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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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6 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Vaccinated people are far less (63%) likely to transmit the virus so it still makes a difference  source

Our immune systems don't really care if they learn to battle a disease through catching it "naturally" or via injection. 

If you're referring to immunity via infection to immunity via injection, however, infection-induced and vaccine-induced immunity are last for at least six months (vaccines are more consistent in their protection).

Now, there is an argument, entirely subjective, about rights of the individual and health of others and the rights and wrongs of limiting people's choices based on their own body autonomy. It's not an easy argument and I can disagree with others easily enough but there's nae need to just talk absolute shite. 

The points you are making don't stand up to any scrutiny. In 2020 almost no one caught Covid twice and those who did test positive twice were probably down to false positives. Right now huge numbers of people are testing positive within 6 months of vaccination. 

You link to that study but other studies have found that vaccination makes no difference to transmission.


From the perspective of a person dangerously vulnerable to Covid vaxxed or not makes no difference to the risk of busy public places. 

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14 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

If you choose not to participate in the effort to keep things in check then society in general has a right to protect itself from your selfishness.

How far does this go - do you think the non-vaccinated should be denied medical treatment, for example? 

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10 minutes ago, Detournement said:

You link to that study but other studies have found that vaccination makes no difference to transmission.


That study doesn't say that at all. That states that, within a household, it makes no difference. Obviously. If you are 63% less likely to transmit something then the more time and space you share with someone the further that will reduce until it reaches zero. However we're discussing the likelihood of transmission within shared spaces outside the home. If someone is, for instance, doing a lap of the supermarket to get their bits and bobs there is 63% less chance of anyone they walk by getting infected if they have Covid. If they walk round them again then that would half (not quite but you understand the mathematical idea) and so on. 

Comparing the effectiveness of transmission in public spaces with minimal contact to people we spend 16 hours a day with eating and sleeping together is farcical. 

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27 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Yeah. We used to have one which imprisoned gay people.

Pretty sure Hitler's Germany had one too.

As did Mao's China.

And Stalin's Russia/Soviet Union.

And Pol Pot's Cambodia.

Not sure what your point is here.

I find it disturbing these frequent attempts on the right to trivialise the holocaust by comparing it to infection control measures. Like wearing a mask is equivalent to wearing a yellow star. If you don't see my point you didn't read the post I was replying to.



Edited by welshbairn
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4 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Nah. I read it. It's not been peer reviewed yet but the team who published it (Center for Infectious Disease Control, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Netherlands) are pretty legit. It's not like there aren't plenty other studies that say the same thing.

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28 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Comparing the effectiveness of transmission in public spaces with minimal contact to people we spend 16 hours a day with eating and sleeping together is farcical. 


2 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Nah. I read it. It's not been peer reviewed yet but the team who published it (Center for Infectious Disease Control, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Netherlands) are pretty legit. It's not like there aren't plenty other studies that say the same thing.

Did you really read it? "Household contacts".


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The natural conclusion for fans of this policy is that are now happy for the government to mandate medication under pain of exclusion from society. If you don't disagree with the principle itslef, its going to pretty fucking difficult to close the door based on your perception of other medicines or treatments that may come along later. 

You are endorsing the govt being able to effectively place you under house arrest and prevent you from working based on the fact that you want the right to choose what goes into your body, and they want to decide for you. Thats the principle at stake here and personally, I think we ought to be very fucking hesitant. I am basing this on the inherent untrustworthiness of politicians and the people who help to drive their decisions. 

In short, this is very, painfully obviously a dangerous pandora's box type scenario. 

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

What's clear from case rates in the UK since vaccination began is that even with 100% coverage nothing would fundamentally change other than a small reduction in hospital, ICU, death figures. 

That's why they don't give targets or end dates. 

What is your definition of a small reduction?

According to the ONS, the vaccines reduce hospitalisations and deaths by over 90%. 


I'm all for hearing other sides of arguments but this anti-vax stuff you're putting out here is wearing a bit thin.  The vaccines work, and work well. Worldwide, millions of people are alive today thanks to the vaccines that would otherwise be dead. Tens (if not hundreds) of millions more have avoided hospital and illness. 

Scratching around for data to minimise the effectiveness of this or even - as you did yesterday - suggest a link between vaccination and excess deaths is just harmful. As we're seeing in the news there are many people out there not taking the vaccine, even losing their jobs, because social media is full the kind of stuff you've been spouting here.

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They don't reduce by 90% they offer 90% protection. Two very different things which I would have thought an educator would have picked up. 

The document you linked to shows that the rate of infection is now higher amongst vaccinated than unvaccinated. 

The rate of hospitlisation is higher in the unvaccinated but that will always be the case. If we had full vaccine coverage there would still be people who can't be vaccinated for health reasons being hospitalised with Covid. 



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4 hours ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

This would be a good argument if people weren't rationally adapting to the changing degree of personal risk. This is why disabled people are still dying in horrifying rates. So if we expect people to go about their daily lives as best they can knowing they are more at risk or death or illness then those who seek to endanger them further through wilful ignorance can stay the f**k at home and lessen that risk. 

That has been the reality for clinically vulnerable people every flu season: we don't mandate flu vaccines for the entire population; indeed they are not even made free for low-vulnerability groups. Because we apply a rational calculation of costs and benefits on a society-wide basis. 

The idea that we are just not doing enough to help disabled people after shutting down the country and setting our economy on fire for a virus that had a ~0% death rate among the healthy to begin with and after shovelling huge amounts of resources on three vaccination rollouts and counting is just unsustainable. There is absolutely zero evidence that a vaccine mandate will confer any greater protection anyway.

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The absolute, fucking brass neck of this:



Macaskill, chief executive of Scottish Care, said given the “undeniable” relationship between transmission in the community and what happens in the care sector, he “personally would be in favour of the extension of the use of vaccination passports”.

However he stressed efforts should also be made to step-up existing measures, such as mask wearing.

Speaking about the possible extension of the vaccine passport scheme, he told the committee: “I think we’ve got to be careful that we don’t see that somehow as a panacea to address the rising number of cases.

“I live in Ayrshire, I wander around and I see increasing evidence of people being very lax in wearing masks. While Scotland thankfully has a policy which is about encouraging mask wearing in public spaces, I think we need to look at toughening the stance on that and removing the abuses of that very, very important protective measure.”



Stick to getting your story straight when it comes to the public inquiry on why thousands died in your own fucking sector, rather than braying about the general public not wearing face coverings. 

Macaskills seem to genetically programmed to make total clowns of themselves in public office. 

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29 minutes ago, virginton said:

That has been the reality for clinically vulnerable people every flu season: we don't mandate flu vaccines for the entire population; indeed they are not even made free for low-vulnerability groups. Because we apply a rational calculation of costs and benefits on a society-wide basis. 

The idea that we are just not doing enough to help disabled people after shutting down the country and setting our economy on fire for a virus that had a ~0% death rate among the healthy to begin with and after shovelling huge amounts of resources on three vaccination rollouts and counting is just unsustainable. There is absolutely zero evidence that a vaccine mandate will confer any greater protection anyway.

The vaccine roll out cost f**k all compared to the testing regime that I've never understood the logic for, and all the PPE side deals for friends of the Tories. The thing that's seriously wrong is thinking the vaccine job is done for a global pandemic, while most of the world hasn't seen one, far less a booster.

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