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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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40 minutes ago, philpy said:

No travel restrictions (thus far) by the sounds of it. 

I didn't actually listen to the broadcast but provided the BBC have reported her words correctly then she hasn't said no travel restrictions.

"We are not about to impose travel restrictions on the whole of the country." 

I think NS chooses her words very carefully and I think the above suggests that there will be some level of travel restrictions. 

EDITED TO ADD: As has been suggested above I suspect this means the NHS Greater Glasgow and area (or even just the Glasgow City Local Authority area) is going to be hit hardest in terms of additional restrictions. 

Edited by John MacLean
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Of course any travel restrictions need to be thought about on an area by area basis. What's the point in restricting travel around the Shetland if we have a huge flare up in Dumfries? A national blanket makes no sense unless the numbers everywhere look like they're getting out of hand. 

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Of course any travel restrictions need to be thought about on an area by area basis. What's the point in restricting travel around the Shetland if we have a huge flare up in Dumfries? A national blanket makes no sense unless the numbers everywhere look like they're getting out of hand. 

Maybe Shetlanders just have bad vibes or are unpleasant to be around ?
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25 minutes ago, Romeo said:

I find Leitch incredibly patronising.

From day 1 of seeing him I’ve  thought the same. Something else incredibly patronising is the rhyming adverts on the radio about how “we’re all in this together and just need to work a bit harder for better times”. Fcking patronising drivel  

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27 minutes ago, Romeo said:

I find Leitch incredibly patronising.

I don't, I actually find him clear and concise.  I wasn't sure the first time I heard him but I think he is doing a good job.  Try comparing his delivery to that of the health officials and politicians doon sooth

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15 minutes ago, Clockwork said:

As others have mentioned, the SG need to be seen to be doing something about the steady increase in cases. School Holidays and what’s left of the JRS/Furlough payments to Oct 31st, perhaps gives them an opportunity to try and put the lid back on things for a few weeks, using a ‘circuit break’? ...

What's the point though in big picture terms? A vaccine isn't just around the corner unless we are very lucky, so any kind of circuit breaker is just a case of kicking the can down the road for a bit. The same issues will still have to be dealt with whenever the lockdown rules are opened up until/unless there is herd immunity. More and more people are seeing through the propaganda now, so maybe try an honest intelligent discussion on this and treat the electorate like adults rather than naughty schoolchildren that need strict control by a nanny state?

Something along the lines of there is more than likely not going to be a miraculous painless exit strategy available just around the corner, the economy and other health issues that have been receiving less attention than they normally would have are also very important as well so we can't keep acting as if COVID-19 is the only issue that matters. Here's what you need to do to be able to get on with something resembling normality while minimising the risks for yourself, the people you care about most and your friends and neighbours. Good luck!

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Sounds very much like pointless piecemeal tinkering incoming that will ultimately do feck all

It’s amazing. Just a few hours ago, this thread was full of knicker wetting over a Sun article suggesting a circuit breaker lockdown.

Now it is “pointless piecemeal tinkering”.

I really feel for the SG here. Go for “targeted”, it’s wrong. Go for “blanket”, it’s wrong.
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2 hours ago, jamamafegan said:






Boys totally burst






BOY lived to tell the tale.....embassies of Scotland are now embarrassed.  of the situation, you are now the laughing .........,  

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3 hours ago, renton said:

My theory is that schools going back reflects a general loosening of restrictions. The biggest effect being that thousands of parents could return to work from furlough or generally be free to mix and socialise more than previously.

It's an indirect effect of schools returning, not a direct effect of children mixing. Then in September we get huge clusters in Uni student halls.

So, we could restrict schools again, to blended learning but we wouldn't be doing it to stop cases from children mixing, we'd be doing it to try and stop their parents going out. At which point we have to face up to the prospect that it's just a general degree of freedom in civil society that is a tipping point.

It's absolutely fucking wild that you think that trend is being by determined parent interaction. Were you living in a bunker over the seven week holiday beforehand? Parents were categorically not avoiding interaction with others but rather taking their weans to the restaurant, beer gardens and on holiday with them and interacting with other groups all the time. They didn't lock them in a cupboard beneath the stairs for the summer and hunker down.

The only that has changed then is the place of interaction: which is now mostly indoors, without spacing required in every other sector and without mask use. A change that is already known as the trigger point for 'seasonal' outbreaks of colds and flu every single year. Quite why anyone is still choosing this hill to die on is remarkable, given that since schools opened we have gone from near stage 4 of relaxing measures back to talk of a March-style lockdown in two fucking months.

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