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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Since I don't have a passport or driver's license and would like to go to gigs I need to get a paper copy of my vaccine status. On the page for doing this, it tells me this:

Please only request a paper copy of your vaccination record if you are travelling in the next 14 days. The name and address on your vaccination record will match the information on your GP patient record at the time of your first vaccination. If your address on your status is out of date you can still use it for international travel, providing your name and date of birth are correct.

Get, and I cannot state this strongly enough, fucked.

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Since I don't have a passport or driver's license and would like to go to gigs I need to get a paper copy of my vaccine status. On the page for doing this, it tells me this:
Please only request a paper copy of your vaccination record if you are travelling in the next 14 days. The name and address on your vaccination record will match the information on your GP patient record at the time of your first vaccination. If your address on your status is out of date you can still use it for international travel, providing your name and date of birth are correct.
Get, and I cannot state this strongly enough, fucked.

Just request it - they don't check if you are using it for international travel - it arrives 2-3 days later.

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2 hours ago, superbigal said:

Sorry mate no. Just out of the portofino.
Going to dip in my pockets and going to the curry house on site tomorrow. Tremendous.

Good spot by the way.

Ach well. Looking forward to getting back myself and tbh the Indian is far better even if you have to get the wallet out.


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So having admitted that masks make no difference when mixing indoors and showing the stats to prove it conclusively, he then goes on to say that masks should be re-introduced in England.
Quote... Burn-Murdoch




To be clear, we know masks reduce transmission (I really shouldn’t have to say this), and requiring them in crowded indoor spaces is a very low-cost policy. In my view the English government should do it, at least over winter

No idea where your "conclusion" came from, certainly not the article you were quoting !
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Another thread there where the effect of schools going back, especially the secondaries, is sidelined. 10-19 is currently miles ahead in the English infection chart. It might not have shot up immediately like it did in Scotland (which thankfully decreased pretty quickly), but the same trend is happening even if the rise is slower. 

The comments predictably are full of angry maskers and people wanting restrictions on indoor gatherings or big events. Weirdly, preventing the mass indoor gatherings of the largely unvaccinated group currently driving infection does not seem to figure. 

As I've said before, if people not wearing masks bothers you, wear a proper FFP3 one that will actually protect you, not your cloth or disposable my mask protects you effort that you've worn 12 times without washing or disposing because it's in your coat pocket and is convenient. 



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On 15/10/2021 at 22:56, Gaz said:

Anyone else been absolutely floored by this b*****d of a cold / flu that's going around?

I feel genuinely worse than I did when I had the 'Rona.

Had it a couple of weeks ago and it was fucking miserable. Although I was pretty certain it wasn't Covid because some of the things I was coughing up weren't far off being a phlegm coloured bouncy ball. 

I see Boris & his wife broke the Christmas lockdown thing by having their pal stay. I dropped my mum's presents on the back doorstep and stood in the garden on Christmas morning last year. So I'll expect to see this c**t resign go even further ahead in the opinion polls. I fucking hate this island at times. 

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On this cold that is going about, my daughter had it last week. This isn't a super-cold. This is the effects of lockdown/distancing and the rest meaning people have been exposed to far fewer viruses over the last 18 months. The immune system needs regular exposure to viruses like the cold to stay at its peak level of protection. Go a good while without being exposed to a cold virus, and the first one you get will be like this one now. Your immune system takes overly long to fight it, and the symptoms of the immune response (runny nose, headache, temperature, etc) are worse.

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5 minutes ago, well fan for life said:

Had it a couple of weeks ago and it was fucking miserable. Although I was pretty certain it wasn't Covid because some of the things I was coughing up weren't far off being a phlegm coloured bouncy ball. 

I see Boris & his wife broke the Christmas lockdown thing by having their pal stay. I dropped my mum's presents on the back doorstep and stood in the garden on Christmas morning last year. So I'll expect to see this c**t resign go even further ahead in the opinion polls. I fucking hate this island at times. 

Is this a new story?  Got a link?

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6 minutes ago, well fan for life said:

Had it a couple of weeks ago and it was fucking miserable. Although I was pretty certain it wasn't Covid because some of the things I was coughing up weren't far off being a phlegm coloured bouncy ball. 

I see Boris & his wife broke the Christmas lockdown thing by having their pal stay. I dropped my mum's presents on the back doorstep and stood in the garden on Christmas morning last year. So I'll expect to see this c**t resign go even further ahead in the opinion polls. I fucking hate this island at times. 

You'd have been allowed to spend the day with your family subject to the three household/8 people rule. 


Johnson has however broken the rules unless Carrie's pal that stayed was in their support bubble, which seems highly unlikely at best. 

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8 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

You've just quoted his false conclusion. The same false conclusion I said he had made.

Are you on the windup here?

If not, go back and now follow his logical argument which led to that conclusion.

Well the tweet links to a thread with details of "a massive randomised trial" in Bangladesh of community mask wearing. So that's not really true. 



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13 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Honestly, never thought I'd see the day when we would be forced to show our "papers" to take part in society.

It's a bit over the top to label the very restricted list of venues where the rules apply as "society". Most of them have always required ID to prove age too.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

It's a bit over the top to label the very restricted list of venues where the rules apply as "society". Most of them have always required ID to prove age too.

Anyone can see that this "very restricted list" is the beginning of this and not the end. This government would always prefer to add to this list than remove anything from it.

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1 hour ago, TheScarf said:

I'd show my proof of vaccination everywhere if it meant never having to wear a face mask ever again.

Think lots of people would agree with this. 

Personally I’ve not worn one since March apart from going in for an operation and even then it was off pre and post surgery.

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