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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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There are currently less than 500 unvaccinated hospital admissions a week of people u60 who have tested positive in the previous 28 days in the whole of the UK. And the 500 a week covers people admitted for other reasons and people who are unvaccinated due to medical advice.

It's not feasible that these admissions are filling up ICU. We don't have the ICU stats as the government stopped publishing them.

Edited by Detournement
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1 hour ago, Michael W said:

I oppose vaccine passports on two grounds: 

1) They are discriminatory and increased use of them excludes people from society. 

2) No evidence they work. Germany was held up as a model in this area and look what happened. If the measure cannot be proven to achieve its objectives, it should not be in place. 

I am pro-vaccination and was vaccinated as soon as I was able to get my vaccination. However  the exclusion of people from parts of society as a result of not being vaccinated isn't acceptable to me. I disagree with their choice but fundamentally they should not be forced to become vaccinated, particularly not against a backdrop of State-sponsored societal exclusion for failing to do so. 

I'm also increasingly worried about the divisions this is causing, which is starting to feel a bit dehumanising. In essence, some vaccinated people deriding the unvaccinated as nothing other than disease carriers and demanding they be "protected" from encountering them. We have highly successful vaccines that do that - the demands to have the unvaccinated barred from certain settings are a weird form of entitled behaviour that I can't comprehend. Some politicians in Europe are also scapegoating the unvaccinated for lockdown measures and whilst I accept the comments have some merit, the mannerisms of it are starting to feel very much divide/rule and it's not good for society. It's breeding hatred. 

This isn't the 'my mask protects you' stuff again; the primary purpose of the vaccine is that it protects the recipient. The societal benefit is the secondary benefit as there should be less of it going around. It is also apparent that we are all going to get the virus eventually, vaccinated or not. 

People should be encouraged to get vaccinated, but should not be forced to, which is ultimately where this is going. 


Interestingly, a year ago I made a post on this thread that I was against vaccine passports, but I was not an anti vaxxer, I simply stated it didn't sit well with me that a society would exclude those who chose to refuse medical treatment. I was given 13 red dots for it. 

c***s that you all are

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As i pointed out earlier in the thread this guy is talking utter shite.
As pointed put by you that you think he is talking shite. Hardly a ringing endorsement.

You should actually try and read around this subject because you consistently display a lack of understanding.

ICNARC reports do establish ICU admissions by vaccination status.

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10 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Interestingly, a year ago I made a post on this thread that I was against vaccine passports, but I was not an anti vaxxer, I simply stated it didn't sit well with me that a society would exclude those who chose to refuse medical treatment. I was given 13 red dots for it. 

c***s that you all are


On 02/12/2020 at 12:24, effeffsee_the2nd said:

I’m glad I’m not the only one, i am not anti vax, if i get this vaccines and I’m at the fitbaw and someone sitting next to me has not then they are no danger to me. You have the right to refuse medical treatment for whatever reason you want and there should be no social exclusion for exercising that right. If you want to live like that. Go live in china


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3 minutes ago, beardy said:

As pointed put by you that you think he is talking shite. Hardly a ringing endorsement.

You should actually try and read around this subject because you consistently display a lack of understanding.

ICNARC reports do establish ICU admissions by vaccination status.


I can't see any stats beyond 31st of July.

You'll need to provide a link,

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Don’t really understand why people are bothered about vaccine passports. Just get vaccinated and get the vaccine passport.
At the moment the only drop-in centre for NHS Highland is in Fort William. A 3 hour drive if you live in Dunoon. About a 4 hour drive if you're in Thurso. Public transport is pretty unrealistic. How exactly does one simply "just get vaccinated"?
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3 minutes ago, WeAreElgin said:
3 hours ago, Thorongil said:
Don’t really understand why people are bothered about vaccine passports. Just get vaccinated and get the vaccine passport.

At the moment the only drop-in centre for NHS Highland is in Fort William. A 3 hour drive if you live in Dunoon. About a 4 hour drive if you're in Thurso. Public transport is pretty unrealistic. How exactly does one simply "just get vaccinated"?

I just phoned my GP as requested. Varies from practice to practice though.

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Anti vaxxers are a tiny fringe group of moonhowlers though. If they want to exclude themselves from society that’s their right. 
You are aware that there are people that are not "Anti-Vax" but have refused this particular vaccine. I know several people that worked on the AstraZeneca vaccine that haven't been vaccinated due to how it was handled in their particular workplace, these people have been vaccinated previously for other diseases and even take the flu jab.

I'm fully vaccinated and believe its everyone's personal choice, surely even by warped standards an unvaccinated person is more a risk to themselves than anyone else?
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Met up a couple of days ago with someone who told me there were six kids in his daughter’s class who tested positive for Covid. (Class is ten year olds). In her girl guides group, this week, four girls positive for Covid. His eight year old son has a few pals in the school football team who tested positive and got Covid. He told me that in talking to other parents, in the grapevine, it is the tip of the iceberg in regard to Covid cases in schools, kids, football teams, and associated clubs etc, where youngsters mix and rub shoulders.

Are the Scottish Government going to introduce kiddie vaccine passports, and have teachers check kids for their validity at the school gates? Seems to me this is a big problem area for case numbers.

Specky baldy twat says ‘We may need to shut schools to save Christmas’…. 

Edited by pozbaird
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Met up a couple of days ago with someone who told me there were six kids in his daughter’s class who tested positive for Covid. (Class is ten year olds). In her girl guides group, this week, four girls positive for Covid. His eight year old son has a few pals in the school football team who tested positive and got Covid. He told me that in talking to other parents, in the grapevine, it is the tip of the iceberg in regard to Covid cases in schools, kids, football teams, and associated clubs etc, where youngsters mix and rub shoulders.
Are the Scottish Government going to introduce kiddie vaccine passports, and have teachers check kids for their validity at the school gates? Seems to me this is a big problem area for case numbers.

The SG will do what we fully expect them to do, further restrictions on sectors that are barely contributing to case numbers whilst completely ignoring the covid factories that are schools.
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1 minute ago, Empty It said:

 whilst completely ignoring the covid factories that are schools.


I have a certain amount of sympathy for the position the government are in here as regards schools.

Children absolutely should be schooled in person, but that the JCVI have not approved the vaccine for their age group, which would address the rate of infection, is something completely out of the governments control.

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I have a certain amount of sympathy for the position the government are in here as regards schools.
Children absolutely should be schooled in person, but that the JCVI have not approved the vaccine for their age group, which would address the rate of infection, is something completely out of the governments control.
I don't understand their stance on further restricting adults because children are passing it about like wildfire.
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