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57 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

SNP would still be in power in an independent Scotland IMO. Who else could it be? It sure as hell wouldnt be the Tories, it wouldnt be the beyond useless Labour (sadly), it wouldnt be the libs or the greens. That just leaves outliers like the Alba party who struggled to get a vote amount that wasnt laughable 

The SNP exist only as a recipient of votes to get a second independence referendum. Once independence is achieved , people might instead think they might not want to vote for the Lovejoy/Record European Drug Deaths party and actually vote for a party with the same socioeconomic outlook as themselves. 

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13 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Boy on Radio Scotland drive representing a couple of clubs in Glasgow (Garage i think) was missing a few tools.
1st he says you can't police masks on the dance floor.
Reporter then asks how drinking pints of lager on dance floor was policed.
He then said Emmm well masks while dancing will be dangerous. Imagine you did not know you were asthmatic !!!

What a prize one numpty to have representing your arguments.

Anyone who has ever been in a club will know that removing people with drinks from the dancefloor is not exactly priority number 1.

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6 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

The SNP exist only as a recipient of votes to get a second independence referendum. Once independence is achieved , people might instead think they might not want to vote for the Lovejoy/Record European Drug Deaths party and actually vote for a party with the same socioeconomic outlook as themselves. 

I’ve made my thoughts on this very clear in the past and simply don’t accept we should abandon personal ideals to vote for a party we don’t agree with in the hope they get a referendum.

Scotland needs a few more legitimate independence parties now more now than ever to pick up the middle ground.

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4 hours ago, oaksoft said:

It's obvious that for all our "gallus" shite,  we are actually a nation of fucking cowards. Take any generation in this country and cut it in half and you'll see the words "coward by birth" printed right across the face of it. 

I never bought into the gallus thing but I genuinely thought we were better than this. It's genuinely shocking to discover that our real character is the exact opposite.

What's been really interesting is watching the Lovejoys sneering at Libertarians from the "safety" of their chains and cages, genuinely thinking their chains somehow make them morally superior.  It's like watching caged budgies taking the piss out of pigeons for having the audacity to want to fly wherever they want.

Utterly bizarre behaviour.

Sore neck all of a sudden


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Just now, Abdul_Latif said:

I’ve made my thoughts on this very clear in the past and simply don’t accept we should abandon personal ideals to vote for a party we don’t agree with in the hope they get a referendum.

Scotland needs a few more legitimate independence parties now more now than ever to pick up the middle ground.

It's quite something to see the mental gymnastics people go through to back the SNP's position on many issues (especially COVID19 restrictions) all because their only way to get an independence referendum is by voting SNP.


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Are we contact tracing for influenza this autumn and winter? Hilarious scenes if we're rattling about with shite like that and/or needing 'Covid certification' to enter mass events etc all while nobody gives a toss about the resurgence of influenza which could kill ~20,000+ in the UK.

None of this makes sense. Myself and others on this forum would do a better job advising and running the country than the fucking clown 'experts'. These fallacies simply cannot be defended.

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2 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Are we contact tracing for influenza this autumn and winter? Hilarious scenes if we're rattling about with shite like that and/or needing 'Covid certification' to enter mass events etc all while nobody gives a toss about the resurgence of influenza which could kill ~20,000+ in the UK.

None of this makes sense. Myself and others on this forum would do a better job advising and running the country than the fucking clown 'experts'. These fallacies simply cannot be defended.

Advising them, I'm not so sure. Taking the decisions, certainly. A politician's job is to take account of all the evidence available to them then come to the best judgement. Not sure this has happened in the case of the pandemic.

I would rather we choose our politicians as we choose our jurors, but I suspect I might be waiting a while before the Overton window opens enough to allow this.

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12 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

The language being used is now way past the realms of parody for a government that has long since lost their fucking marbles and control of the situation. Words quite literally have lost all meaning when covid is involved.

Initially, we were told level zero was for minimal restrictions (despite the wholly counter-intuitive name) so not actually 'zero' but that can be sort of brushed away a wee bit given this has been brought to you by the same fucking school of wahoos who coined 'zero covid' but actually upon further inspection admitted that the term 'zero covid', doesn't actually mean zero covid, it just means whatever the f**k they deign it to be that week to suit their argument.

So then we were told the step BEYOND zero was where it was at, that was the good stuff, the promised land, a land where it's so zero, they mean it's actually zero! Except... hang on a fucking minute, 'beyond zero' still includes rules, restrictions and regulations, just a lot more fluffy and undefined?! Well f**k me! You could knock me down with a feather by how stunned I am at the revelation that a government who has continually fucked this up over the last 12 months after a decent enough opening 6 months now doesn't even know what to do from one week to the next.

So what's next? What will the SNP think tank conjure up as the next step to remove all restrictions but then bottle out of and decide 'aye... but not really'? Zero Infinity? Ultimate Zero?

Anyone who is still supportive of this entire charade needs their heads looked at - I'll always be a strong proponent of the idea of Scottish Independence and I sincerely hope I live to see it happening but the harsh reality is that in the current landscape, those seeking to deliver it simply don't have the ability to do so without making a monumental and devastating c**t of it. The last 12-18 months of baffling decision making, public messaging and flip-flopping is absolute testament to that.

And no, my criticism of the SNP is not an endorsement for the Conservative party. When presented with two shites on a platter, you can choose neither.


tl;dr - f**k all these c***s

I don’t know anyone after today’s announcement that is sticking up for the SG anymore. 

These decisions today could really harm them more than ever in any upcoming elections. 

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1 minute ago, Lyle Lanley said:

I don’t know anyone after today’s announcement that is sticking up for the SG anymore. 

These decisions today could really harm them more than ever in any upcoming elections. 

And yet, there are many in here over the last several months and year who would decry this thread as nothing more than an echo chamber without actually understanding that the vast majority of people in this perceived chamber were actually SNP and Indy supporters before this entire crisis.

Perhaps instead of dismissing it as nothing more than a back-slapping echo chamber, it would have made more sense to understand that the tide of opinion will never change overnight and that everyone has their trigger point. Some in here had theirs earlier than others but as time rolls on and inaction after inaction happens, more people are gradually hitting that moment where they are going 'enough' and they won't continue to support restrictions blindly.

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3 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

And yet, there are many in here over the last several months and year who would decry this thread as nothing more than an echo chamber without actually understanding that the vast majority of people in this perceived chamber were actually SNP and Indy supporters before this entire crisis.

Perhaps instead of dismissing it as nothing more than a back-slapping echo chamber, it would have made more sense to understand that the tide of opinion will never change overnight and that everyone has their trigger point. Some in here had theirs earlier than others but as time rolls on and inaction after inaction happens, more people are gradually hitting that moment where they are going 'enough' and they won't continue to support restrictions blindly.

The thing is, if you were an independence supporter before this, it makes no sense to change your vote to any party other than SNP unless you think the pandemic is evidence that Scotland can't govern itself (which I am sure most don't). 

It has definitely made me wonder if choosing our politicians solely from those that happen to have voted Yes in 2014 gives us the best government though. 

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I doubt if there are many people whose thought process is “I no longer support Scottish Independence because of the SNP government’s handling of Covid”.  There may be people who still support Independence but who will think of changing their vote but I’m not sure which credible pro-Independence party or parties held views on Covid that were significantly different to the SNP’s.

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Just now, Granny Danger said:

There may be people who still support Independence but who will think of changing their vote but I’m not sure which credible pro-Independence party or parties held views on Covid that were significantly different to the SNP’s.

That is entirely the case here. People are likely to purposely abstain or just be scunnered with it and not bother.

The SNP don’t own the independence movement and whatever momentum they may have picked up in recent years they have absolutely fucked by being so incompetent.

There are a lot of independence supporters out there feeling politically homeless at the moment.

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4 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

That is entirely the case here. People are likely to purposely abstain or just be scunnered with it and not bother.

The SNP don’t own the independence movement and whatever momentum they may have picked up in recent years they have absolutely fucked by being so incompetent.

There are a lot of independence supporters out there feeling politically homeless at the moment.

Yup - think I’ve now officially moved to the abstaining camp. Today was just a final straw, numerous other things have lead to it too. 

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5 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

That is entirely the case here. People are likely to purposely abstain or just be scunnered with it and not bother.

The SNP don’t own the independence movement and whatever momentum they may have picked up in recent years they have absolutely fucked by being so incompetent.

There are a lot of independence supporters out there feeling politically homeless at the moment.

You’re making the assumption that the views expressed by the majority on this thread are a reflection of the general population in Scotland.  There is no evidence to support this.


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2 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

You’re making the assumption that the views expressed by the majority on this thread are a reflection of the general population in Scotland.  There is no evidence to support this.


It doesn't have to be the general population, a small swing away from them is potentially devastating.

A cursory look at SNP and ScotGovs social media shows the dissenting voices are no longer confined to those with Union flags and photos of Ibrox in their profiles.


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2 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

You’re making the assumption that the views expressed by the majority on this thread are a reflection of the general population in Scotland.  There is no evidence to support this.


I’m not making any assumption based on posters on here at all.

Swathes of the general public have had it with the SNP for more reasons than simply today’s shit show.

Controversial hate crime bill, record drug deaths, missing £600K, gender recognition etc. There is something they are fucking up to annoy everyone.

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3 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

 dissenting voices are no longer confined to those with Union flags and photos of Ibrox in their profiles.


That’s Scotland’s sports press and match officials accounted for then.

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4 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

I’m not making any assumption based on posters on here at all.

Swathes of the general public have had it with the SNP for more reasons than simply today’s shit show.

Controversial hate crime bill, record drug deaths, missing £600K, gender recognition etc. There is something they are fucking up to annoy everyone.

I don’t accept that, however that’s a different debate and not for this thread. 

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