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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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4 minutes ago, AyrshireTon said:

Which will be useless unless they plan to eat it or wipe their arses with it.

In all seriousness, what use is gold in a pandemic?



Well you could buy stuff to start with. It's also a store of value. Unlike shares, bonds and possibly even more so than real estate.  Currencies could take a beating in the near future too. 

You're obviously thinking too short term about food and arsewiping. Thinking two moves ahead is what keeps our reptoid oppressors in power. 


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In a perverse way I'm pleased that Trump and Johnson have to deal with this shitstorm.       (but obs not very good for the populace)

So far, in Illinois at least, I've been pretty heartened by Gov Pritzker and Mayor Lori's response; he took to Twitter on Saturday to directly @ Trump and Pence because 6 hour lines of folks nose to tail at OHare. The initial response was a WH staffer calling him to rebuke him for it being inappropriate language for him to say they need to 'get their shit together'. Pence finally did call him after JB went on Meet The Press the next morning to tear the administration a new one to say more Border Patrol agents would be sent and now lines are normal.
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The Road. 
So fucking dark and cold you can feel it in your bones.  The book is a peach as well.
Also of its your thing check out the Autumn series of books by Brittish writer David Moody.

Will do my man love a dystopian novel.

Warnings of rogue ‘community helpers’ targeting households

A statement released by Wisbech Town Council on social media said: “We are receiving reports that individuals and small groups are approaching households claiming to be from The Red Cross and offering coronavirus testing, and then demanding significant money for the tests.
“Please be advised this is a scam - The Red Cross are not offering any such service and nor is anyone else outside the NHS.
“If you or any member of your family is approached in this way, then please report it to the police immediately.”
Probably sure to catch on around the country as more scumbags look to take advantage of peoples fears.

Thought this was going to be a heartwarming story about local activists battering hoarders and distributing their goods to the elderly and vulnerable.
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Guest bernardblack

I honestly thought this would all get sorted like that episode of Parks and Rec where they have the mock flu epidemic crisis

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2 minutes ago, coprolite said:


Well you could buy stuff to start with. It's also a store of value. Unlike shares, bonds and possibly even more so than real estate.  Currencies could take a beating in the near future too. 

You're obviously thinking too short term about food and arsewiping. Thinking two moves ahead is what keeps our reptoid oppressors in power. 


He might thinking very long term.   Gold is worthless if you are literally fighting for your existence. Better with some weapons and tools made of steel.  Even the rednecks will eventually run out of ammo and their guns will be useless.

I'm off to  BricoDepot.

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On 09/03/2020 at 15:23, Armand 2 said:

I know a guy who was in China in early November and was struck down when he came back with symptoms very similar to those associated with COVID19. There were also a number of people who seemed to have the same lurgy around Christmas - head cold, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath. I don't think there's any doubt that it has been circulating far longer than the end of January.

There's about 5 folk that I can think of that had similar symptoms and only 1 went to the doctors. Granted that it is completely unreliable extrapolation but I think it is fair to say there is likely significantly more cases than what has been reported across the globe - Germany for example, "coronavirus arrived here last Wednesday"...what did they see it off the fucking plane? Therefore, this purported mortality rate of 2-3% is probably, in reality, somewhere closer to the normal flu when you consider there's likely many unreported cases.

I appreciate that the apparent infectiousness of it is concerning but the kind of media coverage afforded to it is creating mass hysteria on a fucking ridiculous scale - I couldn't buy bog roll yesterday...and shiting yourself isn't even a symptom.

I'm getting married in Portugal in a month's time and we've already had 2 folk withdraw over coronavirus concerns with more expected. Hope they're the ones stocking up on toilet roll for their wee shitey bums.

Oh well, had to postpone my wedding which seems fairly far down the list of concerns at the moment.

Run my own business and already had one customer call in the administrators. Have another two that look likely to head the same way as they are involved in the events industry. I also run company training courses which are now kaput since employers don't want all staff in a confined space - which is fair enough. Still, it's about 40% of my business shut down overnight.

A big shipping line that I deal with cancelled 500 sailings this week - given you can get about 10,000 containers on a ship, that's a lot of stuff that isn't moving. I hear that other shippers are in the same boat (boom boom). This is partly because there is a container shortage in the UK at the moment because nothing has been moving from China who still have approx 10,000+ shunters quarantined. 

I deal with a skip hire company who do a lot of house clearances for a prominent estate agent. They called this week to say a lot of their staff are being laid off - nobody wants to sell their house just now, don't want viewers coming in and poking about. A number of my other clients are in some way associated with construction so a downturn in the housing market is bad news for them - and bad news for me.

I also work with a few timber merchants and the minute that anyone working at the mill develops any symptoms, they're shut for 2 weeks. I can't imagine food processing plants will be much different.

The supermarkets don't have a problem with supply at the moment - but what they do have is a driver shortage. As of yesterday, a big haulier in the central belt had at least 6 drivers' self-isolating. The average age of a truck driver in the UK is 57 and some don't keep in rude health. There will be a number firmly in the category most exposed to the risk of getting the virus. There's already a driver shortage thanks to a number of issues, particularly the fact that approx 60% of the UK's vocational drivers are non-UK citizens, many of whom left due to the Brexit uncertainty.

Still can't buy bog roll.

Image result for everything is fine dog gif

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7 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:


So far, in Illinois at least, I've been pretty heartened by Gov Pritzker and Mayor Lori's response; he took to Twitter on Saturday to directly @ Trump and Pence because 6 hour lines of folks nose to tail at OHare. The initial response was a WH staffer calling him to rebuke him for it being inappropriate language for him to say they need to 'get their shit together'. Pence finally did call him after JB went on Meet The Press the next morning to tear the administration a new one to say more Border Patrol agents would be sent and now lines are normal.


Were the agents sent from the Mex border leaving it more vulnerable? Hope so.  

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