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6 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Hes been cosying up to Israel. Finding out all about the vaccine passport system them have in place. The p***k loves apartheid 

He also, just yesterday, proclaimed it was likely we wouldn't need a passport system.

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The current future Mrs Connolly reporting a heathy walk up queue at the Hydro, as well as folk like her who have appointments. 

I’d imagine the fact it’s glorious sunshine in the leafy West End rather than the monsoon of last Sunday is helping the turnout today.

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The current future Mrs Connolly reporting a heathy walk up queue at the Hydro, as well as folk like her who have appointments. 
I’d imagine the fact it’s glorious sunshine in the leafy West End rather than the monsoon of last Sunday is helping the turnout today.

I was thinking that. A change in the weather mean more people are willing to wait in the sun instead of the putrid weather we’ve had. This week could be a good indicator of that.
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Haha if that's the case we won't ever open up.   The NHS has been under pressure every winter for as long as I can remember.  It's also been struggling at all other times the year for a long time also.
It's now under heavy pressure permanently due to massive backlogs as patients who have been too scared to come out the house thanks to project fear from the media and our governments, finally present at their GP practices with serious issues.
In primary care we're swamped and there was a good article the other day about burnout and dealing with a tsunami of patients.
The NHS will sadly never recover from this with routine referrals for certain departments sitting at waiting lists of over a year.  How do you make that up, you cannot.
We've lost patients in the last month or so that wouldn't have happened in my opinion if there wasn't the backlog.
Secondary care is swamped primary care is swamped.  Its basically a cluster f**k.  They would have to invent another ten thousand staff to get things back on track.  Where do you find them, you don't.
Don't get ill.

What if they done a recruitment drive for skilled staff overse... nah f**k it brexit means brexit WATP
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10 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

I am particularly looking forward to Scotland being left miles behind as a result of bed shitting around asymptomatic 'cases' driven by "surge testing" whilst the rest of the vaccinated world gets back to normality.

It seems mad to me that the government are simultaneously encouraging increases in testing, then reacting to the increase in positive tests as if its unexpected and a problem.

It's hard not to think that the quickest way out of this is just for folk to stop getting tested, as "cases" then drop, and we're apparently on our way out again.

It's really weird and frustrating.

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17 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I do like the scale they are using for the numbers - 1, 10, 100.

Using that scale allows them to paint the recent uptick in the worst possible light.

A classic case of abuse of statistics.

It's a log-scale is it not? I'm not going to pretend to fully understand the ins and outs, but I'm pretty sure that's the way this data has been displayed most of the way through the pandemic. 

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10 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

I am particularly looking forward to Scotland being left miles behind as a result of bed shitting around asymptomatic 'cases' driven by "surge testing" whilst the rest of the vaccinated world gets back to normality.


My mate lives in Norway and they are just starting to vaccinate the 50-59 age bracket . We seem to be miles ahead of them. 

Nothing else to add to this tbh 

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1 hour ago, Tynierose said:

Haha if that's the case we won't ever open up.   The NHS has been under pressure every winter for as long as I can remember.  It's also been struggling at all other times the year for a long time also.

It's now under heavy pressure permanently due to massive backlogs as patients who have been too scared to come out the house thanks to project fear from the media and our governments, finally present at their GP practices with serious issues.

In primary care we're swamped and there was a good article the other day about burnout and dealing with a tsunami of patients.

The NHS will sadly never recover from this with routine referrals for certain departments sitting at waiting lists of over a year.  How do you make that up, you cannot.

We've lost patients in the last month or so that wouldn't have happened in my opinion if there wasn't the backlog.

Secondary care is swamped primary care is swamped.  Its basically a cluster f**k.  They would have to invent another ten thousand staff to get things back on track.  Where do you find them, you don't.

Don't get ill.

Perfect post. It will never be the right time to open up for these fucking gimps. I genuinely wonder if some of them will be calling for societal shutdown in future winters to come once we're back to BBC and newspaper headlines of 'NHS wInTeR cRiSiS!!!11'.

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On 28/05/2021 at 14:43, Pato said:



This guy's death was recorded as being in the line of duty, if anyone's wondering how seriously you should take those official figures from US police forces.

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10 hours ago, Elixir said:

I don't think it will be tenable under any circumstances for them to move a council area back 'down' a level at this stage. They can maybe delay slightly, but that's it.

Of course its tenable.  They don’t face the electorate for a few years and will win in Scotland regardless.

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11 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Perfect post. It will never be the right time to open up for these fucking gimps. I genuinely wonder if some of them will be calling for societal shutdown in future winters to come once we're back to BBC and newspaper headlines of 'NHS wInTeR cRiSiS!!!11'.

Christina Pagel already started that last year and how we don't have to accept flu deaths anymore. 

She conveniently ignored the entire shutdown of the hospitality and non-essential retail sectors, along side other restrictions on the ability to meet other people when making these remarks. 

An utter psychopath. 

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1 minute ago, Left Back said:

Of course its tenable.  They don’t face the electorate for a few years and will win in Scotland regardless.

Can't see it happening. Remember, they have the case for independence to build every single day. Ruining business and the economy simply won't achieve that, and I think they're recognising this more now the election is over, hence the change in messaging to emphasise hospital rates rather than case rates. Playing the sanctimonious, virtue signalling 'safety first' approach pre-election made sense given the polling, but what seems to be a sizeable Lovejoy element of pro-independence supporters/Devi arse lickers, will quickly jump ship and get onboard as it's now the new SNP position - the vaccines finally work, it seems!

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Rather than calling for the shutdown of the economy every year to "protect the NHS", you would hope that the pandemic has shone a light on how chronically underfunded and close to breaking point the whole system is.

Whilst some of the problems are of our own making and we've been able to paper over the cracks in recent years, now must surely be the time to have tax increase proposals to tackle the problem of increasing and retaining staff and get through the backlog.

Of course it won't fucking happen. Any talk about even a ring fenced modest increase to the basic and higher rates will be met with howls of protest from the middle classes.

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1 hour ago, Robin.Hood said:

900 people didn't turn up on Friday for there covid vaccine. I got mine yesterday and didn't have any que. Arm is sore the day. However all good otherwise 

Got my second yesterday, busy in Greenock town hall, lass who done said they had been busy all day.  Sore arm and feeling a wee bit off colour, nothing a pint and the sunshine won't fix.

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Good to finally see some acknowledgement from NS that the vaccines might actually be working well. Also interesting to note she changed the wording of her tweet within a minute of putting it up. Screenshot_20210530_112739.jpeg

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