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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, St. Jude said:

I think she mentioned yesterday that establishments would need to hold the details of customers for up to 3 weeks.

I think that was more to do with assisting with contact tracing than an indication of how long it will be in place.

I'd say it's likely to remain in place until limits on gathering sizes and the requirement to SD & wear masks is lifted.

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1 hour ago, superbigal said:

The overwhelming silence about how you qualify for levels certainly seems to indicate for now the geographical approach is binned. Everyone into Level 3 April 25th, everyone into Level 2 May 17th.
I think most people accept this timetable myself included.
Will still be interesting to see how that plays out.
It may be the infections start to Level out over the country. Probably worked out there is absolutely nothing else that can be done to get Glasgow lined up with Edinburgh etc.
I will still continue to report daily regardless just to see how things do play out locally and against home nations and Europe.

There appears to be a lot on confusion out there as to how the Levels systems interacts with the timeable.  I'm one of those confused.

Is this timetable now what is being followed, or will Levels be re-introduced (when?) to further complicate matters and on 17th May for example, some pubs can open indoors but some wont be and will be delayed until....? depending on Levels?  The messaging is again confusing and poor.

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39 minutes ago, Le Tout P'ti FC said:

Not particularly surprising news about the impact of COVID on cash machines. Up to 80% fewer withdrawals, average withdrawal increasing.

Quick check of my bank app shows I've visited the cash machine three times since lockdown.


As someone who uses cash really only in two places - barber shops and on a day/night out - I haven't used one in over a year

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Not particularly surprising news about the impact of COVID on cash machines. Up to 80% fewer withdrawals, average withdrawal increasing.

Quick check of my bank app shows I've visited the cash machine three times since lockdown.


I've had seventy or eighty quid in my wallet for so long that the queen looks like Clare Foy. Contractors is just standard now, and I was shocked when a corner shop in Redditch last week told me they had a five pound minimum spend when I wanted a pint of milk and some mints. Felt weird passing over actual coins.
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2 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

The geographical approach might sound like sense but there were complaints about it no matter where the lines were drawn.

Using NHS Board areas - complaints from those who were in a low infection LA next to a high infection LA - Inverclyde being a good example.

Using LAs - smaller LAs and/or those with significant movement in/out - just unworkable.

Now with a mainland wide approach I've still seen people moaning - that their area is being punished (not my words) because of the central belt.

If would not matter where the line was drawn there would be complaints.

The levels system was useless as there was no realistic way to enforce the travel ban, so people simply travel to another area to do something which isnt open/ permitted in their own.  for it to have any chance of working in practice youd have to set up road blocks and demand proof that people are infact going to work, or provide care for others - how would you even do that?    I believe they did roadblocks in Ireland but don't know if that was just on major roads in populated areas? imagine trying to police every pishy backroad in Scotland for folk sneaking between areas

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Anyone else follow the Covid One Year Ago on Twitter? (@YearCovid)

Really interesting but also absolutely insane how much of a mess was made of it back at the time.

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Anyone else follow the Covid One Year Ago on Twitter? (@YearCovid)
Really interesting but also absolutely insane how much of a mess was made of it back at the time.
I follow it and some of it would be funny if it wasn't so scary. There was a tweet the other day where a health expert (unfortunately I can't remember who) suggested that masks were dangerous as the virus could get trapped in the mask and make you more likely to breath it in.
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I've had seventy or eighty quid in my wallet for so long that the queen looks like Clare Foy. Contractors is just standard now, and I was shocked when a corner shop in Redditch last week told me they had a five pound minimum spend when I wanted a pint of milk and some mints. Felt weird passing over actual coins.
I think my biggest spend using cash in the last year has been the tooth fairy!
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4 minutes ago, Gaz said:

Anyone else follow the Covid One Year Ago on Twitter? (@YearCovid)

Really interesting but also absolutely insane how much of a mess was made of it back at the time.

It's a brilliantly terrifying account.  Yesterday was Caprice Day, when a supermodel managed to understand a global pandemic better than several highly credentialled public health experts.  

I've seen a few people post about the fact that a lot of the original response has just kind of been memory holed.  The fact that the public health response to this virus was to let it spread as stopping it was pointless has been forgotten.  I mean, some of the repsonse since then has been better and you can see some of the people involved have learned and adapted but it does make yhou think - if the experts have this wrong, what else is wrong?  


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It's a brilliantly terrifying account.  Yesterday was Caprice Day, when a supermodel managed to understand a global pandemic better than several highly credentialled public health experts.  
I've seen a few people post about the fact that a lot of the original response has just kind of been memory holed.  The fact that the public health response to this virus was to let it spread as stopping it was pointless has been forgotten.  I mean, some of the repsonse since then has been better and you can see some of the people involved have learned and adapted but it does make yhou think - if the experts have this wrong, what else is wrong?  
Some experts think Rangers arent a new club. Il go with them being wrong about that
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1 minute ago, ICTChris said:

It's a brilliantly terrifying account.  Yesterday was Caprice Day, when a supermodel managed to understand a global pandemic better than several highly credentialled public health experts.  

I've seen a few people post about the fact that a lot of the original response has just kind of been memory holed.  The fact that the public health response to this virus was to let it spread as stopping it was pointless has been forgotten.  I mean, some of the repsonse since then has been better and you can see some of the people involved have learned and adapted but it does make yhou think - if the experts have this wrong, what else is wrong?  

Spot on. It's easy to say "well, in hindsight we'd have done this now we have better information" but it's absolutely mental how many bad decisions were taken despite them having better information at the time.

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Spot on. It's easy to say "well, in hindsight we'd have done this now we have better information" but it's absolutely mental how many bad decisions were taken despite them having better information at the time.

It also ignores the absolute shit-show of late December and in Johnson’s case, into January. His sycophants in the media are parroting this line that he’d act ‘quicker and stronger’ if he could repeat last March, but wilfully ignores the much worse second wave that was caused by... er, Johnson dithering and refusing to act quicker or stronger.

Remember when the virus was at peak levels and he sent kids to school for a banter day?

They Did Everything They Could.
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14 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:
19 minutes ago, Gaz said:
Anyone else follow the Covid One Year Ago on Twitter? (@YearCovid)
Really interesting but also absolutely insane how much of a mess was made of it back at the time.

I follow it and some of it would be funny if it wasn't so scary. There was a tweet the other day where a health expert (unfortunately I can't remember who) suggested that masks were dangerous as the virus could get trapped in the mask and make you more likely to breath it in.

That was Jenny Harries. Only the deputy CMO! 

There are more than a few of them that ought to think very carefully about what they say at the Inquiry. "I only advise!" simply isn't going to wash given how shit the advice was as the politicians throw them under the bus for it. 

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2 hours ago, Le Tout P'ti FC said:

Not particularly surprising news about the impact of COVID on cash machines. Up to 80% fewer withdrawals, average withdrawal increasing.

Quick check of my bank app shows I've visited the cash machine three times since lockdown.


Ive yet to visit one since March 2020

Edited by realmadrid
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