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Bit surprised that there's nobody from the P&B Covid gang banging on about schools anymore, which might explain our huge but stabilising numbers, compared to England's likely about to zoom up.
You've got to remember that England binned restrictions about 2 months ago so the 'zoom up' might not happen as a lot of the cases that would have occurred due to schools going back will have been gradual over the last 2 months.
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I mean it is if you genuinely believe they want to force a second referendum and aren't just kicking the ball into the long grass whilst paying lip-serivce to the vast majority of their followers who continue to vote for them based on this pledge rather than their overall poor governance.
This very point was pretty much the Alba Party's entire manifesto earlier in the year.

The snp are surely smart enough not to call a referendum until it’s an absolute banker, a second bite at the cherry could be seen as a bit dubious but a third would be unthinkable, f**k this one up and nobody alive today will ever see an independent Scotland.
They do have a lot of noisy numpties demanding one asap to try and appease , which , if they want independence is fuckin mental
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18 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Bit surprised that there's nobody from the P&B Covid gang banging on about schools anymore, which might explain our huge but stabilising numbers, compared to England's likely about to zoom up.

I think no one's banging on about it as case numbers are no longer the defining factor for lockdowns and restrictions. If it was still the case, folk would justifiably still be going apeshit about it.

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37 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

I mean it is if you genuinely believe they want to force a second referendum and aren't just kicking the ball into the long grass whilst paying lip-serivce to the vast majority of their followers who continue to vote for them based on this pledge rather than their overall poor governance.

This very point was pretty much the Alba Party's entire manifesto earlier in the year.

This doesn't make a great deal of sense though - the people who vote for them based on their pledge for a referendum would surely continue to vote for them after a referendum if they lose. The SNP might lose some of those votes if they actually win the referendum, but they would undoubtedly win the first post-independence election anyway.

I'm happy to take them at face value on the referendum stuff - they have been pursuing all their options for it since the Brexit vote, but a combination of the uncertainty over Brexit (ie all the various votes at Westminster) and then the pandemic have delayed it.

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13 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
39 minutes ago, welshbairn said:
tick tock.

Coming over a bit like you want cases to go up.....

What else can those that have defended the SG to the hilt do?

Choking for cases in England to go up to justify their warped view that if England does something that Scotland doesn't it must be wrong.

Whilst it now looks to be over the peak, cases in Scotland rocketed because easing co-incided with schools returning. Something BJ was keen to avoid, but NS appears to have failed to consider when maintaining the care more stance of not easing anything before England.

England had a short wave when they removed restrictions, which was all but over before schools restarted. They might get a wee bounce from schools going back, but the adult part of the wave is done.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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6 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Not even remotely, just surprised that the "it's all about ra skools" mob are staying so quiet.

So you’d be happy that Englands strategy of opening up while the schools were off and also ditching vaccine passport plans was correct then if cases don’t skyrocket like ours did?

That would mean of course that the SG have got both of these things wrong.

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12 minutes ago, Left Back said:

So you’d be happy that Englands strategy of opening up while the schools were off and also ditching vaccine passport plans was correct then if cases don’t skyrocket like ours did?

That would mean of course that the SG have got both of these things wrong.

Was thinking that too, its a bit of a weird flex. Essentially if the English figures dont go up wildly then hes admitting SG fucked it. 

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1 hour ago, craigkillie said:

This doesn't make a great deal of sense though - the people who vote for them based on their pledge for a referendum would surely continue to vote for them after a referendum if they lose. The SNP might lose some of those votes if they actually win the referendum, but they would undoubtedly win the first post-independence election anyway.

I'm happy to take them at face value on the referendum stuff - they have been pursuing all their options for it since the Brexit vote, but a combination of the uncertainty over Brexit (ie all the various votes at Westminster) and then the pandemic have delayed it.

To be fair, I wasn't framing that as my own opinion. Just the alternative view as there is a growing number of folk who do believe that they are just kicking it down the road indefinitely as the SG themselves don't believe it's achievable yet.

Edited by djchapsticks
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9 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Was thinking that too, its a bit of a weird flex. Essentially if the English figures dont go up wildly then he’s desperately throwing out spurious arguments for why it’s Boris’ fault the SG fucked it. 


He will never, ever accept that SG are anything less than perfect and could save the world if given the power.

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12 minutes ago, Frankie S said:

As we all knew, the suggestion that the Tories would introduce vaccine passports for nightclubs, concerts and sporting events in England was just a rouse to incentivise under the younger generation to get vaccinated.

And to the surprise of exactly no-one, Sturgeon and the Scottish government, ably backed by Patrick Harvie and his cronies, who are lodged so far up Sturgeon’s arse you’d need a proctologist to find them, took this at face value, and, confronted with the prospect of being seen to be less cautious than the ‘reckless Tories’, u-turned on their high-minded (and entirely accurate) pronouncements about the essential illiberalism and discriminatory nature of vaccine passports and simply passed the economic burden of incentivising vaccine take-up amongst the young squarely onto the business community, as usual.

Making Scottish businesses carry the can for the failure of government policy is par for the course for this administration. No arbitrary and punitive restrictions on selected business sectors without compensation should be the mantra in a free society, but isn’t in Scotland, as Sturgeon has already characterised nightclubs, the events sector and the live music industry as ‘less essential’ than other sectors of the economy. Presumably the jobs of the hundreds of thousands of (mainly young) people employed by these sectors are ‘less essential’ too.

In other words, ‘furlough is ending, we don’t have any more money, and we’re making you carry the can, so suck it up.’

Vaccine passports are simply another example of the stigmatisation of the young and their leisure pursuits as reckless and irresponsible; another example of a dismally incompetent government scapegoating and disproportionately punishing the younger generation, and the businesses that cater to them and overwhelmingly employ them.

The advent of illiberalism; the casual curtailment of civil liberties; the arbitrary restriction and marginalisation of businesses; the relentless mission creep of the new authoritarianism; the seemingly endless perpetuation and normalisation of ‘emergency’ governmental powers, all emanating largely from the self-styled ‘progressive’ end of the Scottish political spectrum, seems to be the abiding residue of the pandemic. This is the deeply dystopian reality of Scotland’s ‘new normal’.

Funny enough, their core voter base.  If young people can’t see this they deserve what they get.

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16 minutes ago, Frankie S said:

As we all knew, the suggestion that the Tories would introduce vaccine passports for nightclubs, concerts and sporting events in England was just a rouse to incentivise under the younger generation to get vaccinated.

But @Detournement said...


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2 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
10 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:
Could it not be he needs to convince foreign governments / airlines / unions / lovejoys that they are no longer needed?

That's not what they've been leaking though - no PCR tests but we'll still have the charade of LFTs.

If they keep that utter nonsense then it's still not in line with the EU and many people won't want to run the risk of testing positive abroad and being fucked. There's also the total inconvenience of fannying about for shit like that when you're meant to be away enjoying yourself - especially on a three or four day city break. Impractical and pointless. If it remains we'll continue to lag the EU and US.

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