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3 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I’ve not seen or heard anyone advocating indefinite  face mask wearing; maybe there are a few folk out there arguing this but I’ve not seen them and I doubt they’d hold much sway.

I’m not going to specify when mask wearing should end as I have insufficient knowledge, but I don’t see doing it for a few more months as a huge problem.  Inconvenient, yes, but nothing beyond that.

Well that's the point - if it's 3/4 months then that takes us to the start of autumn, and a fair bet that they'll still be here another 6 months after that to see us through the winter.

I don't think it'll be enforced quite like that though - Sturgeon still seems to think people are booking into pubs and distancing outdoors, so there's every chance that mask wearing will go the same way as those non-measures, without her or anyone else's say so.

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Scotland can hopefully avoid a fourth wave, albeit may see a wave 3.5 if all restrictions go on 9 August, but that would hopefully just burn out as quickly as the third did.

England may be heading for the 100,000 cases per day.  On the up just now, restrictions going on Monday and the Wembley variant dropping in a week's time.   I want to see border guards along Hadrian's wall, automatic weapons in one hand and Cohibas in the other to keep those plague ridden southerners out.


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Just now, Aladdin said:

Scotland can hopefully avoid a fourth wave, albeit may see a wave 3.5 if all restrictions go on 9 August, but that would hopefully just burn out as quickly as the third did.

England may be heading for the 100,000 cases per day.  On the up just now, restrictions going on Monday and the Wembley variant dropping in a week's time.   I want to see border guards along Hadrian's wall, automatic weapons in one hand and Cohibas in the other to keep those plague ridden southerners out.


Post-Covid too preferably.

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48 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Double vaccination doesn't prevent infection.*

*In 100% of the population, but it still does in a rather substantial way

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Do masks work or don’t they? I don’t think a bit of cloth will make much difference but some believe they do.
I don’t believe that surgeons would have to wear them if there wasn’t some benefit but never the less;

It is 100% certain that you can’t eat or drink through a face covering, so you can’t wear one in a restaurant setting, but you can sit at a table for up to 2 hours in a busy restaurant full of people ( even if you’re 2 metres away) and expell all the air you like but you must put on a mask for the 2 minutes it takes to walk to the pisher
I’m sorry but that is just a fuckin carry on, same with the gym example
Rather than just use comon sense and exempt hospitality they carry on with this charade

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6 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Do masks work or don’t they? I don’t think a bit of cloth will make much difference but some believe they do.
I don’t believe that surgeons would have to wear them if there wasn’t some benefit but never the less;

Surgeons operate in an extremely sanitised environment wearing medical grade masks. There is a world of difference between that and a poorly fitting piece of cloth (or a bandana) over someones face on a train.

8 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

It is 100% certain that you can’t eat or drink through a face covering, so you can’t wear one in a restaurant setting, but you can sit at a table for up to 2 hours in a busy restaurant full of people ( even if you’re 2 metres away) and expell all the air you like but you must put on a mask for the 2 minutes it takes to walk to the pisher
I’m sorry but that is just a fuckin carry on, same with the gym example

Exactly. Absolute theatre. Anyone who "feels safer" because the person sitting maskless 1m away from them for 2 hours wears a mask to walk to toilet is either at it or needs to give their head a wobble.

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I would love to see the evidence (or lack of) for some of the nonsense in Level 0.

Why are pubs uniquely dangerous places between midnight and 1am but private homes are not? Why is it safe for ‘10 people from 4 households’ to meet in a cafe but only for ‘8 people from 4 households’ to do so in a house?

Why is social distancing required ‘between different households’ in hospitality but ‘not required’ in homes? Why is the cap on outdoor gatherings still 15? Why is the cap on sports events 2000 regardless of stadia size?

Surely no one is now following this pish? 

Edited by PedroMoutinho
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3 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Surgeons operate in an extremely sanitised environment wearing medical grade masks. There is a world of difference between that and a poorly fitting piece of cloth (or a bandana) over someones face on a train. 

Aye and is the whole point of masks during surgery more so you don't accidentally spit/sneeze/cough into someone's chest cavity whilst you've got them opened up and your hands and arms are slightly pre occupied ? Not the the fact it will magically catch all the germs you expel? 

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It's simple. 
You dont know what you don't know and there remains many unknowns about this virus and its long term effects, include those of vaccines as the experts attest to. 
So unless you are a moron willing to follow another moron that resides in Downing Street, caution is the better part of valour. 
We JuSt DoN't KnOw.

Fucking hell, I thought Rumsfeld was dead.
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Unfortunately I saw moronbears post as it was quoted but I was surprised to see his new found advocacy for caution.  Pleasing to see he’s now behind myself and all the other wasters getting a few more months working from home as that would be the cautious thing to do.

U-turns faster than Boris.

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1 minute ago, Left Back said:

Unfortunately I saw moronbears post as it was quoted but I was surprised to see his new found advocacy for caution.  Pleasing to see he’s now behind myself and all the other wasters getting a few more months working from home as that would be the cautious thing to do.

U-turns faster than Boris.

Didn't say that. 

I still want all the wasters back at their work. They can wear masks, which every c**t will be doing after Aug9 anyway. Just like down south employer's will have to comply with H&S law in their risk assessments as the dopey c**t sitting next to you terrified you gob all over them them when you cough or sneeze. 

The problem also diminishes when the slackers all get sacked as furlough ends. 


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9 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Unfortunately I saw moronbears post as it was quoted but I was surprised to see his new found advocacy for caution.  Pleasing to see he’s now behind myself and all the other wasters getting a few more months working from home as that would be the cautious thing to do.

U-turns faster than Boris.

It's probably the worst trolling the thread has seen since Ad Lib a few months back.

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5 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Hardly anyone here at Easter Road is wearing their masks and the stewards aren’t bothered either. 

I was escorted to my seat at Dens and the stewards are telling people to keep their masks on. 

To be fair to the one near me, he was fairly apologetic. Obviously orders from above. 

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3 minutes ago, The Master said:

the stewards are telling people to keep their masks on

Yet you can go to the cinema and take it off when the film is on. Granted your not likely to be shouting and roaring at the cinema but it's indoors so transmission risk is markedly higher.

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23 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Unfortunately I saw moronbears post as it was quoted but I was surprised to see his new found advocacy for caution.  Pleasing to see he’s now behind myself and all the other wasters getting a few more months working from home as that would be the cautious thing to do.

U-turns faster than Boris.

To be fair, anyone who quotes him and gives him the time of day is as bad as he is.

He's an honestly dreadful troll. I'm sure he thinks he's being edgy or inducing rage in other forum users but he's utterly shite at it.

Edited by djchapsticks
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