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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Just now, Monkey Tennis said:

That's not really the case you know.

Your prediction is a bit daft in truth.  Obviously, Sturgeon could in theory cease to be FM at any point by various means.  However, she'll probably remain in place for a while yet.  Face masks won't remain compulsory for much longer.



I would say yours is both daft and extremely naive. 

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:


To them (and there's plenty of them on this forum), I'd reiterate the following.
There is no moral issue here. Everyone is selfish. It's just that those people have deluded themselves into genuinely believing that their selfishness is somehow OK but that everyone else's selfishness is utterly deplorable. I can't begin to imagine what sort of upbringing allows people to be this deluded. I can only imagine what it must be like to live with, socialise with or work with this type of person. They must be completely insufferable.

Who are these utterly dreadful sounding types, subjected to unfathomable upbringings, of whom there are plenty on this very forum?

We must be told.

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3 hours ago, Michael W said:

Sadly, this never went away and I imagine it won't for a while. 

I'd expect it to once more places in Europe and the US bin it off. The Scandinavians did for a couple of months in late summer/early autumn. In English airports at present I imagine it won't be an issue until you're boarding.

Also, let's not forget it's okay to lower your mask to eat and drink on flights. Hilarious.


1 hour ago, Jan Vojáček said:

This has probably been debated a million times. But if it's safe enough to go into school for classes, why wouldn't it be safe to go into exam halls which are basically socially distanced anyway?

"Aggressive new variant" made me chuckle too. Good wording.

State of the c**t.

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10 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

Probably more accurate to say their period since vaccinations were largely delivered has been successful.

You are right to say the early part of the year was disastrous but that’s probably down to failings in late November when delta arrived. 

Would it not be rather strange to say "England had a pretty good 2021 in terms of COVID" by way of contrast with Scotland anyway?  (I know you didn't say it by the way)

In terms of deaths, neither did great.  In terms of restrictions, they spent much of the year following pretty similar paths.  It was only really at the very end of 2021 that we saw significant divergence.

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1 minute ago, Monkey Tennis said:

 In terms of restrictions, they spent much of the year following pretty similar paths.  It was only really at the very end of 2021 that we saw significant divergence.

This is simply untrue. 

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19 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

You're doing that extrapolating thing again...

Out of interest, as you appear to be of the opinion there is absolutely no place for zero hour contracts, what robust employment contract do you think would be appropriate for the role of vaccine passport checker at Celtic Park?

I wonder if @Monkey Tennis will actually answer this?

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6 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I wonder if @Monkey Tennis will actually answer this?

Hadn't seen it until now.

It's difficult to see why such roles would have been touted as lasting 12 months in the first place.  What I'm not enthusiastic about is the gleeful reaction to the news that employers can ditch people at the drop of a hat.

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1 minute ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Hadn't seen it until now.

It's difficult to see why such roles would have been touted as lasting 12 months in the first place.  What I'm not enthusiastic about is the gleeful reaction to the news that employers can ditch people at the drop of a hat.

Did that happen? I think you've made that up.

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We were so close to the perfect "pivot in the face of public opinion" from Darling Devi.

"In the UK the prime minister announced today that restrictions including masking requirements will be removed from next week, and self-isolation requirements will be reviewed in March. I think this is largely reasonable – all governments face the question of how to approach this new landscape."


"What does all this mean in terms of living with Covid-19? We still need to test. We still need to vaccinate and combat misinformation. We need to encourage people to wear medical-grade masks such as N95s in crowded and indoor settings. Employers need to recognise and support employees who have been identified as in a shielding group. We also need to review isolation and other policies so they remain safe, but are less disruptive to the functioning of society."

Of course the Scottish Government's fetish for masks is fairly obvious, but I'm concerned that, as Devi has her ear, that we will move to a "masks are guidance" situation in the next few months meaning the weird moral high ground will still be taken by some folk and some businesses. 


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Just now, Monkey Tennis said:

Genuine question:

What were the big differences?

- Restrictions on gatherings until August 9th

- Social distancing requirements in public spaces until August 9th. Both reintroduced after four months.

- Physical distancing still required in educational settings

- Mask mandates

- Vaccine passports for large events

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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

Definitely made up. MT is certainly the latest to jump the shark on here.

One strawman after another. Relentless.

As I alluded to last night he has previous for extrapolating a ridiculous point from a reply and going off on one.

Very odd behaviour.

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Her article is all over the place.
First off she wrongly claims there are just 3 camps of people, describing two as lunatic fringe groups and saying she belongs to the middle one  - a group occupied by voices of reason such as herself.
Having safely perched herself on the moral high ground using that false categorisation of people's opinions to covid restrictions, she then goes on to say pretty much nothing. First off all she thinks removing masks down South is "largely reasonable" before then doing a u-turn and saying we don't just need to keep masks but now we need N95 grade masks. Within a few sentences, she's back talking about how we need to get back to hugging again. Good luck to anyone trying to gauge what she really believes in.
Devi is a deluded fraud who senses the tide is turning and is trying to turn with it to retain the position of influence she has carefully crafted for herself. She has no real principles beyond that but has the ear of Sturgeon. That's what makes this type of person inherently dangerous. She should be removed from her position and denied further research funding from the public purse for being complicit in the destruction  of the credibility of the scientific profession and the many brilliant real scientists who make a genuine difference in the world. And she's not the only one who should suffer that fate.

This is over lads
Masks aff HWFG
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21 minutes ago, virginton said:

- Restrictions on gatherings until August 9th

- Social distancing requirements in public spaces until August 9th. Both reintroduced after four months.

- Physical distancing still required in educational settings

- Mask mandates

- Vaccine passports for large events

Yes, all pretty minor and cosmetic.

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