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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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No it isn't.
If you had a newly developed product or service that there is demand for (the vaccine) and a business plan for selling said product or service that showed £1m profit was possible by June 21st then you would be correct.
But you don't, so it isn't remotely similar.

Both statements are actually true - but at the same time completely meaningless

No earlier than is so open that they may as well have put no date.

And your example is crap as well - any business would put in an expected by date not a no earlier than date.

It's deliberate as well because there are a lot out there who will choose to see this as will happen by dates.

He really needs to hope he is not far from that date or it will come back to bite him on the arse.
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11 minutes ago, Ad Lib said:

The Nippie Sweetie is going to re-open outdoor hospitality in the final week of April, which might, but might not be, as much as a fortnight after Boris the Bountiful lets a beer bonanza happen in Englandshire.

Sounds like a "papers please" Nazi state north of the border to me, eh lads?

Dial it down 10%, mate.

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2 hours ago, Steven W said:

To be honest, I'm thinking of myself and family here (!!), but was hoping that my son (6 yo) would maybe be able to get back to his football training with his local club (organised football). To me it seems that would be permissable in England come late March. 

In Scotland it would seem late April at the very earliest.

There's been a fair amount of stuff about how transmission outside is significantly lower, so I'm a bit surprised that 20 folk can meet up indoors in a church ahead of 10-12 kids playing outdoor football for an hour once a week. (IAdults should be able to play football ahead of churchgoers too I'd add)

Give churchgoers footballers wages.

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The Nippie Sweetie is going to re-open outdoor hospitality in the final week of April, which might, but might not be, as much as a fortnight after Boris the Bountiful lets a beer bonanza happen in Englandshire.
Sounds like a "papers please" Nazi state north of the border to me, eh lads?
Enjoy your night mate..........
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Ayrshire news site just posted the below as a summary:
- Current position positive and optimistic but must be careful 
- Travel restrictions set to remain for sometime 
- Set to move back to a level based system from the last week of April, Ayrshire should go back to level 3 from current lockdown on 25th April. 
- Last week of April (Level 3 and below) will include all Retail, Hospitality, gyms and Hairdressers 
- From March 15th next phase of School returns will begin including all primary years, and non contact outdoor sports followed by 6 people from 2 households outside.
- From 5th April the stay at home message is expected to be removed. 
- Essential retail reopening  for Click and Collect only and meeting with 6 people from 2 households could be possible indoors by Mid April but will be reliant on Data - Key date is last week of April for a much wider return to normality.
The bits I’ve highlighted in bold aren’t correct are they? If they are then it’s incredibly positive but I’ve no idea where they’ve got that from
The first bit in bold is correct but remains to be seen how open hospitality will be. More information is coming with regards to that, she did say they will likely be making modifications to level 3 over the next few weeks to give more details on what the levels will look like.

The second bold bit is not my understanding of anything that was said or what was in the old level 3 at all, but again, it may be something that they change given their previously stated ambition of allowing more normal family contacts first.
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3 minutes ago, Snafu said:

5th April, everyone over 50 better be vaccinated by then or else.

Most of us will be indestructible by then, not delighted we're not getting our freedom earlier due to all the unvaccinated under 50's.

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40 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Never been without since 1989.

But back then my eyesight was pretty good.

My eyesight has got bad enough even with wearing glasses or contacts I have problems focusing near to far and back so I have to guess most of the time.

Now I'm thinking eventually this is going to go very very wrong.

What would Dryhorce do under these increasingly difficult circumstances?


You're never going to find out unless you increase the type size...

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I can see why you’d want vaccine passports for international travel where countries are at varying levels of vaccination. 

I don’t see the point of having them internally in the UK though. There is already a plan for opening things up in place now, no indication it’s for vaccinated people only. By the time things open up enough to need them, most of us will probably have been vaccinated or be at least near the end of the vaccination programme.

The window of need for them is pretty small and I’d be worried this was a data collection exercise rather than something that needs done. 

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So Sturgeon plans on bouncing everyone into 'level three' 10 (ten) weeks from now, despite the fact that currently:

- only 7 council areas 'require' the level three threshold

- 8 council areas meet the level two threshold

- 15 council areas meet the level one threshold

- 2 council areas (Orkney and Shetland) meet the level zero threshold

And between now and then infection rates are only naturally going to go one way as winter ends and spring progresses - down.

What a load of utter shit. How are they going to continue justifying this for at least the next two months? Surely not the standard and now dubious 'new, highly infectious variant' mewling.

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You know that feeling when you eventually get back into your office post lockdown and you see that a 262-bedroom hotel has been built just along the road in the period since you last visited?

This site was still being cleared and foundations laid when I was last in Edinburgh. Now it's ready to open for business. Unbelievable.

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12 minutes ago, Elixir said:

So Sturgeon plans on bouncing everyone into 'level three' 10 (ten) weeks from now, despite the fact that currently:

- only 7 council areas 'require' the level three threshold

- 8 council areas meet the level two threshold

- 15 council areas meet the level one threshold

- 2 council areas (Orkney and Shetland) meet the level zero threshold

And between now and then infection rates are only naturally going to go one way as winter ends and spring progresses - down.

What a load of utter shit. How are they going to continue justifying this for at least the next two months? Surely not the standard and now dubious 'new, highly infectious variant' mewling.

When you put it like that then it surely means an entirely new set of levels and criteria?

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