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45 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Mild to moderate illness and the medium to long term PVF that follows, as horrible it is to the people affected, should absolutely not be factored in when discussing restrictions and what can and cannot open up as it not a danger to overburdening NHS.


I’m suffering from the PVF part of the Virus and yes I’m utterly exhausted but I’m with you on this.👍

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3 hours ago, Left Back said:

Boris pledging to donate our excess vaccines to the developing world.

Decent pledge. I hope he remembered to tell them we have no excess until the UK population is vaccinated.

2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Falkirk/Forth Valley in general performed well last time around and is having a stinker now. Wonder why....

My good old home town of Bo’ness being lumped in under the Falkirk brolly might have something to do with it.

2 hours ago, Snafu said:

There's an article in the DR about the outbreak at the First bus depot in Larbert.

This, and just been announced this week of a small cluster at the Whyte & Mackay plant in Grangemouth.

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44 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Personally I think he's pushing this to lead into a digital ID which will allow everyone to be tracked in our movements as we are online and just like Google, Facebook and Microsoft have made huge profits from online surveillance there will new be opportunities to profit and also influence group behaviour. I suspect Blair and his backers want something similar to China's Social Credit system operating in the West.



Image result for sneering cat picture

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1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:

That's bang out of order.

The guy posted that he had been ill for quite a while and you are basically telling him it's nothing and that the severity of illness he has suffered is insignificant enough for it to be proof that we should be opening back up. Arsehole behaviour.


26 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

I didn't say "now" you have added that !

Just clocked this bit, and you are all over the place here with your Helen Lovejoy moment.

In the first post, you say I’m an arsehole for suggesting that if Covid is reduced to a state where people get minor symptoms and a severe form of PVF that we should open up. From your wording in bold, and because you suggested I’m an arsehole for it, I assumed that you thought I was suggesting opening up now. You’ve now said that you didn’t think I meant that, so the two options are either 1) that you think I’m an arsehole for telling him the type of illness he suffered is minor enough that we should open up in future when Covid is reduced to that at worst, which if it is what you meant that fine because that is exactly what I was saying, or 2) you did try to twist it to me saying open up now and are backtracking on it when pulled up.

Which is it?

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1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:
2 hours ago, Michael W said:
Meanwhile Peston reporting that furlough is going to be extended until autumn. Naturally that's devoid of context but it looks like a bad sign. 
*Peston, not Preston. He is as inspiring as the dull down is, right enough. 

I've had a work meeting today where we were told to prepare software wise for the £20 UC uplift reversal scheduled for 4 April to be U-Turned by Sunak in the budget. The speculation is that it will be extended for at least 6 months. All pointing to the financial life support going deep into 2021.

I said this about 6 or 7 weeks ago, the whole "talk behind the talk" pointed to furlough being extended until August / September at least, which of course I found all rather depressing.

Good to see they're looking at extending the additional £20 though, I mean there's really no excuse for not doing this when they deem the state should be required to pay up to £2,500.00 per month for the lucky ones.

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8 minutes ago, ParsJake said:



It's literally on their website.


As more and more transactions become digital in nature and are built around a single global identification standard, supported by Microsoft, the question of who will govern this evolving global community and economy becomes relevant. Especially since nonparticipants in this system would be unable to buy or sell goods or services.

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28 minutes ago, budmiester1 said:

I’m suffering from the PVF part of the Virus and yes I’m utterly exhausted but I’m with you on this.👍

My dad had it in the very first wave and it was about July before he felt OK again. Exhaustion, headaches and dizziness verging on vertigo were his main issues with it. 

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

Are people not starting to wonder why War Criminal Blair is so desperate to keep us all under restrictions permanently?

Why is Blair even being given a platform ??

The guy has consistently proven himself to be a crooked, untrustworthy, self centred, egotistical, corrupt, self publicist, lying war mongering p***k and apart from that has more than the Jack Nicholson in the shining look about him.

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

Personally I think he's pushing this to lead into a digital ID which will allow everyone to be tracked in our movements as we are online and just like Google, Facebook and Microsoft have made huge profits from online surveillance there will new be opportunities to profit and also influence group behaviour. I suspect Blair and his backers want something similar to China's Social Credit system operating in the West.

Bill Gates (who has given Blair $16m over the past five years) has been pushing a project called ID2020 to give everyone digital IDs but is especially focused on Africans. He has invested in technology which will leave a quantum dot on anyone who receives a vaccination which will brand them with details of their vaccination status and identity. It's not hard to see this being used to make it easier to process and reject climate refugees in the future.

Cashless society is also coming and that will be another tightening of societal control and will have consequences beyond just using a debit card or phone rather than notes.


What's a quantum dot?

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11 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

My dad had it in the very first wave and it was about July before he felt OK again. Exhaustion, headaches and dizziness verging on vertigo were his main issues with it. 

That's pretty much all the symptoms I have apart from the fact that I have absolutely no sense of smell what so ever. I can't even smell my Lynx Africa deodorant it's that bad. LOL

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53 minutes ago, Detournement said:

You are already being monitored every time you go online. The average Smart Phone user has their movements tracked by 200 different companies.

The issue isn't do large corporations and governments want to monitor you. The issue is how is the surveillance going to be expanded?

Tesco were really the company who pioneered this using Dunnhumby, long before our digital friends.

Clubcard was the jewel in the crown and was really the start of the "big bang" in data mining.

It really is unbelievable how much money is involved in this stuff and no surprise to see Tony boy baw deep in it, as it were.

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It’s not impossible to get to zero covid. Other countries have done it.
Get the cases as low as possible through the vaccine and then test and trace.
It would take a lot of effort which people don’t want cause they can’t be arsed.
So how long do we need to be locked in our homes not allowed to do anything for this to happen?
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I'm not really convinced the SG are following a protect the NHS strategy, we've not been close to the NHS up here being totally fucked yet we've had it busy but we've a big shiny place with 1000 beds once we get a bit busier, just need to smuggle on some nurses. 

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2 hours ago, Rob1885 said:

He's just an infectious disease expert. What would he know compared to a dentist or anthropologist?

1 hour ago, Snafu said:

Discussions now on which groups will follow the 9 priority groups.

'The head of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has said that age is likely to be a dominant factor in deciding who will be next in line to receive the jab.

The Daily Mail has reported that the age brackets could be wider than in the previous stage of the nation’s inoculation drive - meaning 40 to 49-year-olds are likely to be invited for a jab once the top nine groups get their first dose.

The Mail also reported that this means vaccines will be given on the basis of age, rather than prioritising key workers.

Professor Wei Shen Lim told an online audience of doctors that age "dominates by a long way" while underlying health conditions contribute "some increased risk", the Daily Telegraph reports.

The JCVI has not yet published plans on who should be vaccinated beyond the top nine groups, but has faced calls for police officers and teachers to be prioritised in the next stage.'

Given the increasingly clear impact on transmission, I'd still find it strange if people like shop workers etc aren't moved up the queue. The risk to under 50s is negligible so trying to impact transmission would surely start to make more sense once the vulnerable are protected?

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