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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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4 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Seriously? Even for life threatening emergencies? Where are you getting this from?

Its not for life threatening emergencies, Ambulance calls get triaged on a clinical basis, but the likes of a heart attack would get an emergency response. Its complicated, but like HSF has said things like waits for someone who’s fallen and broken their hip in an old folks home or a doctor referring in a patient who needed to be taken into hospital. 
The ambulance service in Scotland are really hard working people, genuinely not a slight on them, just highlights how chronically under funded and staffed the government has left them, our paramedics are genuinely first class. 

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Incredible how many people across Europe have just bent over for vaccine passports for the illusion of safety.
And it seems they doing so willing. The chance to kick down at those who don't want a vaccine seems to be too much of a temptation.
Not surprising to see people rioting. Just surprised it isn't more widespread.
Got a feeling this isn't going to end well. You cannot cut 20% or so off from your society and not expect serious repercussions as people get desperate. This really isn't good news.
The sheer volume of "everyone is scum except me" types will cheerlead them through here.

They quite simply (and this was true before Delta really fucked it) do not keep anyone any safer.

Getting the vaccine keeps you safer. Thats quite literally the only thing you need to do if you are worried. Further safety is available if you prefer, by evaluating and avoiding situations you deem to be risky.

Much easier to place nonsense demands on other people though....
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2 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Incredible how many people across Europe have just bent over for vaccine passports for the illusion of safety.

And it seems they doing so willing. The chance to kick down at those who don't want a vaccine seems to be too much of a temptation.

Not surprising to see people rioting. Just surprised it isn't more widespread.

Got a feeling this isn't going to end well. You cannot cut 20% or so off from your society and not expect serious repercussions as people get desperate. This really isn't good news.

They can usually stick a cotton bud up their noses if they refuse a free vaccine and still get in to wherever they want. This isn't a rerun of "No Blacks or Irish allowed". And the newly popular Danes still insist on it.

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6 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Probably true, but if you make it to 80 your life expectancy is about another 10 years, so it's a bit of a bummer if it's cut short by covid, even at that age.

3 points.

1) Life expectancy in the UK is 81. Not 90. Nowhere close to everyone of 80 is expected to live another 10 years.

2) Life expectancy in the UK varies wildly by region, social position and class, life expectancy is really nothing like an exact science. A life expectancy of 81 doesn't mean you should be taking it for granted that you'll reach that age and anything short of that is being robbed of years.

3) Even if life expectancy WAS 90 years old, I'm 100% sure that's not how it works. You can't just label everyone at 80 and claim they've all been robbed of 10 years of their lives. If the mean age of death is 80, it could feasibly mean that 8 in every 10 deaths are 90 years old and reaching life expectancy and 2 in 10 are early 40s.

Of course, as you get closer to 80, your life expectancy naturally extends but there are a LOT of 80 year olds in terrible health. I'd say adding 10 years on at that point as a catch all is generous to say the least.

Edited by djchapsticks
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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

They can usually stick a cotton bud up their noses if they refuse a free vaccine and still get in to wherever they want. This isn't a rerun of "No Blacks or Irish allowed". And the newly popular Danes still insist on it.

Again, until the 10th of September. 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴

And the Danes have had a great pandemic response.

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3 points.
1) Life expectancy in the UK is 81. Not 90. No one of 80 is expected to live another 10 years.
2) Life expectancy in the UK varies wildly by region, social position and class, life expectancy is really nothing like an exact science. A life expectancy of 81 doesn't mean you should be taking it for granted that you'll reach that age and anything short of that is being robbed of years.
3) Even if life expectancy WAS 90 years old, I'm 100% sure that's not how it works. You can't just label everyone at 80 and claim they've all been robbed of 10 years of their lives. If the mean age of death is 80, it could feasibly mean that 8 in every 10 deaths are 90 years old and reaching life expectancy and 2 in 10 are early 40s.
To add to that, a death from Covid isnt really any different to a death from anything else. Its just a cause of death. We will, quite literally, all catch one. Covid is new, which might be why theres this attitude that its a cause of death you are entitled not to fall to. You havent had time somehow stolen from you if you die from covid as opposed to something else.
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2 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

1) Life expectancy in the UK is 81. Not 90. No one of 80 is expected to live another 10 years.

https://knoema.com/atlas/United-Kingdom/topics/Demographics/Age/Life-expectancy-at-age-80-years#:~:text=United Kingdom - Life expectancy at age 80 years for both sexes combined&text=In 2020%2C life expectancy at,average annual rate of 3.78%.

Ok, 89. My point was is that if you've actually made it to 80 and you're still healthy, you have a very good chance of another decade. Life expectancy from birth is different. That's why you got all these old folk when life expectancy was 40, it included all those who died as babies, which was a lot.

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2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

https://knoema.com/atlas/United-Kingdom/topics/Demographics/Age/Life-expectancy-at-age-80-years#:~:text=United Kingdom - Life expectancy at age 80 years for both sexes combined&text=In 2020%2C life expectancy at,average annual rate of 3.78%.

Ok, 89. My point was is that if you've actually made it to 80 and you're still healthy, you have a very good chance of another decade. Life expectancy from birth is different. That's why you got all these old folk when life expectancy was 40, it included all those who died as babies, which was a lot.

National life tables – life expectancy in the UK - Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk)


Life expectancy at birth in the UK in 2017 to 2019 was 79.4 years for males and 83.1 years for females; slight improvements were observed from 2016 to 2018 of 6.3 weeks and 7.3 weeks for males and females respectively.

Stop trying so hard.

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5 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Again, until the 10th of September. 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴

And the Danes have had a great pandemic response.

Hang on, I thought they were lockdown maniacs making freedom loving Sweden look bad before? Whatever...

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1 minute ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I'm not trying at all. Life expectancy at 80 is totally different from life expectancy at birth. It's not difficult.

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47 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:


40 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

https://knoema.com/atlas/United-Kingdom/topics/Demographics/Age/Life-expectancy-at-age-80-years#:~:text=United Kingdom - Life expectancy at age 80 years for both sexes combined&text=In 2020%2C life expectancy at,average annual rate of 3.78%.

Ok, 89. My point was is that if you've actually made it to 80 and you're still healthy, you have a very good chance of another decade. Life expectancy from birth is different. That's why you got all these old folk when life expectancy was 40, it included all those who died as babies, which was a lot.



The bolded part is the kicker.

In over 75s, total covid cases in Scotland since the start of the pandemic is around 24k. Total deaths around 6.6k. So it has had a fatality rate of just over 27%

UK wide it has been an almost bang on 33% fatality rate in the over 80s. The vast majority of people in those vulnerable age groups are and even without vaccines, were surviving covid. I think it's fair to say that the majority of octogenarians in good health have been fighting off covid because of their keeping in good health.

The vast majority of elderly people the disease has sadly killed were not in the 'expect to live 10 more years' bracket, that is almost assured. This is why it completely decimated nursing homes in the early months, because folk in nursing homes are generally in very poor states of health and cannot fight it off.

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2 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

He explained it very clearly in his post, that's the life expectancy at birth, but once you make it as far as 80 you have a much higher chance of living even longer. It's a slightly less extreme case of the old story about the life expectancy being 40 in the Middle Ages - that was strictly true, but it didn't mean that people didn't live into old age, it was just a remnant of the fact that childbirth was so risky that many newborns died and pulled down the average.

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