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1 hour ago, NorthernLights said:

Back in May "No fans at Dutch games until there is a vaccine, says health minister"

Yet I've just read a match report on the BBC website that states over 6000 fans were at Groningen v PSV.


Anyone know the reasons for this apparent U-turn?

My Dutch team, Twente also played in front of fans. Some German games also had a small number of supporters present. 

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I've yet to see any evidence that schools are the cause of the current uptick. Can only use the local schools as evidence, virtually no confirmed cases despite parents / schools demanding tests at the first sign of a snotter. A few older kids being advised to isolate but as I say positive tests almost non existent. All the evidence points at the next generations up as the current worry but your anti schools / teacher / parent types just wont hear this and insist schools are driving the spread despite not a jot of evidence. If someone has evidence that school children are the bulk of the current positive cases then provide it or stop whining.
If it was just schools then any rise in cases would be across Scotland not just the Greater Glasgow council areas.

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In two weeks France daily cases jumped from 3000 to 10000.
We've only ever had less than 5000 at the peak.

Not sure what their testing numbers are or if they're increasing but russia and the uk then germany have tested the most in europe.

Will be interesting to see what they do about it as we are likely to follow.

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2 hours ago, NorthernLights said:

Back in May "No fans at Dutch games until there is a vaccine, says health minister"

Yet I've just read a match report on the BBC website that states over 6000 fans were at Groningen v PSV.


Anyone know the reasons for this apparent U-turn?


2 hours ago, Marten said:

Crowds have been allowed at games again after a trial at a number of friendlies. There are strict rules of social distancing in place. This basically happened after lobbying from the clubs with the government. Although the currend Covid19 situation in The Netherlands is worrying, so whether or not this was a good idea remains to be seen.

Was due to run the Amsterdam marathon next month. We were told in late July/early August that the government had lifted restrictions on outdoor events and it was just a matter of the Amsterdam city authorities granting a licence. It has now been cancelled, undoubtedly for the best, but then they have fans at games in some areas.  It seems like central government, local authorities, private organisations are at odds with each other as much there as they are here

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4 hours ago, virginton said:

The only idiot I can see around here is the one who lollops into his workplace on days off to 'help out' the staff who all hate him and announces his 'resignation' from an open Internet forum only to slink back under a new alias. That's genuine low double-digit IQ behaviour right there.

Get back in your box then.


This can't be true

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4 hours ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

Look across the channel and assume we will be in the same position in 2 weeks time seems the best way to predict how this is going to go.

What, folk going to fitba games?

ETA - In all seriousness, I wounder what it will be like when the Christian world relies that Christmas is fucked and NY is also cancelled.   Happened here in Thailand in April (NY 3 day (which is basically a week)  was cancelled, folk had to go to work if the could as normal. We had our NY holiday last week, no celebrations, just days off work.   

You will not cope.....

Edited by SlipperyP
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A gathering of about 50 young people on a Fife beach sparked a police response.

Officers were called to the beach at St Andrews Castle at about 21:50 on Friday.

It is understood that the group was made up of students who were adhering to social distancing guidelines and left the area when requested.

A spokeswoman for Police Scotland said: "Officers attended, gave advice and the group dispersed." No fines were issued or arrests made.

Current Scottish government coronavirus guidance limits outdoor gatherings to 15 people from five other households.

Not GD this time then...

I'm sure the students all went home to their cramped accommodation separately and had a mug of cocoa before heading straight to bed.

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What's the criteria for second wave?
I suppose it depends on how you want to look at it. In terms of infections you could say that a second wave is already underway but deaths and hospitalisations don't appear to be following the trend (at the moment).
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