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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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3 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

Seemingly that Carole Cadwalladr is the media advisor to the independent sage weirdos 

Carole Cadwalladr is a left wing fanatic who writes for the Guardian.

She has started numerous conspiracy theories and constantly loses legal cases and I think stands to lose lots of money.

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Been a while since Devi wilfully misrepresented something, but here it is:

He hasn't compared Covid to flu, merely that we need to live with it like how we live with flu. We live with many undesirable outcomes that could be prevented by locking people indoors or curtailing/preventing certain activities. 

Replies not landing quite so squarely as they did in the past for Devi. Block button is going to be getting a lot of usage. 

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My baws are absolutely fizzing for the Lovejoy meltdowns this morning.*
*Apologies for big donkey Kane.
Iv seen Cadwalldr go after Tories a few times in the past which is great, but what shes doing now is a common mistake. Assuming that removal of these legal mandates into our basic freedom is less inportant than scoring points off the tories. Its not, and this thought only seems to occur to a certain type, who evindently are now at the point where remaining restrictions are not a hardship for them personally. Indeed, one might imagine forcing the scum to keep 2m away and wear masks in their presence is maybe quite appealing to them, at least until they can get throught the doors of waitrose or their 5 bed new build.

They also seem to miss that current restrictions are evidently NOT enough to lower case loads and so retaining them makes no sense really in the terms they are using to argue.

There are changes the Tories could make which, in terms of longer terms suppression of the virus would work. For example, I imagine a big change in sick pay regulations for the better would yield better results over the piece than masks.

Cant wear sick pay in your profile pic though eh.

Absolutely sick of folk giving it "social distancing is hardly a big deal is it!?!?"

It clearly is for a vast number of people you selfish c**t.
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6 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Been a while since Devi wilfully misrepresented something, but here it is:

He hasn't compared Covid to flu, merely that we need to live with it like how we live with flu. We live with many undesirable outcomes that could be prevented by locking people indoors or curtailing/preventing certain activities. 

Replies not landing quite so squarely as they did in the past for Devi. Block button is going to be getting a lot of usage. 

At least she admits that she doesn't understand.

Influenza can lead to pandemics due to strains mutating to the extent there is insufficient immunity in the population. See: 1918, 1958, 1969.

A novel virus with an entire planet of suceptible individuals is obviously going to be quite different... to begin with.... until population immunity vastly increases through infection and/or vaccination - at which point something like this can then be managed in this way.

Seriously, how can someone like her not get this, yet myself and many on this forum can? Unforgivable incompetence, or something else?

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10 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Iv seen Cadwalldr go after Tories a few times in the past which is great, but what shes doing now is a common mistake. Assuming that removal of these legal mandates into our basic freedom is less inportant than scoring points off the tories. Its not, and this thought only seems to occur to a certain type, who evindently are now at the point where remaining restrictions are not a hardship for them personally. Indeed, one might imagine forcing the scum to keep 2m away and wear masks in their presence is maybe quite appealing to them, at least until they can get throught the doors of waitrose or their 5 bed new build.

They also seem to miss that current restrictions are evidently NOT enough to lower case loads and so retaining them makes no sense really in the terms they are using to argue.

There are changes the Tories could make which, in terms of longer terms suppression of the virus would work. For example, I imagine a big change in sick pay regulations for the better would yield better results over the piece than masks.

Cant wear sick pay in your profile pic though eh.

Absolutely sick of folk giving it "social distancing is hardly a big deal is it!?!?"

It clearly is for a vast number of people you selfish c**t.

All these so-called 'left-leaning', 'progressive' types who bought into hysteria, border-closures and the shaming of fundamental human liberties should never, ever be allowed to forget it. Personally, I won't be forgiving them for it either.

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24 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Been a while since Devi wilfully misrepresented something, but here it is:

He hasn't compared Covid to flu, merely that we need to live with it like how we live with flu. We live with many undesirable outcomes that could be prevented by locking people indoors or curtailing/preventing certain activities. 

Replies not landing quite so squarely as they did in the past for Devi. Block button is going to be getting a lot of usage. 

Devi knows her time in the spotlight is coming to a end so is doing anything to stay in the spotlight. 

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14 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Iv seen Cadwalldr go after Tories a few times in the past which is great, but what shes doing now is a common mistake. Assuming that removal of these legal mandates into our basic freedom is less inportant than scoring points off the tories. Its not, and this thought only seems to occur to a certain type, who evindently are now at the point where remaining restrictions are not a hardship for them personally. Indeed, one might imagine forcing the scum to keep 2m away and wear masks in their presence is maybe quite appealing to them, at least until they can get throught the doors of waitrose or their 5 bed new build.

They also seem to miss that current restrictions are evidently NOT enough to lower case loads and so retaining them makes no sense really in the terms they are using to argue.

There are changes the Tories could make which, in terms of longer terms suppression of the virus would work. For example, I imagine a big change in sick pay regulations for the better would yield better results over the piece than masks.

Cant wear sick pay in your profile pic though eh.

Absolutely sick of folk giving it "social distancing is hardly a big deal is it!?!?"

It clearly is for a vast number of people you selfish c**t.

She is the female #FBPE lead and thIs therefore clouds her judgement. Everything the government does is because of Brexit, regardless of what it is, and therefore it must be bad. 

Covid restrictions destroying jobs and ruining people's lives? An afterthought. BREXIT! 

I'm just relieved she's finally moved on from her screeching about Russia. 

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All these so-called 'left-leaning', 'progressive' types who bought into hysteria, border-closures and the shaming of fundamental human liberties should never, ever be allowed to forget it. Personally, I won't be forgiving them for it either.

Aye, didn’t see that one coming, thought it would be the right wing that would have had a hard on for authoritative measures
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Aye, didn’t see that one coming, thought it would be the right wing that would have had a hard on for authoritative measures
Its because authoratitive measures are still seen as the only way to beat covid, and because they think there is political capital in "the tories care more about money than lives". Which leaves them inconveniently and rather embarrassingly having to insinuate that the vaccines arent doing the life saving thing for us already, aswell as better therapeutics available and more incoming.

Theres a reason why these people strike a different tone in replies to Scottish stories even though we are broadly on the same path. I am all for hammering the tories, but im afraid this is an issue thats much, much bigger than party affiliations and anyone seeking to sacrafice the last years of the elderly, the best years of the young and all thats goes in between at the altar of disliking tories is a fucking psychopath and more of a hindrance to removing the tories from power than they ever will be a help.
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Carole Cadwalladr has been responsible for some excellent investigative journalism in recent years, I just disagree with her on this.

Some of the hysteria about opposing views on how to deal with Covid is embarrassing. There's been a multitude of strategies over the past 16 months and very few people have made the right call more often than the wrong call.

The governments have set out the removal of restrictions (albeit would bet on England retaining some post 19/7) and all we can do is see how it plays out.  If, as most people here including myself think will happen, cases will go to but hospitals and deaths will increase only slightly, voices arguing against the removal of restrictions will  carry less weight in future.

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24 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Aye, didn’t see that one coming, thought it would be the right wing that would have had a hard on for authoritative measures

There's always been a segment (quite a large one!) of the left that are contemptuous of ordinary people who think that they and the "experts" they find it convenient to agree with must  be obeyed, conversely there is a segment of the neo-liberal right that will find it hard to accept to accept the Keynsian measures that have been brought in to mitigate lockdown and would have preferred minimal state intervention and to let the pandemic rip. 

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1 hour ago, Michael W said:

Been a while since Devi wilfully misrepresented something, but here it is:

He hasn't compared Covid to flu, merely that we need to live with it like how we live with flu. We live with many undesirable outcomes that could be prevented by locking people indoors or curtailing/preventing certain activities. 

Replies not landing quite so squarely as they did in the past for Devi. Block button is going to be getting a lot of usage. 

I cannot believe how fucking outrageous that arsehole is. The influenza virus which caused the Spanish flu outbreak is now one of our endemic flu viruses, we learn to live with them, Javid is making an entirely valid point. What would she prefer we do? Just lock down forever? Genuinely would chuck myself off a bridge if I thought this would go on for years and years because im already at my wits end.

If Devi and her disciples want to live in a safe zero covid bubble forever they can wear masks til the end of time, work exclusively from home and only date or socialise via zoom, absolutely chuffed to bits for every c**t who wants to do that, but they can absolutely go get themselves fucked if they think that just because they hold their high and mighty opinions that everyone else has to stick with them. its a bit like a religious zealot telling a humanist woman they cant have an abortion because their god (and not the womans) says its bad.

Absolutely at the fucking end of my tether with these complete thundercunts and wish they’d just f**k off and live in some kind of socially distanced commune on an island off the coast of canada or something where they can just go consensus the shit out of each other and eat a diet of porridge whilst watching some kind of zoom concert of songs about never being too careful. 

Life is risky, we do risky things every day, but we can assess that risk, if it has value or meaning then we do it, yes we had to lock down at the height of this, I dont object to that, but completely get it all to f**k now. Just wish I could fast forward the next month or so and just get it all absolutely so far to f**k.

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I cannot believe how fucking outrageous that arsehole is. The influenza virus which caused the Spanish flu outbreak is now one of our endemic flu viruses, we learn to live with them, Javid is making an entirely valid point. What would she prefer we do? Just lock down forever? Genuinely would chuck myself off a bridge if I thought this would go on for years and years because im already at my wits end.
If Devi and her disciples want to live in a safe zero covid bubble forever they can wear masks til the end of time, work exclusively from home and only date or socialise via zoom, absolutely chuffed to bits for every c**t who wants to do that, but they can absolutely go get themselves fucked if they think that just because they hold their high and mighty opinions that everyone else has to stick with them. its a bit like a religious zealot telling a humanist woman they cant have an abortion because their god (and not the womans) says its bad.

Absolutely at the fucking end of my tether with these complete thundercunts and wish they’d just f**k off and live in some kind of socially distanced commune on an island off the coast of canada or something where they can just go consensus the shit out of each other and eat a diet of porridge whilst watching some kind of zoom concert of songs about never being too careful. 
Life is risky, we do risky things every day, but we can assess that risk, if it has value or meaning then we do it, yes we had to lock down at the height of this, I dont object to that, but completely get it all to f**k now. Just wish I could fast forward the next month or so and just get it all absolutely so far to f**k.
Its all coming from certain people assuming and therefore peddling, a right to not catch this one particular respiratory virus.

Its not about deaths which are at this moment in time, by any sensible measure, within an acceptable range (no, that doesnt mean I am somehow dismissive of the loss suffered) Its about the obsession with protection.

As you say, the inability of these people to distinguish the difference between their own right to assess and mitigate risk, and the government passing laws to force everyone to do it show up a lack of intelligence or a lack of honesty. Im not sure which. Quite cynical about some of them whilst aslo being quite sympathetic to what some of them have been turned into.

Post "freedom day" a lot of these folk will take some amount of scud when they try to lecture others about masks or grill them about their medical status etc.

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