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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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17 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

There is a covid update today for the first time in donkeys.  I'm going for Bozo, Sir Patrick and Steve Bruce fielding the questions.

Have the Scottish Government briefings stopped?

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39 minutes ago, Aladdin said:

Whilst I agree schools should not be shut, given the pressures clinical staff have been working under, for years, but in particular, since the pandemic began, I think they are entirely entitled to moan.

I'm aware there's a few members of P&B who have clinical roles and I don't think any of them could be accused of not getting on with the job in extremely difficult circumstances.  The fact is, the NHS has been run with no slack for years and it only takes a small adverse event to push it over the edge.

It may take a combination of increasing efficiency, increasing funding and better organisation but the public can play a role by using some fucking common sense in reducing no-show appointments and not turning up at A&E for an ailment that could be sorted by the chemist.

Yes, moan about the shambolic lack of resources - but not continually asking the public not to leave the house. 

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43 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

I was about to post the same thing regarding schools. 

Lockdowns and school closures are very unhealthy for children. That point needs made again and again. Shutting schools might slow the spread of the virus that is largely harmless to this group, but would cause immense harm.

If cases in the wider community that may be harmed is posing a significant public health problem, then the easiest way to solve that problem is to close the fucking infection factories belching it out on a daily basis. We have seen this play out in literally every single wave so far, and it hasn't changed. 

Until we stop putting 'but... the weans!!!111!!!' above the straightforward facts of how a respiratory disease spreads in society, we will never get the priority of effective interventions right. If you need to reduce cases (and that's an open question right now) then school closures are the single most effective thing that you can do to achieve that outcome.

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I don't think any restrictions will be brought back.  I certainly don't think that schools will be closed or that social distancing will be reintroduced.
Really hope you are right and I suspect the govt language will be softly softly, because its pretty evident that there is still a hige number of people that still want to be mollycoddled through this, regardless of tje cost, financial or otherwise.

Thats likely why, (and the fact that politicians never deal in absolutes anyway) no one has just come out and said fucking dry up theres no more lockdowns.
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55 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

It will be masks and passports for England IMO. Just need to hope SNP dont seen that as unacceptable parity and throw something else in just to be further up the caring curve.

Passports for all indoor hospitality and events in Scotland I reckon.

Edited by Abdul_Latif
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2 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

Edited above as it wasn’t clear. I meant SG may go to vaccine status needed for all indoor hospitality and events.

Ah yes. One thing that puzzles me about this thread... If you will afford me something of an understatement here, is that I know Detournement is a bit mental, BUT I genuinely dont get people laughing at his assertion that the use of the passport will be expanded. I think thats as much a no brainer as its possible to imagine in terms of the "Look at us caring" response. 


The SG have made it clear that they are willing to decide unilaterally which leisure activities are important and which are for the scum. The scum will be treated to more of this shite soon enough. Bearing in mind that in the eyes of the SG and their can do no wrong flock, unvaxxed are also scum


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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

It will be masks and passports for England IMO. Just need to hope SNP dont seen that as unacceptable parity and throw something else in just to be further up the caring curve.

Papers are being briefed that it's just a renewed call for the elderly and vulnerable to come forward for their boosters

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22 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:


Given there is no legal requirement to produce photographic ID to enter a football stadium, nightclub or event arena, this effectively cirumvents entirely the domestic aspect of the vaccine passport.

What a (as I predicted) shambles.


Shock, gasp, horror, someone finds a way of circumventing a law !!

Again, agree or disagree with vaccine passports, the fact remains that you are in the wrong if you're trying to find a way around it.

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15 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Someone has reported him to British Transport Police and they've asked for details.

I have to say that if someone did that to one of my daughters I would hunt him down and beat him with his own phone.

And I'm very anti-violence too.

If my daughter actually caught him doing it I would honestly fear for his safety. She would literally rip right into him and tear him to shreds. She doesn't look very big but she's a wild animal when it comes to defending herself against this type of pervert.

😂 Gie's peace. For what? Taking photos in a public place? Might as well ban camera phones full stop then. BTP may pay it lip service and give him some "advice" but he's broken no law. She's clearly an adult and it's not indecent.

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