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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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10 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

Folk are flaunting "the rules" because our government went for a pishy half arsed lockdown that's all advice and let people do too much. It's been too woolly and we will be stuck with some form of lockdown longer than needed because they've been ambiguous and dithered over every decision.

I reckon other countries will start to open up over the next week or so, UK public will start to flout the distancing rules even more, right wing tabloids will start to advocate lifting restrictions and we'll get something daft like barbers and clothes shops opening to placate the population rather than anything based on scientific guidance.

All of this is going to cause a massive 2nd wave spike, higher than just about anywhere else, because we half arsed the lockdown, prepared f**k all for coming out the othe side, and now people are so itching to do it (and seeing other countries relax - failing to understand that they are relaxing because they had proper lockdown and have prepared for re-opening) the govt are going to have to acquiesce with no preparations in place. The couldnae gie a f**k attitude will continue and we'll be locked down again by the end of the summer and wondering why Germany, Scandinavia etc are all engaging in modified but semi-normal society and Boris will still be in fucking good spirits. 

How anyone at all can think this has been handled well, by the govt or by the public, is utterly baffling. What a fucking shit show. 

Edited by madwullie
More to say also fixing parenthesis
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I don't think they'd have the stones to go for a full scale lockdown again if there's a spike in deaths here and not elsewhere. 

Edit: I say "full scale lockdown", I mean a repeat of what we have just now where it's been like a bank holiday where the pubs are shut.

Edited by Marshmallo
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I’ve definitely noticed an increase in people out and about in Edinburgh. I was dropping some stuff off to friends who are having to isolate and they stay by the canal - it was absolutely heaving and the path is so narrow there is no way anyone would be socially distancing without going for a swim...



The longer it goes on, however, the more likely people will start to flaunt it for whatever reason. The only options then are to either make concessions and open some things or get all heavy handed with it. The latter is far too authoritarian and will likely be painted in the media as some sort of police state which ends up being rejected by people en mass.


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1 minute ago, super_carson said:

I’ve definitely noticed an increase in people out and about in Edinburgh. I was dropping some stuff off to friends who are having to isolate and they stay by the canal - it was absolutely heaving and the path is so narrow there is no way anyone would be socially distancing without going for a swim...

Yup. We are lucky that we are allowed to drive a short distance for exercise and have definitely noticed everywhere getting busier over the past few days. The nice weather not helping.

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3 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

I don't think they'd have the stones to go for a full scale lockdown again if there's a spike in deaths here and not elsewhere. 

Well in that case I hope they get properly held to account by the snivelling sycophants in the press, because its been nothing short of a disgrace up till now. Maybe, just maybe, in the early days I could understand shouts of "its not time for politicking" but now, now there's tens of thousands of dead, vastly more than many comparable (and even fucking tin-pot) countries and you can't tell me that isn't directly attributable to the actions (inactions) of the government in the early few weeks. 

Edited by madwullie
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I also firmly believe there are a large number of people who will defy what the government are telling them to do simply because it's the SNP who are in government.

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Just now, madwullie said:

Well in that case I hope they get properly held to account by the snivelling sycophants in the press, because its been nothing short of a disgrace up till now. Maybe, just maybe, in the early days I could understand shouts of "its not time for politicking" but there's tens of thousands of dead, vastly more than many comparable (and fucking tin-pot) countries and you can't tell me that isn't directly attributable to the actions (inactions) of the government in the early few weeks. 

The only folk who are saying "LEAVE THE POLITICS OUT OF THIS" are the folk that enabled this shitshow by voting in this government.

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The only folk who are saying "LEAVE THE POLITICS OUT OF THIS" are the folk that enabled this shitshow by voting in this government.

You talking about the SNP government...?
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4 minutes ago, super_carson said:

I’ve definitely noticed an increase in people out and about in Edinburgh. I was dropping some stuff off to friends who are having to isolate and they stay by the canal - it was absolutely heaving and the path is so narrow there is no way anyone would be socially distancing without going for a swim...



The longer it goes on, however, the more likely people will start to flaunt it for whatever reason. The only options then are to either make concessions and open some things or get all heavy handed with it. The latter is far too authoritarian and will likely be painted in the media as some sort of police state which ends up being rejected by people en mass.


Yep, essentially we're fucked

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2 minutes ago, Gaz said:

I also firmly believe there are a large number of people who will defy what the government are telling them to do simply because it's the SNP who are in government.

What school would they have went to, probably?

And would they support a particular football team?

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1 minute ago, invergowrie arab said:

Temple of Doom is the best by some distance, then the last crusade.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is absolute dogshit and only marginally better than Crystal Skull


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3 minutes ago, Lex said:

You talking about the SNP government...?


Most of the folk I've seen online pleading with folk to leave politics out of things are Tories.

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5 minutes ago, Gaz said:

The only folk who are saying "LEAVE THE POLITICS OUT OF THIS" are the folk that enabled this shitshow by voting in this government.

Nah it's also the wet wipes who are crying about folk not seeing the positives and/or banging pans together like roasters.

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13 minutes ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

If there is a 2nd peak they will have to ban the sale of alcohol as folk are starting to come out and stand in groups with carry-outs. Happening down and around Leith anyway. 

Alternatively, they could just have a proper lockdown and fine those who break it by going out.

Why do we always have to pander to the minority of fannies (to the detriment of the majority) rather than just clamp down and punish them?

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Temple of Doom is the best by some distance, then the last crusade.
Raiders of the Lost Ark is absolute dogshit and only marginally better than Crystal Skull

That’s as bad a take as the loonball conspiracy theorist doctor a few pages back.
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I’m not sure how much an earlier lockdown would have had an impact in Scotland though, Ireland locked down earlier than us and only have a couple hundred deaths less (and a slightly smaller population).


It definitely should have been introduced earlier in England though, London is fucked.



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3 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Alternatively, they could just have a proper lockdown and fine those who break it by going out.

Why do we always have to pander to the minority of fannies (to the detriment of the majority) rather than just clamp down and punish them?

I see what you are saying but if people come out in big numbers there is nothing the police can do. 

Folk out just now are being civil but come summertime and lots of folk are getting hammered. 

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