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5 hours ago, No_Problemo said:

I don’t know what you’re showing me? 

Gilruth  literally stated a ticket OR a safe place to watch the game. Absolutely nothing about only travelling if you have a ticket. Khan also said the exact same thing numerous times. 

Sorry I was just replying to the comment that said "Yup, no mention whatsoever of not travelling without a ticket" because it was clearly mentioned. Pretty much everyone said at the time the bit about 'not travelling without a ticket or safe place to watch the game', so it's a pretty moot point to blame politicians. You can argue they should maybe have provided a fan zone for the Scotland fans in London, knowing that there would be people who would ignore advice and travel, but it's the travelling on packed buses & trains to London and the mucking about in the pubs and streets that would have been the problem anyway, so....

The fact is, the media are trumpeting today about how around 2,000 cases have been linked to those who travelled to London. Which is not great, but they are completely ignoring that figures is from around 32,000 cases that week, so not a huge amount. To be fair, a point I heard Leitch trying to make on the radio today.

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6 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

That is a screamer. Potential for 2 or 3 x the Jan peak, without mitigiations....

What about dropping down levels and the numbers STILL being on their arse emoji1.png


It amazes me that she still has a career, much less people hanging off her every word.

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12 minutes ago, s_dog said:

Sorry I was just replying to the comment that said "Yup, no mention whatsoever of not travelling without a ticket" because it was clearly mentioned. Pretty much everyone said at the time the bit about 'not travelling without a ticket or safe place to watch the game', so it's a pretty moot point to blame politicians. You can argue they should maybe have provided a fan zone for the Scotland fans in London, knowing that there would be people who would ignore advice and travel, but it's the travelling on packed buses & trains to London and the mucking about in the pubs and streets that would have been the problem anyway, so....

The fact is, the media are trumpeting today about how around 2,000 cases have been linked to those who travelled to London. Which is not great, but they are completely ignoring that figures is from around 32,000 cases that week, so not a huge amount. To be fair, a point I heard Leitch trying to make on the radio today.

I’m certainly not blaming politicians, however Sturgeon’s comments today don’t reflect what she actually said at the time. There was never any advice from her government to only travel if you had a match ticket. That was really my only issue. 

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Ok fair enough, again sorry I didn't read all the posts so just thought you meant it hadn't been mentioned at all. I get what you mean about there not being explicit advice about only travelling if you had a ticket.

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23 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Another Deepti classic.


It’s infuriating beyond belief that Channel 4 news in particular continue to let the likes of her and that Pagel creature have a platform. 

It allows their mainly left wing audience to continue to be fed the narrative of “the more you worry about the virus, the more caring a human you are” which immediately stigmatises anyone more concerned about jobs, mental health etc.

Terms like “champagne socialist” and “virtue signaller” are weaponised by nutters on the right, but they absolutely apply to anyone that ignorant of the overarching impact that overplaying the current virus danger has on the working classes in particular.

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30 minutes ago, Gnash said:

It's been in loads of places in the media, but here's a link to the BMJ - https://www.bmj.com/content/373/bmj.n1346.  

And yes, I'm aware that no vaccine is 100% effective, the point again is that current vaccines are less effective at reducing transmission of the Delta variant versus the Alpha variant (and the even more so versus the original strain).

Those figures are pre-print and out of date (see here for the latest data Variants_of_Concern_VOC_Technical_Briefi)

they’re also discussing effectiveness against symptomatic disease, not effectiveness against transmission.

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School-specific, but nonetheless it's good to finally see rumblings that daily testing nonsense will eventually be in the bin:

Posted at 13:44

Williamson wants to move away from school testing 'at the earliest opportunity'

Copyright: BBC

Conservative MP Mark Harper asks why bubbles for pupils are not being scrapped now, arguing that they will be a "huge problem" for the rest of term.

And given that all vulnerable adults have now been offered a vaccine, he asks when pupils will be able to get back to normal, without being "continuously tested" for Covid.

In response, Williamson says he wants to see schools "return to normality" and testing has been "incredibly important" in helping get children back in the classroom.

However, the education secretary says the policy is kept under review and in the much longer term, he doesn't expect children to be continuously tested.

"Ideally I want to move away from that at the earliest and most realistic possible stage," he adds.


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So, it looks like we'll be moving from finishing the Covid vaccination program into a booster / flu jab program for us oldies & other at risk  groups...
Mrs Fifer got a message from the local pharmacy this afternoon, asking her if she wanted to register for this years flu jabs.
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5 hours ago, Lyle Lanley said:

The comments on here :lol: 

The fitba hatred on Reddit is something else.  The last time Kingsford was in the news, I stupidly got into it with someone who seemed to want the Dons to be banished from the city because parking can be a bit of a pain in the streets around Pittodrie for four or five hours, 20 days a year.  They seem to have moved into the area without noticing the big f**k off fitba ground that has been there for well over 100 years, and making consideration of the possibility that it might involve some people coming to the area every now and again.  

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2 hours ago, Left Back said:

Those figures are pre-print and out of date (see here for the latest data Variants_of_Concern_VOC_Technical_Briefi)

they’re also discussing effectiveness against symptomatic disease, not effectiveness against transmission.

Also, data suggests that the vaccines are actually slightly more protective against hospitalisation for 'Delta' than they were for 'Alpha'.

Make of that what you will...

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I noted the previous interest towards irelands plan.
As someone who lives here I think I need to expand.
Moving the goalposts from 5th for indoor pints and dinner to 19th and only if fully vaccined.
At this moment the over 50s got mainly the moderna. So a good chunk of them need the second vax.
Also, only in the last week 35-39 were invited for first pfizer.

That means, under the new rules, half the buggers over 50 are waiting the second vax and those under 40 are at least waiting first. If not second.
Yet the staff to serve you will be nowhere near the age group for the first.

The Irish version of first minister is known as mehole...
And his opposition is leo the leak.

To be brutally honest, they have put too much trust in NPHET whose previous predictons are similar to trusting van vossen on a one on one

In positive news, second pfizer dated 7th. Work Mon to Fri so I will be back at pub on first weekend I'm allowed

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I noted the previous interest towards irelands plan.
As someone who lives here I think I need to expand.
Moving the goalposts from 5th for indoor pints and dinner to 19th and only if fully vaccined.
At this moment the over 50s got mainly the moderna. So a good chunk of them need the second vax.
Also, only in the last week 35-39 were invited for first pfizer.

That means, under the new rules, half the buggers over 50 are waiting the second vax and those under 40 are at least waiting first. If not second.
Yet the staff to serve you will be nowhere near the age group for the first.

The Irish version of first minister is known as mehole...
And his opposition is leo the leak.

To be brutally honest, they have put too much trust in NPHET whose previous predictons are similar to trusting van vossen on a one on one

In positive news, second pfizer dated 7th. Work Mon to Fri so I will be back at pub on first weekend I'm allowed
Everytime I think the SG are fucking up it's always good to have a little look into the cluster f**k that is Irish politics.
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On 29/06/2021 at 14:56, EdinburghLivi said:

Can confirm my side effects were pretty mild in the end (tiredness and feeling like a cold was coming the following day). Matador closer to the money than Mark Connolly's pals.

Not had any side effects yet apart from a sore arm. 

Edited by Lyle Lanley
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7 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

Healthy people go down to London and catch Covid.

Logically instead of banning football we should nuke London.

Because we just don't know.

Was in London last week.  Feeling fine and so is Mrs. Back  It’s defo the football fans causing all the issues.

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