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1 hour ago, craigkillie said:

What I meant was that this wasn't a delay, that was never planned for July, aside from the outdoor social distancing part which wouldn't have applied to football grounds anyway. The August date is the big one for football.

The benchmark capacity for football matches and other outdoor stadia is 2000 seated/1000 standing at Level 0, compared to 1000/500 remaining in Level 1. 

That makes a huge difference to the majority of SPFL clubs as well as many further down the pyramid.

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5 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

I’ve never voted SNP, but have always been a heavy Indy supporter. The absolute shambles of the Scottish Government this last 18 months has given me the fear of how tinpot we may actually be if independent. So much so that at the ballot box I don’t really know what I’d do now.

You would probably just put a cross next to the person you wanted to win.

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14 minutes ago, Turkmenbashi said:

One of my mates caught covid in May (very mildly), and he was telling me he was told to wait 90 days before getting his first jag. This was the first I heard of this, is it true? Or is he talking shite

In the UK it's 28 days but in the EU it's 90 days. Incidentally in the EU if you have had the virus then a vaccination between 90 and 180 days after recovery, you only need one dose.

Not so in the UK I believe?

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3 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
38 minutes ago, Aladdin said:


Where's the incentive to get vaccinated once all restrictions are lifted. There will be zero need (outwith the obvious medical grounds) for anyone not vaccinated to get the jab in England after 19 July. There appears to be nothing that will be unavailable to an unvaccinated person from that date if all measures are removed. It will be difficult to get people not reached to buy in when there is no apparent social need. Just look at the vax rates in some London boroughs too !

If you're suggesting that arbitrary restrictions need to be kept in place to 'nudge' more people into getting vaccinated, then you can join all the other behavioural psychos in the sea where you belong.

That clown Reicher's idiotic equation of face masks with seat belts the other day was very much a mask-slip moment. These people are the ultimate misanthropes. 

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Nicola is spot on. 

Retain masks. Vaxxing to be mandatory for adults. Unless exempted on medical grounds and  sack every c**t in a job or stop their dole if they refuse.

Everything to open on August 9. Anyone not vaxxed unless exempted, refused entry to public spaces.. Football grounds, gyms, hairdressers, eateries etc. Also not allowed to vote. 

Indy ref2 pre Xmas. 

Time we stopped playing at it. 

Edited by BlueBear
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35 minutes ago, virginton said:

The benchmark capacity for football matches and other outdoor stadia is 2000 seated/1000 standing at Level 0, compared to 1000/500 remaining in Level 1. 

That makes a huge difference to the majority of SPFL clubs as well as many further down the pyramid.

Is that for stadia where spectator areas are reached from outside areas or stadia with internal concourses?

Hearts seemed to suggest there was one number for seating but it wasn't same number for the concourse.


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2 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

Is that for stadia where spectator areas are reached from outside areas or stadia with internal concourses?

Hearts seemed to suggest there was one number for seating but it wasn't same number for the concourse.


The published information about the tier restrictions doesn't go into that detail. 

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4 minutes ago, BlueBear said:

Nicola is spot on. 

Retain masks. Vaxxing to be mandatory for adults. Unless exempted on medical grounds and  sack every c**t in a job or stop their dole if they refuse.

Everything to open on August 9. Anyone not vaxxed unless exempted, refused entry to public spaces.. Football grounds, gyms, hairdressers, eateries etc. Also not allowed to vote. 

Indy ref2 pre Xmas. 

Time we stopped playing at it. 


Wearing a mask to, say, walk 10 feet to a table then remove it for 2 hours, only to put it back on to walk the 10 feet back out is "pure theatre"

What is the point? What risk is it reducing? They are Lovejoy appeasers. The data from the US etc shows this too.

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3 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

Is that for stadia where spectator areas are reached from outside areas or stadia with internal concourses?

Hearts seemed to suggest there was one number for seating but it wasn't same number for the concourse.


That might be the case, but then again Budge is still in charge so she probably filled in the wrong form.

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2 hours ago, Snafu said:

They are ours.

How much money did Scotland's economy make out of the last Olympic Games?

I'm not talking about the economics, just simply that the Olympics are utter shite, and being played in Prypyat-like settings will merely amplify that.

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1000 fans attending pre-season v Preston and at least that v Fleetwood, however possibility of more for the Fleetwood match.

From reading online I think they’re wanting to make sure they’re no issues with the restrictions for the first game.

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Martyn Day is another absolute nothing politician*. 'Whit aboot they vArIaNtZ!!!11'

*So is Shapps, mind


How will new measures protect against new variants entering the UK?

Martyn Day of the SNP says previous "failures" by the UK government have left the nation vulnerable to new Covid variants and asks Shapps how the ending of quarantine rules takes account of stopping future strains coming in and how this may impact the ability of UK citizens to travel later on.

Shapps insists the UK has some of the "most rigorous border checks in place" and says the new measures will still require a pre-departure Covid test and a PCR test on or before day two, in addition to the other guidance in place.


Good to see the acknowledgement from Airlines UK that further pushback is needed against the nonsense of continuing to test fully vaccinated people:

Posted at 14:00

Summer season starts here - Airlines UK

Copyright: Getty Images

Today's foreign travel announcement is "a positive move towards the genuine reopening the sector has been looking for," says Tim Alderslade, chief executive of Airlines UK.

"The summer season essentially starts here," says Alderslade, who heads the industry body representing UK-registered carriers.

"Opening up the market for the rest of the summer, this announcement will provide far greater opportunities to travel, do business and see family and friends, and enable many more of our customers to book with certainty," he says.

"Airlines look forward to working with ministers and Border Force to ensure measures are in place by 19 July to provide a safe and streamlined experience at the UK border.

"We now urge the Government to continue this momentum by adding many more countries to the green list next week and removing onerous testing requirements at its next review on 31 July, thereby opening up more non-quarantine travel to all."


Edited by Elixir
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There hasn't been a single variant detected amongst an Amber list passenger. 

It's about time the 10 days in your house nonsense was shelved*.

Oh, yeah, and you still need to submit a PCR on day 2 of your return, Martyn Day, you utter dolt. 


*Unless you pay £150 to release yourself. 

Edited by Michael W
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42 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

I'm the same, I don't vote SNP* but I'm pro-indy.  The SNP are too nanny state.

*Or Alba obviously.

Yep, was formerly a member of the snp on a couple of occasions but off them forever now. Whatever happens politicians will mess things up indy or not so im now pretty indifferent to either stand point. 

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