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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 minute ago, djchapsticks said:

It's literally the only think they have in their locker. I sort of went down a twitter hole the other day on that Jason Leitch tweet and it more or less always came back to 'Tories are evil' and 'MSM is the greatest obstacle to Scottish independence'.

They are now approaching a stage where they've shown themselves up in a time of real crisis and can't continue to hang their hat on how awful the Tories are and float by on being slightly less unpalatable. They'll of course always have supporters who tow the party line and regardless of behaviour, support it.

The opening paragraph from MacKay is very interesting. It's like the question I've asked @Granny Danger twice since yesterday and twice he's not bothered even trying to reply to, which is telling in it's own. If the Tories were behaving the way the SNP have throughout this, would you be supportive or screaming blue murder? Perhaps he won't answer as the truth of how he'd be reacting in the circumstances makes him a bit uncomfortable.

Long since stopped being about the pandemic and anyone who still suffers from the effects of the virus now. Which is sad really, because whilst no one wants to see deaths of any sort, using them as a political pawn is pretty abhorrent. The actual, covid 19 virus is now just the no mans land across which they tirelessly scream but the reality of it is we are now learning that you dont even need to label the no mans land. If you went to these roasters and said theres a political issue here in the middle. The SNP are lined up over there, with the Tories opposite (and BTW Tories are as bad) but i'm not telling you what the debate is over yet, yer Dangers etc would be out with the trench digging tools before you finished speaking. 

The fact that this phenomenon extends to shutting down businesses then backing your stance up by telling the people affected that these pursuits are not required for a wholseome life anyway is depressing as f**k way to end the pandemic

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8 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

Dredging up thick, homophobic arseholes like him just because he supports your viewpoint isn't particularly helpful.

I wouldn't quite say we're at fascism levels just yet, bud. Don't think such a post is going to mean much to anyone. Not at all really. The SNP certainly won't like a public figure and world champion who flies the saltire sticking the boot in, however.

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1 hour ago, Lofarl said:

Does anyone know if anyone getting covid after their booster?  I’ve only known a few people getting it after double vaccination and a few before vaccinations were available.

I did.  I’m on day 4.  Day 2 was pretty horrendous, but all being all, it’s no worse than a bad cold.  Almost everyone I know who has got it, has contracted Omicron after their booster, but that because most of my friends are of a similar age group.

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1 hour ago, Turkmenbashi said:

I have had my booster and I currently have it. Very mild symptoms, but still. Also the friend who gave me it, I think also had his booster. 

Some "friend" he is...

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6 minutes ago, WeAreElgin said:

Josh Taylor and Neil Mackay being fanboyed in this thread. A new low

The SNP are more than happy to fanboy Taylor when he's winning world titles and flying the saltire.

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10 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Good and fair article.

One passage stands out in particular:-

"Her social media claims are amplified thousands of times by her followers, may of whom echo the worst of the Donald Trump base"

That is a peach of a sentence right there.

There is an element of trumpism creeping in, but theres also an element in the extreme edges of the other side. Its just an awful time in politics.

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1 hour ago, anotherchance said:

There are unfortunately people who’ll take one look at the headline and decide they don’t like it, but I’d love to see an SNP bootlicker try and take that article apart using facts and logic, without shit flinging or whataboutery.


7 minutes ago, WeAreElgin said:

Josh Taylor and Neil Mackay being fanboyed in this thread. A new low

Wow! it took just over an hour 

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Just now, WeAreElgin said:

Sure, I like a bit of confirmation bias as much as the next person.

Someone that gets punched in the head for a living talking about "fascist states" is unironically hilarious

I said nothing about the boxer, but please, by all means, point out what was incorrect with the newspaper article?

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I followed it reasonably well until it dropped in "mainstream media" like this is the USA or something. It reads like a tearstained rant. If Scotgov truly hated the "mainstream media" as much as wee Neil claims then it's surprising that so much time has been committed to press coverage.

Also Neil Mackay is an even bigger roaster than Sturgeon so that somewhat sways the general feeling of the article. Hope this helps!

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1 hour ago, Lofarl said:

Does anyone know if anyone getting covid after their booster?  I’ve only known a few people getting it after double vaccination and a few before vaccinations were available.

Yes, myself. Booster on the 20th, positive test on the 24th. 

Almost certainly had it and didn't know when I got the booster. Mrs W (also tested positive) was very ill after her booster, spent the entire night being sick and most the next day in bed recovering. She took a LFT a couple days later as she still didn't feel 100% yet and it was positive. I then took one and unsurprisingly got the same result, confirmed with a PCR. 

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1 hour ago, WATTOO said:

Without getting involved in the politics, the bottom line is that if England have virtually no restrictions but have an equal or even lower rate than ourselves and Wales who both have pretty draconian restrictions so far as hospitality and sports are concerned, then right away there is no longer ANY sort of rationale to continue with restrictions, which are at best completely pointless and at worse doing huge damage to the economy, peoples mental health and indeed could in fact be creating additional cases due to people's decision making of meeting up in private homes indoors together, as opposed to going to a well ventilated commercial property or indeed an outdoor sports stadia !!!

It's all pretty simple and surely time our so called "journalists" asked about "following the science" in light of the current case numbers both North and South of the border !!!!

It highlights perfectly the absolute futility of cherrypicking a few things you deem "unnecessary" and slapping arbitrary restrictions on them to try and "control the virus"

Short of a full on, March 2020 style lockdown, you clearly can't control an airborne virus as people (save a few specific places where most wouldn't be going anyway) are essentially free to mix as they please.

Utter nonsense that has been obvious to (and highlighted by) anyone with a brain for a long time.

The problem isn't "the science" itself - it's that those digesting and advising on it, and, subsequently those in charge of putting restrictions in place, are so arrogant about the fact they are able to control the spread of a virus like they can the brightness of a light with a dimmer switch, that they point blank refuse to acknowledge they have gotten a lot of their pandemic response massively wrong.

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19 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

It highlights perfectly the absolute futility of cherrypicking a few things you deem "unnecessary" and slapping arbitrary restrictions on them to try and "control the virus"

Short of a full on, March 2020 style lockdown, you clearly can't control an airborne virus as people (save a few specific places where most wouldn't be going anyway) are essentially free to mix as they please.

Utter nonsense that has been obvious to (and highlighted by) anyone with a brain for a long time.

The problem isn't "the science" itself - it's that those digesting and advising on it, and, subsequently those in charge of putting restrictions in place, are so arrogant about the fact they are able to control the spread of a virus like they can the brightness of a light with a dimmer switch, that they point blank refuse to acknowledge they have gotten a lot of their pandemic response massively wrong.

100% agreement.

If government's want to restrict the virus, it should basically be all (ie lockdown March 2020) or nothing. You simply can't *control* an airborne virus.

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33 minutes ago, Steven W said:

100% agreement.

If government's want to restrict the virus, it should basically be all (ie lockdown March 2020) or nothing. You simply can't *control* an airborne virus.

It's all for show to appease the bottle merchants that our society now seems to be overflowing with and unfortunately the fiba and the dancin are the scapegoats in all of this.

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