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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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24 minutes ago, Michael W said:

We have never produced a vaccine for a coronavirus before so it's not just going to suddenly appear. 

There is also the issue that even though testing is currently being undertaken, what if it doesn't work? I get that time is the enemy here but rushing the process* to tick some boxes will just set us back further. 

*it would however be fair to say that the process is already being somewhat rushed. 

Record for a working vaccine is apparently 4(5?) years which was the vaccine for mumps. 

It's the testing phase which takes the longest, and have to be ultra careful it doesn't cause serous issues (apparently a rushed small pox vaccine caused an autoimmune disease in most who had it. Also stuff like thalidomide. 

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1 minute ago, madwullie said:

Record for a working vaccine is apparently 4(5?) years which was the vaccine for mumps. 

It's the testing phase which takes the longest, and have to be ultra careful it doesn't cause serous issues (apparently a rushed small pox vaccine caused an autoimmune disease in most who had it. Also stuff like thalidomide. 

You also risk indirect damage of reducing trust in other vaccines, potentially causing multiple epidemics if the antivaxxers have their way.

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1 hour ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Not a snowball's chance in hell that a senior government minister.....Johnson, Raab, Grove, Patel etc......will appear for questioning by the likes of Morgan or Neill.

Johnson set the precedent before the GE, and the Tories simply won't expose senior ministers to a forensic interview. 

They send out junior ministers that nobody has heard of as sacrificial lambs, and to give the perception that they're open to serious scrutiny. They're not, in any shape or form. 





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20 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Record for a working vaccine is apparently 4(5?) years which was the vaccine for mumps. 

It's the testing phase which takes the longest, and have to be ultra careful it doesn't cause serous issues (apparently a rushed small pox vaccine caused an autoimmune disease in most who had it. Also stuff like thalidomide. 

That wasn't a vaccine, though.

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24 minutes ago, 101 said:

Catching up on a few things, firstly the fly past. Isn't the whole reason Tam Moore is raising funds for the government is that they have misspent cash and haven't the money they need to support the NHS, paying for the RAF to fly over him is just further waste of cash and tbh I'm amazed that during austerity the red arrows weren't disbanded. I guess they help the flag flying nationalism that the Tories love. 

I think the trade unions have been naive advocating the silence when instead they should have been battering the government with we are having this silence but this year more people will die at work because of your mistakes. Pay your respects rightly so but when people are dying needlessly it's hard to accept and let's have a silence and get back to normal.

Another union who I think are lagging way behind the trend are the PFA, as soon as Rangers asked for an EGM they should have been front of the queue getting clubs and the SFA to agree players could be given rolling monthly contracts. They of course have previous for failing their members but during this pandemic a huge chunk of their members will be seriously impacted.

Most Trade Unions in this country are traditionally conservative organisations.  They have been very muted during this crisis.

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37 minutes ago, Michael W said:

We have never produced a vaccine for a coronavirus before so it's not just going to suddenly appear. 

Oh dear.  There are vaccines for coronaviruses. They are for animals because its most animals that are affected by them. The one group of coronaviruses humans are affected by regularly cause colds, but they amount to about 20% of human caused colds. Most colds are caused by  rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza. Also its 4 strains of coronavirus strains that cause the cold so we would need to be investing to maintain 4 vaccines every year to stop 20% of colds. Its not really a major priority.

We have multiple candidate vaccines at the moment for SARS CoV 2. Here the is a rather different level of motivation than stopping 20% of colds. 

Like any research there is no guarantee it will work but there are pretty solid reasons to be hopeful. 

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1 minute ago, dorlomin said:

Oh dear.  There are vaccines for coronaviruses. They are for animals because its most animals that are affected by them. The one group of coronaviruses humans are affected by regularly cause colds, but they amount to about 20% of human caused colds. Most colds are caused by  rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza. Also its 4 strains of coronavirus strains that cause the cold so we would need to be investing to maintain 4 vaccines every year to stop 20% of colds. Its not really a major priority.

We have multiple candidate vaccines at the moment for SARS CoV 2. Here the is a rather different level of motivation than stopping 20% of colds. 

Like any research there is no guarantee it will work but there are pretty solid reasons to be hopeful. 

I'd have hoped it was obvious I was referring to human vaccines since we're not exactly concerned about COVID-19 (or in the past SARs or MERs) affecting animals, but it's fair to say you've just put the QI klaxon on me. 

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5 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Most Trade Unions in this country are traditionally conservative organisations.  They have been very muted during this crisis.

Agree, I think it's a problem that Unite at the union for nurses rather than a distinct union. My union was utterly useless so I left but from folk that are still in the communication has been next to nothing of substance.

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33 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Record for a working vaccine is apparently 4(5?) years which was the vaccine for mumps. 

It's the testing phase which takes the longest, and have to be ultra careful it doesn't cause serous issues (apparently a rushed small pox vaccine caused an autoimmune disease in most who had it. Also stuff like thalidomide. 

They use thalidomide to put my cancer into remission now. Doesn't stop sickness though as I was sick every fucking day taking it. 

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37 minutes ago, 101 said:

Catching up on a few things, firstly the fly past. Isn't the whole reason Tam Moore is raising funds for the government is that they have misspent cash and haven't the money they need to support the NHS, paying for the RAF to fly over him is just further waste of cash and tbh I'm amazed that during austerity the red arrows weren't disbanded. I guess they help the flag flying nationalism that the Tories love. 

I think the trade unions have been naive advocating the silence when instead they should have been battering the government with we are having this silence but this year more people will die at work because of your mistakes. Pay your respects rightly so but when people are dying needlessly it's hard to accept and let's have a silence and get back to normal.

Another union who I think are lagging way behind the trend are the PFA, as soon as Rangers asked for an EGM they should have been front of the queue getting clubs and the SFA to agree players could be given rolling monthly contracts. They of course have previous for failing their members but during this pandemic a huge chunk of their members will be seriously impacted.

With the greatest of respect, no. Those of us who are active in the TU movement commemmorate our fallen comrades every year - we have done for many years, and will continue to do so for as long as we draw breath. This crew's shameless hijacking of a serious issue takes it place among all the shameful acts they have perpetrated, but it won't stop us seeing today for what it is - a remembrance of the global sacrifice of workers in the name of comfort and profit.

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Just now, Stellaboz said:

Thatcher killed off any power the unions had, paving the way for employers to do what the f**k they want. Leaving the EU leaves people in the UK with even less leverage.

Leaving the EU does worry me but I hope we see an increase in people joining their unions to ensure the rights we have are kept. I really hope we don't end up like America were people are desperate to go to work and work themselves into the ground.

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19 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Most Trade Unions in this country are traditionally conservative organisations.  They have been very muted during this crisis.

Partly true, GD, but in fairness, even those Unions with what I would call proper ideals, like the POA, FBU, CWU and BFAWU can say whatever they like - if the Media choose not to report on them then the general public will continue to swallow the lie that the TU movement is simply a millstone round the neck of progress. While continuing to watch their rights eroded, their safety compromised, and their pay stalling.

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2 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

With the greatest of respect, no. Those of us who are active in the TU movement commemmorate our fallen comrades every year - we have done for many years, and will continue to do so for as long as we draw breath. This crew's shameless hijacking of a serious issue takes it place among all the shameful acts they have perpetrated, but it won't stop us seeing today for what it is - a remembrance of the global sacrifice of workers in the name of comfort and profit.

This is the first year I have been aware of it being a national event, I know that the union's have always marked this day. I just feel that the TUC have really pushed it this year and it in my opinion absolves people of blame, it's like 11/11 I feel it's more about gratitude and respect (both important) but not more important than prevention. If people are dying due to a lack of PPE or safe working protocols then someone needs to take responsibility and in my view that should be the government at the moment and instead we have them stood outside number 10 looking mournful when, again, in my view, it would be a far better way to remember the people that have sadly died to have people asking very difficult questions of the government and their failings and trying to get things sorted. 

I don't disagree that it's an important event but the TUC must have know that Cummings saw a chance for a bit of flag waving and faux unity and grabbed it. If their initial press release had been come together and remember those killed and let's prevent this every happening again and they had taken a more aggressive view then I'm not sure Cummings et Al. Would have liked to give the event exposure. Just my opinion.

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