episode of Black Mirror we continue to 'live' through.

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5 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Yet more dystopia peddling: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55952899

Given the rampant infection rates for the past year and the speed of their vaccine rollout, the US will inevitably reach 'herd immunity' in the next six months.

So, when will these sociopaths be fired out of cannons en masse, ideally onto another planet with their 'new abnormal' if they want it so badly?

These people aren't wrong, per se, in that if we want to limit exposure to any and all respiratory viruses then we should do those things.

However life is not respiratory virus centric, meaning that doing anything and everything to prioritise limiting exposure to respiratory viruses is not compatible with the majority of day to day life.

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8 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

There was some attempt at justification on a UK basis saw on TV that I was posting yesterday. It went along the lines that the natural R of the variants currently circulating would be so high (we were never actually told what it was hence I asked that very question of folk on here if anyone knew) that if all measures were removed, the amount of folk still getting seriously I'll and putting pressure on the NHS would still be above levels they can cope with.

I think that is massively unlikely. We have tests showing a decent effect on transmission by AZ and if everyone is jagged then only efficacy and refusals would be an issue. IMO the number of infections required to drive the nightmare scenario described would need to be massive, way above peaks seen. That would be dictated by the natural R number hence my questions of what it is estimated to be ?

It bothers me that so many countries are getting this chat out. Its not just Dentist Leitch and public enemy Sridhar's line. I too would like to see the working for these sums. 

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16 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Yet more dystopia peddling: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55952899

Given the rampant infection rates for the past year and the speed of their vaccine rollout, the US will inevitably reach 'herd immunity' in the next six months.

So, when will these sociopaths be fired out of cannons en masse, ideally onto another planet with their 'new abnormal' if they want it so badly?

I really don't blame America trying to restrict transmission, they have not safety net if you do end up in hospital and the and a high % of their population that have characteristics that put them more at risk. 

Until both doses have been given to enough adults in the states I think you will see some level of restrictions, they also have an enormous problem with people not taking it. So yeh that's their problem if we, in Scotland, can continue to get near 99% take up as we have done in the first group, then we will be in a great place to open up here and then look to see what's happening around the world. 

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Of course, are we forgetting the quite fucking clear analyses that highlight robust immune responses following natural infection, and that eventual subsequent re-infections will be mild and/or asymptomatic in nature? This is the case without the extremely good selection of vaccines which are now available. With these bonafide facts which are readily available in the public domain, even the 'vulnerable groups' in society are not going to be perpetually at risk from being sent to an ICU ward because of this virus.

Seriously, some of these clowns need sent straight back to basics.

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5 hours ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Disgraceful.  What is the actual point of the vaccination roll out if we still need to live with restrictions? 

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