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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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That's my middle wean been pinged as a close contact, so has to go for a test.

If she comes back positive that's me off work (again) to get another test done. That's possibly another three days off while awaiting results. I'm only just back after missing the last eight working days!

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1 hour ago, Left Back said:

There's only 100 nightclubs in Scotland according to the industry body. Apart from proving how daft these measures are it also shows how much the night time economy has changed since the financial crash. Young people have been priced out of socialising. 

Edited by Detournement
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  • 3,598 new cases of COVID-19 reported
  • 49,597 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results
    • 7.8% of these were positive
  • 31 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive
  • 82 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
  • 1,076 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
  • 4,163,235 people have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination and 3,815,907 have received their second dose

See the source image

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3 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Who said the MMR situation was hilarious?

You making things up again Whitey?

Is this an age thing? 🤣

Sorry, Oaky, only trying to help. It was an impression which could have been drawn from your post, although I'm sure you didn't mean it to read ike that. Hence the advice, which was well-meant.

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23 hours ago, scottsdad said:

A colleague of mine is self isolating. He took his son for a PCR test at the weekend. The results came back - his son was positive and he was negative. What's getting him confused/curious is that after taking the test, he drove his son to his ex-wife's house. He was in the car with the germ factory for a while. 

He has taken a LF test yesterday morning (negative) and went for a new PCR test today. He isn't 100% sure of the rules in his case but doesn't want to come and potentially spread it to students. 

Test result came back negative - he's back in the office now.

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Daily Summary for @oaksoft :   Deaths 31 (18 day before),  ICU cases 82 down from 94  (9 new admissions),  In hospital with confirmed Covid  1076 down from 1107 (294 new admissions).  This is the 1st reduction in hospital numbers albeit quite a few moved to the morgue.

Figures for Jags.  1st Vaccines  3,222 to 2,400 ,  2nd vaccines   2,772 to 2,360

Daily Cases Update: 12 days of falls now with  another  drop of over 2% to 475.5. Virtually every council continues to drop.  I think a large 5% fall is on the cards tomorrow.

Total Cases Scotland 7 days 13th September to 19th September  were  26,555 to 25,990 down 2.13%, Positivity was 9.5% now 9.4%.  Cases per 100K were  485.8 now 475.5

Home Nations Daily Cases per 100K update  :  UK Average   297.1 to 297.6 up 0.20%, England  255.6 to 258.0 up 0.94%, Wales 535.2 to 558.5 up 4.35%, Northern Ireland   458.0 to 437.1 down 4.56%

In Europe for travellers (Countries Population over 3 Million) Serbia 557.4 (weekly change up 15%), Croatia 202.0 (weekly change up 30%), Ireland  184.2 (Weekly change -1%), Moldova 180.2 (Weekly up 40%), Romania 169.1 (weekly up 80%), Bulgaria 166.2 (Weekly up 8%), Bosnia 159.0 (weekly up 7%), Greece 156.8 (weekly up 7%),  These are the only countries over 150 cases per 100K.

Scotland  peaks in wave 4 at 817.1 for 1st Sep to 7th Sep, (UK was 392.1), Cases that day were 44,663 and positivity 12.5%

Scotland peaks in Wave 3 at 425.1 for 27th June to 3rd July, (UK was 229.9) . Cases that day were 23,222 and positivity 10.8%

Scotland  peaked in wave 2 at 301.9 for figures 29th Dec to 4th Jan, (UK was 642.1)    Cases that day were 16,496 and test positivity rate was 11.9%  

Council progress in last 24 Hours as follows.

Click cases by neighbourhood to see the spread on the geographical map. 

West Dunbartonshire    746.0 to 753.9  Up a little unfortunately.

North Lanarkshire   653.7 to 644.6  

South Ayrshire   656.3 to 627.8 worst performing council in last 2 weeks hopefully turned down over 4%

Renfrewshire    625.5 to 608.7  

North Ayrshire    595.9 to 589.9 

East Ayrshire  582.2 to 581.4 

Inverclyde   582.7 to 573.6

East Dunbartonshire   578.4 to 560.0

West Lothian  563.1 to 550.0 

East Renfrewshire  585.1 to 545.5 Down near 15% in 2 days.

Fife   538.6 to 536.7 

South Lanarkshire   538.6 to 532.7 

 Midlothian   541.1 to 532.5 

Falkirk    532.5 to 522.5 

Stirling   541.0 to 520.8 

Dundee City   530.8 to 511.4 

Glasgow City   509.6 to 502.5


Aberdeenshire   466.7 to 461.7 

Clackmannanshire   440.6 to 444.5  

Argyll & Bute  434.3 to 431.9 

Aberdeen City  409.1 to 390.7  

Perth & Kinross    383.8 to 375.2  

City Of Edinburgh   378.1 to 361.6 

Dumfries & Galloway  357.4 to 346.6 

East Lothian  339.2 to 327.2   

Scottish  Borders  324.5 to 302.8 

Angus   310.8 to 291.8  

Highlands   293.9 to 289.3 

Moray   197.5 to 204.8

Western Isles    139.6 to 158.5  

Shetland Islands   139.9 to 131.2 

Orkney Islands  111.6 to 89.3  

Edited by superbigal
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5 minutes ago, Detournement said:

There's only 100 nightclubs in Scotland according to the industry body. Apart from proving how daft these measures are it also shows how much the night time economy has changed since the financial crash. Young people have been priced out of socialising. 

Late licensing for pubs must have killed a lot of them off, I'm surprised that many have survived.

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2 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:
  • 3,598 new cases of COVID-19 reported
  • 49,597 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results
    • 7.8% of these were positive
  • 31 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive
  • 82 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
  • 1,076 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
  • 4,163,235 people have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination and 3,815,907 have received their second dose

See the source image

Cases up 728, but had no Grampian data yesterday so we can discount that.

% positive down 3.9%

Deaths up 13

Hospitals down 31

ICU down 12. 

Overall good (I think) - definite signs of a downward trend. 

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My sister caught Covid in June. She was pretty bad with it and floored for days. She is much better now but still has no sense of taste. Otherwise she is fine. 

As it is more than 3 months since she tested positive, she is officially a Long Covid patient. Read some of Deepti's stuff and you'd believe that anyone with Long Covid will end up a disabled for life. 

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17 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Late licensing for pubs must have killed a lot of them off, I'm surprised that many have survived.

Late night bars don't have the capacity of nightclubs. When I was a teenager around the millennium the local cattle markets were mobbed Thursday, Friday and Saturday and there were a few places open the other nights.

In Glasgow the total capacity of places open after 12 can't be more than 25% of the mid 2000s peak with so many large venues closed (or burned down). There are far fewer night bus services as well. 


Edited by Detournement
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2 hours ago, Left Back said:

Kuensberg was trying to give Johnson a hard time on the news last night.  He completely ignored the question and started prattling on about something else to do with his US trip.  She pressed him more than I've ever seen her attempt to press anyone from the government before and he still completely dingied her.

No idea when she suddenly grew a backbone but after years of being soft with them there's no way she can suddenly become a hard-hitting journalist and expect them to actually answer the question she's asking if they don't want to.

Like Angela rayner, Kuenssberg sold any long-term credibility for a short time in the limelight. As ye reap...

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Guest Bob Mahelp
2 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

My sister caught Covid in June. She was pretty bad with it and floored for days. She is much better now but still has no sense of taste. Otherwise she is fine. 

As it is more than 3 months since she tested positive, she is officially a Long Covid patient. Read some of Deepti's stuff and you'd believe that anyone with Long Covid will end up a disabled for life. 

A guy at my work caught covid a year ago. Since that point he hasn't been the same person. He's a highly qualified engineer but now can't concentrate for more than 10 minutes at a time, and is fatigued after walking up the stairs. He's been signed off sick for 3 months now after working part time became too much for him. 

Now, I'm not trying to say that 'long covid' exists as much as some people/experts say. I've no idea how many people out there are still suffering effects of covid and how serious they are.

But undoubtedly, 'long covid' does exist. To say it doesn't, or to dismiss it completely as something insignificant, is just completely wrong. 

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Guest Bob Mahelp
2 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

That’s nonsense.

Did you see the Andrew Neil interview with Johnston? He got done over so much he wouldn’t do another one.

Even the other day, Beth Rigby of Sky gave him a hard time.

The Guardian, Observer, Independent, Mirror, Star all give the Tories a rough ride.

Even the Daily Mail rips in to Johnston on a regular basis.

Dont know what you read?

This is simply ridiculous. 

The right wing press are cheerleaders for the Tory party, because their billionaire owners and the Tories are in hock to each other. 

If England/UK truly had a neutral, critical press, there's no way a serial liar like Johnson would become PM. His incompetence, his unwillingness to tackle detail, his lack of compassion, his lying and his sheer inability to hold power in any position would have been highlighted and examined in detail on a daily basis. 

As it is, he's become adept at avoiding interviews, and as pointed out, if he does do interviews he simply won't directly answer a question. Or, he'll give an answer the interviewer wants to hear and then backtrack 2 days later.....as he has constantly for the last 18 months. 

Compare that with the SNP government...the most scrutinised, questioned and criticised government in history, because of their constitutional stance. 

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46 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

My sister caught Covid in June. She was pretty bad with it and floored for days. She is much better now but still has no sense of taste. Otherwise she is fine. 

As it is more than 3 months since she tested positive, she is officially a Long Covid patient. Read some of Deepti's stuff and you'd believe that anyone with Long Covid will end up a disabled for life. 

I think this no taste thing is useful.

Be safe for instance for her to eat a Bells Steak Pie


Or do you mean no taste in blokes ?

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10 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

This is simply ridiculous. 

The right wing press are cheerleaders for the Tory party, because their billionaire owners and the Tories are in hock to each other. 

If England/UK truly had a neutral, critical press, there's no way a serial liar like Johnson would become PM. His incompetence, his unwillingness to tackle detail, his lack of compassion, his lying and his sheer inability to hold power in any position would have been highlighted and examined in detail on a daily basis. 

As it is, he's become adept at avoiding interviews, and as pointed out, if he does do interviews he simply won't directly answer a question. Or, he'll give an answer the interviewer wants to hear and then backtrack 2 days later.....as he has constantly for the last 18 months. 

Compare that with the SNP government...the most scrutinised, questioned and criticised government in history, because of their constitutional stance. 

Johnston is probably all the things you say but he has been exposed constantly by the press. Even Arcuri was being interviewed yesterday. Strangely, the public still love him.

How many super injunctions do the SNP have?

I don’t know but maybe, as an insider, you could confirm or deny.

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A guy at my work caught covid a year ago. Since that point he hasn't been the same person. He's a highly qualified engineer but now can't concentrate for more than 10 minutes at a time, and is fatigued after walking up the stairs. He's been signed off sick for 3 months now after working part time became too much for him. 
Now, I'm not trying to say that 'long covid' exists as much as some people/experts say. I've no idea how many people out there are still suffering effects of covid and how serious they are.
But undoubtedly, 'long covid' does exist. To say it doesn't, or to dismiss it completely as something insignificant, is just completely wrong. 
Post viral fatigue is not a new thing, it's been something doctors have been aware of for years. My wife's pal had glandular fever years ago, and it took her about 18 months to recover fully after suffering from post viral fatigue.
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33 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

A guy at my work caught covid a year ago. Since that point he hasn't been the same person. He's a highly qualified engineer but now can't concentrate for more than 10 minutes at a time, and is fatigued after walking up the stairs. He's been signed off sick for 3 months now after working part time became too much for him. 

Offt, guys played a blinder. Halved his hours at work for the same pay and all he had to do was pretend he couldn't concentrate and huff and puff when walking up stairs. Bet he's having ching and hooker parties every night, and rightly so. 

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Guest Bob Mahelp
Just now, peasy23 said:
31 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:
A guy at my work caught covid a year ago. Since that point he hasn't been the same person. He's a highly qualified engineer but now can't concentrate for more than 10 minutes at a time, and is fatigued after walking up the stairs. He's been signed off sick for 3 months now after working part time became too much for him. 
Now, I'm not trying to say that 'long covid' exists as much as some people/experts say. I've no idea how many people out there are still suffering effects of covid and how serious they are.
But undoubtedly, 'long covid' does exist. To say it doesn't, or to dismiss it completely as something insignificant, is just completely wrong. 

Post viral fatigue is not a new thing, it's been something doctors have been aware of for years. My wife's pal had glandular fever years ago, and it took her about 18 months to recover fully after suffering from post viral fatigue.


But we we're in a situation (worldwide), where millions of people have contracted this viral disease within a relatively small space of time.  The after effects of covid...yes, post viral fatigue...are still pretty much unknown. 

What is certain though, is that this post viral fatigue/long covid undoubtedly will effect a number of people, some mildly, some seriously. 

To dismiss it completely is wrong. 


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7 minutes ago, peasy23 said:
37 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:
A guy at my work caught covid a year ago. Since that point he hasn't been the same person. He's a highly qualified engineer but now can't concentrate for more than 10 minutes at a time, and is fatigued after walking up the stairs. He's been signed off sick for 3 months now after working part time became too much for him. 
Now, I'm not trying to say that 'long covid' exists as much as some people/experts say. I've no idea how many people out there are still suffering effects of covid and how serious they are.
But undoubtedly, 'long covid' does exist. To say it doesn't, or to dismiss it completely as something insignificant, is just completely wrong. 

Post viral fatigue is not a new thing, it's been something doctors have been aware of for years. My wife's pal had glandular fever years ago, and it took her about 18 months to recover fully after suffering from post viral fatigue.

This. I had glandular fever in my teens. I was off school for ages and it took me a good 12 months to feel "normal" again. I was a fit 15 year old who loved sports etc and I was absolutely fucked after it. Couldn't even walk up the stairs in my house. 

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