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When I got my first Astra Zeneca jab, felt nothing, zero. Wondered what the fuss was about with folk saying they were knocked for six. After my second Astra Zeneca jab, felt like Billy Abercromby had booted me black and blue down the entire side of my body the jag had been administered to. Yesterday, got the Pfizer booster in my left arm, flu jab in my right. After a dreadful night’s sleep, once more, feel like I’ve been hit with blunt instruments down my left side. It’ll pass after thirty six hours or so, but it’s puzzling me as to why I felt absolutely fine after jab 1, but subsequently, feel like shite.

Over to P&B’s medical experts (moonhowlers and simps welcome to contribute too).

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11 hours ago, GTee said:

For a democratic country, promoting equal rights, protection of the vulnerable etc etc. Vaccine passports need to get in the sea. Indefensible really. 👎

Yet there hasn't been the slightest mewling from groups like Amnesty about what is happening and how. Useless clowns admittedly, but the silence speaks volumes. Passive enablers who deem what has happened these past two years are acceptable 'for the greater good' won't be looked back on positively.


1 hour ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Bud, every single time you post you sound like an unhinged lunatic. You're making a fool out of yourself, and I can pretty much guarantee that a handful of nutcase moonhowlers aside, you're being laughed at by everyone on here. 

Now, why don't you try answering my question ? Are you so blinded by your belief that you, and only you, can be correct, that you actually believe that everyone who disagrees with you does so because of political affilitation ?

Your hangover must be stinking.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
11 minutes ago, Elixir said:



Your hangover must be stinking.

Is that the best you've got ? Lol. 

You haven't even got the balls to back up your rabid, lunatic pish by answering a simple question. 


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5 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Is that the best you've got ? Lol. 

You haven't even got the balls to back up your rabid, lunatic pish by answering a simple question. 

There's no need to be upset.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
3 hours ago, Elixir said:

There's no need to be upset.

So still no answer then ? 

A typical, internet ranting coward. Hiding behind sniggers. Back up your insults and allegations, son. 

If you can. 

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Politicians trying to manage an invisible airborne virus seems to have been a bit rubbish. But they just seem to persist with the pretence they know best.  Clearly the spread is in schools and to the parents etc Zero acknowledgement of this is poor. Just let folk decide now. 👍

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On 19/11/2021 at 23:46, Elixir said:

Yes, Europe absolutely fucked it by delaying their exit wave and opening up until winter. The UK by contrast, particularly in England, have had six months of Delta spread (four post no restrictions) combined with high vaccination rates (and more effective dosing schedule), meaning much higher levels of immunity in the population than anywhere on the continent. We are in a far better place.

I really despise the guy on everything else but Johnson's decision to open up earlier in the summer was a masterstroke, by a mile his biggest success as PM that he doesn't get enough credit for. Left to their own devices I have no doubt the SG would be introducing even more restrictions that they can't or won't pay for. 

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59 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

Left to their own devices I have no doubt the SG would be introducing even more restrictions that they can't or won't pay for. 

Irrespective of the rights and wrongs of the Scottish Governments approach, and I would say they have got much more wrong than right on this topic, you can’t really criticise them for having to work within the confines of the political system they are part of. You lot shat it in 2014 and the result is that they can’t really do anything too different from London because London controls the purse strings.

As for it being a masterstroke, I’m more inclined to believe it’s the old “broken clock being right twice a day” thing kicking in.

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21 minutes ago, Ross. said:

As for it being a masterstroke, I’m more inclined to believe it’s the old “broken clock being right twice a day” thing kicking in.

I guess the clock that the SG have must be missing a hand or something then as they don't appear to be able to get it right.

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51 minutes ago, Ross. said:

Irrespective of the rights and wrongs of the Scottish Governments approach, and I would say they have got much more wrong than right on this topic, you can’t really criticise them for having to work within the confines of the political system they are part of. You lot shat it in 2014 and the result is that they can’t really do anything too different from London because London controls the purse strings.

As for it being a masterstroke, I’m more inclined to believe it’s the old “broken clock being right twice a day” thing kicking in.

ireland have kept more or less our level 1 restrictions for the whole of this winter, we would have absolutely done the same if we had the power and purse to do so

ireland don't have to appear to care more than westminster, they also have to pay for everything themselves, how do you explain that decision?

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The truth is that the UK and Scottish governments have moved pretty much in lockstep through the whole pandemic, with some relatively trivial restrictions kept in place slightly longer here and some slightly different messaging in place. Who remembers the controversy about the ‘stay alert’ messaging last year, which had our own FM taking to Twitter to decry only to then rely on the utterly baffling “Remember FACTS” for months afterwards.

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46 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

The truth is that the UK and Scottish governments have moved pretty much in lockstep through the whole pandemic, with some relatively trivial restrictions kept in place slightly longer here and some slightly different messaging in place. Who remembers the controversy about the ‘stay alert’ messaging last year, which had our own FM taking to Twitter to decry only to then rely on the utterly baffling “Remember FACTS” for months afterwards.

I'm not sure vaccine passports (including the constant desire to extend their use) and facemasks for an indefinite period are "trivial"

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2 hours ago, Ross. said:

Irrespective of the rights and wrongs of the Scottish Governments approach, and I would say they have got much more wrong than right on this topic, you can’t really criticise them for having to work within the confines of the political system they are part of. You lot shat it in 2014 and the result is that they can’t really do anything too different from London because London controls the purse strings.

As for it being a masterstroke, I’m more inclined to believe it’s the old “broken clock being right twice a day” thing kicking in.

We have one example of the SG introducing a restriction not in place in the UK - vaccine passports. They aren't paying lost revenue of businesses affected by the introduction of them. Their response, in fact, has been to introduce them for even more sectors (pubs and restaurants) with a loss of income guaranteed.

All the evidence suggests that this flavour of SG would not be performing any better than Westminster - I strongly suspect we would be experiencing a European style 'fifth wave' if full control was in their hands.


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