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4 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

The scientific literature on masks is very clear - I posted links before. Masks can play a part in conjunction with other lockdown measures. There is no literature to say that without social distancing, curfews, etc, that they make any difference. On their own they might make you feel safer but that's it. 

Whilst the masks in shops directive is still in place, it's supermarkets and online shopping for us. Town centres will have to wait. 

True. Seems to work a treat in the East though. When I first saw them when working over there, I wondered wtf they all about. 

I've not had as much as a sniffle all through Covid. First time in years. 

Also stops c***s coughing and spluttering all over you in close quarters in supermarkets and the like. 

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Some baseline measures like distancing, masks, ventilation and hand hygeine may have to remian in pmace for some time according to Sturgeon.

Only a fucking psychopath considers the first two to be on the same planet as the second two.

Better hand hygeine and ventilation than pre pandemic would be great. Shove your distancing and masks up your arse.

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I had to take my girlfriend to A&E a couple of years back after she fell. She couldn’t walk and we were concerned it was potentially fractured.

The doctor was absolutely fuming when he x-rayed if and had to say no breaks, just a very awkward fall that twisted the ligaments.

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Just now, Miguel Sanchez said:

What are you protecting the staff (or anyone) from if you're in a bar/restaurant and have to take the mask off to eat?

It's marginal but they might be brushing past hundreds of punters a day so they're at higher risk. It's mainly about not taking the pish when they have to keep theirs on all day to protect the punters, and it's not like a great burden when you're arriving, leaving and going for a pish.

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8 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

The football capacities going up is probably the only meaningful change that any of us will notice when we go to Level 0, I don't see any other impact on my day-to-day life (the same is true of Level 2 to Level 1 as well really).

The other big change would be pubs returning to normal licensing hours I think 

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The other big change would be pubs returning to normal licensing hours I think 
"Social distancing" is the one that kills normal life and it seems to be the one that gets thrown about as "no big deal" by a terrifying amount of arseholes.
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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

It's marginal but they might be brushing past hundreds of punters a day so they're at higher risk. It's mainly about not taking the pish when they have to keep theirs on all day to protect the punters, and it's not like a great burden when you're arriving, leaving and going for a pish.

But you're not protecting anyone from anything if you have to take your mask off when you're in that space. 

If you assume people wear masks because they might be infected and spread covid, if they have covid and take that mask off at some point they're going to spread that in the location they're in. Wearing the mask at any point them becomes redundant. Which means that it's completely redundant because the entire purpose of the place you're in requires your face to be uncovered. 

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12 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

I know it’s not a popular solution, but I would suggest you pay a £20 fee for attending A&E unless you are brought in by ambulance or triaged through immediately to ICU.

I also think £10 for a GP visit would be appropriate. Not certain but I think quite a few of the Scandinavian countries do something like that and, possibly Ireland.

Nah you cant do that, you’d be marginalising the people who genuinely do need the doctor and dont go with any old pish, they’d be the ones who’d be less likely to go. I posted a couple weeks ago about a woman the wife identified potential cervical cancer in, had waited almost a year before the pain became unbearable before asking for help, too late now as cancer spread widely and beyond curative treatment. Then you’ve got folks who couldnt afford £10 an appointment, which tbf if youre living on the poverty line could be the difference between eating or not eating that week or heating the house in winter, causing even more strain when they inevitably fall ill. People who waste doctors time are so oblivious and emboldened by their shite that they would happily pay the £10 so they can get the facebook likes. 

10 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

I've always known these sort of folk exist but i still find it hard to get my head round that sort of thinking,  perhaps this is their way of getting attention that they're not getting elsewhere in life?  btw im not being a self righteous know it all looking down my nose at anyone like that, there are many reasons why someone could fall in that catagory and most won't be aware that's what they're really doing

Dont get me wrong the ones who are desperate to get into hospitals are completely poor souls failed by a system when they are hurting themselves just to try and get help, I really feel for them, but what can you do when they wont admit them and the circle continues. Its an impossible set of circumstances. 

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5 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

The other big change would be pubs returning to normal licensing hours I think 

I'm a boring c**t with a child who isn't out past 8pm most nights so I wouldn't even know when they shut right now.

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Another thing that fucks me off is that we all know that when we are at level 0, but England have fanfared the removal of restrictions entirely, compliance here is dead. Household mixing, long seen as the key driver will go back to pre pandemic levels if not already. Furlough will end, yet Scotgov will continue holding hospitality and others feet to fire by insisiting on lookkng like they are doing something.

At that point (we already know because of the current third wave of cases) none of the remaining mitigations can prevent a surge in cases, so exactly WHAT are they for? When all they do is harm the economic recovery and exacerbate the damage done on people lives from a non health standpoint.

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2 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

But you're not protecting anyone from anything if you have to take your mask off when you're in that space. 

If you assume people wear masks because they might be infected and spread covid, if they have covid and take that mask off at some point they're going to spread that in the location they're in. Wearing the mask at any point them becomes redundant. Which means that it's completely redundant because the entire purpose of the place you're in requires your face to be uncovered. 

Maybe so, but I don't see it as an ideological thing or a hassle, so if those are the rules they have to abide by to stay open, it seems a bit wankerish to make a fuss about it when it barely affects me, and they're masked up for their entire shift.

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I went to A&E in May. My youngest fell awkwardly at a sports class I take him too. When I got him home he was screaming in pain every time he put his foot down. I'd never seen him like that before. Phoned GP who said they were too busy so I should go to A&E. Rocked up to the hospital and as soon as the paediatric Doctor asked him to walk he was absolutely fine. Mortified. 

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

Maybe so, but I don't see it as an ideological thing or a hassle, so if those are the rules they have to abide by to stay open, it seems a bit wankerish to make a fuss about it when it barely affects me, and they're masked up for their entire shift.

Do you not think maybe this makes it seem like mandating mask wearing is a bit useless?

Do you also think that every person who works in a restaurant or shop wears their mask the entire time, even when they're on breaks or in the back?

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The wearing of masks for the twenty seconds walking to/from your restaurant table is quite possibly the daftest measure in place. 

Sit at your table, unmasked, as long as you want. That's fine - but don't dare walk out the door without wearing it. If someone's going to catch covid from you, it's not going to be in those few seconds unless you sneeze directly into someone's mouth. 

It is illogical. 

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2 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Just because there's published papers on a subject based on a handful of experiments in a lab doesn't mean the science is accepted or correct.

If masks worked, then how do you explain 3 full massive waves of cases whilst the public has been at more than 90% compliance during that period?

Leave aside the lab experiments. That's very strong real world evidence right there that they make no difference.

How do you explain that?

2 things from memory. It wasn't a lab experiment, it was modelled on real world data. Second, I could not find any literature that conclusively said that masks cut risks of infections. I was looking for some numbers (ie they made you 10% safer) but couldn't find any. 

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Just now, Miguel Sanchez said:

Do you not think maybe this makes it seem like mandating mask wearing is a bit useless?

Do you also think that every person who works in a restaurant or shop wears their mask the entire time, even when they're on breaks or in the back?

It just doesn't bother me at all, so don't understand why anyone would make a fuss about it. I very much doubt they wear a mask on their breaks.

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2 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

I went to A&E in May. My youngest fell awkwardly at a sports class I take him too. When I got him home he was screaming in pain every time he put his foot down. I'd never seen him like that before. Phoned GP who said they were too busy so I should go to A&E. Rocked up to the hospital and as soon as the paediatric Doctor asked him to walk he was absolutely fine. Mortified. 

Pretty sure the A&E doctor would have understood, my wee guy has done similar, you can only go on what the wee yin tells you. 

1 minute ago, Tynierose said:

We regularly see patients during the day with what turns out to be a viral illness only for them to rock up to A&E that same night looking for antibiotics as they came in with the intention of getting a prescription and are not pleased to be told viral.

I think there is also these days a lack of patience with regards minor illness.  A sore throat or a cough for a few hours regularly sees a doctor called or an A&E visit.  The concept of see how it goes for a bit doesn't seem to happen much.  It's an instant fix for everything.

Regards the frequent flyers that's very true.  We have the same people phoning several times a week and or regularly going to out of hours.  Again there are only so many appointments available so it must be frustrating for those who rarely need a service to get through.

Resource wise there isn't the capacity so what is the cure?  Is it to start charging for Gp appointments and trips to A&E?  That would open a huge can of worms and would probably end up means tested.

Or we could really ram it down the publics throats via advertising the importance of self care and not phoning a GP practice with the sniffles etc.

It's  a difficult one but it needs looked at.

Yeh the mrs would see people through the day and then be covering out of hours later and the same people would trap despite being seen earlier for the same reasons, no wonder we’re on the verge of anti biotics being useless. Same would happen, she’d see a patient at 5:30 on a friday ‘oh thats a viral infection, anti-biotics wont help’ only to have letters from A&E alluding to the patient basically leaving the surgery and presenting at A&E for a second opinion and being told the same, but the letter saying ‘patient was told by go to attend a&e if symptoms persisted’ when no such advice given, these people should be punted. 
I think theres a real need for a much better education campaign, stop being all softly softly and get people told. It fits in with the ‘want everything now’ mentality that is prevalent in society. 
Agree re capacity, the answer absolutely has to be a massive campaign to tell people to stop being stupid about attendance etc. But the difficulty comes with the media and politicians not having the backs of the NHS to get that message through especially politicians who wont want to offend their voter base. I had an issue at work where simple bit of help from the local msp would have assisted greatly (theyre always quick to write letters complaining about things) but when asked to assist rather than criticise they basically refused because it would not be popular with their voter base. This is absolutely evident with everything the SNP is doing, the tories are unapologetically populist in everything that they do, whereas up here its being done the same but just appealing to a different sub set of the electorate. 

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9 minutes ago, Tynierose said:


I think there is also these days a lack of patience with regards minor illness.  A sore throat or a cough for a few hours regularly sees a doctor called or an A&E visit.  The concept of see how it goes for a bit doesn't seem to happen much.  It's an instant fix for everything.



Probably people who are terrified from watching adverts like this.



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