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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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I would respectfully suggest your Head of Benefits may be incorrect.  It is very far from straightforward.
Honestly mate that isn't an issue for me, I couldn't care less how difficult it is to administer or not. Someone posted that you wouldn't qualify if your kid was in P1-P3 in receipt of universal FSM. I said then I didn't think that was right and as I had stated I had business dealings with LA finance depts I would seek clarification from some people in that field.

It emerges I was right in my assumption so on the back of some people asking me if I could check, I did and posted back the qualifying criteria today simply for anyone who was interested. I don't work directly in LA benefits so I'm not interested in how they decide to administer it, I was merely stating the qualifying criteria and correcting the earlier error.

From my stance it looks a bit like an exercise that will see maximization in uptake for FSM alongside a hardship payment, a kill 2 birds with 1 stone approach. That's simply my opinion based on what I was told today. How easy or otherwise it is to run in practice I have no idea and have no issue with that side of it. I assume you do work in this field so I bow to your knowledge in that area.
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Just now, Marshmallo said:

I genuinely hate it here. "Everyone should be as miserable as me" is essentially the attitude to everything.


That post should come with an irony alert.

I reckon very few people on P&B are as miserable as you.  You have done fùck all but bitch and moan since the start of the pandemic.

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1 minute ago, dirty dingus said:

Pretty sharp for a nonagenarian.

It's the kind of nonchalant talk my grandad would come out with (but with a Lochee accent).

"I couldn't damn well find anywhere to park my car so I was late."

"I went off and had a rather nasty lunch then came back and they were ready for me."

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11 minutes ago, renton said:


Interesting report on the genetic diversity and lineage of the Covid virus in Scotland.

Seems to conclude the vast majority of strains present in Scotland were suppressed and/or eradicated by July, and that the second wave strains are a majority import from other countries - mostly Europe.

There is no "second strain" ffs.


There's been hundreds.


On the other hand, we are still on the first wave.

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26 minutes ago, Detournement said:

That was pretty fucking obvious. There was no Covid here by the middle of June.

I said ages ago foreign holidays were a crazy idea. 

You actually said that they wouldn't be happening, only to be proven utterly wrong.

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12 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

What about all the travel within the UK? The report seems to say Wales got hit from travellers from UK as well as International. We had pretty much got it down to zero but England still had 400+ cases per day throughout the summer. Would a full lockdown of Scottish borders been accepted by Westminster and the opposition up here?

Presumably most tourists went to the Highlands, islands etc plus Edinburgh and Covid stayed low in those places so I doubt the kind of tourism we receive was the dangerous type. 

On the other hand Scots largely go abroad to get pished and blether to randoms in bars which we know is high risk. Flying is also high risk compared to people mainly driving up from England. 

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18 minutes ago, renton said:


Interesting report on the genetic diversity and lineage of the Covid virus in Scotland.

Seems to conclude the vast majority of strains present in Scotland were suppressed and/or eradicated by July, and that the second wave strains are a majority import from other countries - mostly Europe.

Or that the harder working immigrant viruses out-competed the feckless and lazy native viruses. 

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1 minute ago, virginton said:

You actually said that they wouldn't be happening, only to be proven utterly wrong.

There are still loads of countries not accepting tourists. 

Admittedly I didn't see both governments being daft enough to give up our island advantage but I should have had lower expectations.

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22 minutes ago, renton said:


Interesting report on the genetic diversity and lineage of the Covid virus in Scotland.

Seems to conclude the vast majority of strains present in Scotland were suppressed and/or eradicated by July, and that the second wave strains are a majority import from other countries - mostly Europe.

Yet we didnt test on arrival or three days after etc. Yet another bit of dismal mismanagement. 

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2 hours ago, FuzzyBear said:

How will the council identify the families whose income would make them eligible for the £100 but they have not provided their details to the council as getting free meals anyway.

At a guess, they’ll use the school clothing grant to separate those who are eligible in p1-3

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26 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

I genuinely hate it here. "Everyone should be as miserable as me" is essentially the attitude to everything.


Until we know whether the vaccine prevents transmission that's a perfectly sensible position to take.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

Until we know whether the vaccine prevents transmission that's a perfectly sensible position to take.

Whit? Anyone who hasn't been vaccinated can stay away. There is no reason why eg pubs cannot open as normal solely for those who have been vaccinated.

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13 minutes ago, Detournement said:

There are still loads of countries not accepting tourists. 

Admittedly I didn't see both governments being daft enough to give up our island advantage but I should have had lower expectations.

Not sure what Scotland could have done on their own apart from advise people to stay at home, which they did. You were talking about nipping down to London for a pint if the pubs opened there first iirc, Manchester, Newcastle and Liverpool airports are easily accessible from Scotland, as are all the others.

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26 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

Whit? Anyone who hasn't been vaccinated can stay away. There is no reason why eg pubs cannot open as normal solely for those who have been vaccinated.

Unless you're going to ban unvaccinated people from supermarkets and everywhere else, I think vaccinated people should carry on using masks for a bit longer. It's different issue for people refusing a vaccine obviously, but it looks like most people won't get the option until late Spring/Summer.

Edited by welshbairn
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In the context quoted it all depends on uptake and speed of roll out. A poor uptake or slow roll out (eg supply issues, ineffectiveness) would definitely hinder resumption of international travel. As these remain unknowns it's probably a sensible answer to that question. We simply don't know if enough people will be vaccinated here or if it's as effective as hoped, by the time summer comes. I'm not sure what other answer she could give 1 day into the vaccine program.


I think you know as well as I do that if it all goes as hoped the narrative on issues like this will change but right now, today, neither NS nor anyone else can say that travel will be normal by June. We all hope it will be and I have been confident enough to book for July but no way can any political leader say to the public "start your engines" when it comes to issues like this right now.

Poor uptake should have no bearing on the lifting of restrictions. I dont agree with vaccine passports or it being mandatory, but in the event that anti vaxx roasters gain traction to the point it is having an effect ie people are continuing to lose their jobs et cetera then that will need to be looked at.


Quite simply, Nicola Sturgeon who I am a big fan of, needs to drop the sanctimonious bullshit pretence that we can or should save every life at any cost. Covid, in the presence of a 95% effective preventative measure is now just one of the many thousands of things that you can, but probably wont die of.


The only measures excusable following the majority of the top 10 priority list being vaccinated for me would be that on covid symptoms you should get a test, on confirmation case you should isolate for 2 weeks. Possibly, on return from travel you should receive a rapid test. Other than that, it's a firm GTF from me. Resumption of full blown normality has to happen this year, and spring makes absolute sense for a seasonal virus where vaccinations can continue at pace during low transmission or it will be clear that scotgov have their priorities wildly wrong.



Edit to add re the first paragraph, hospitals etc should refuse planned treatment on people who havent been vaccinated. You cant ask pubs and restaurants to take on the burden of that, nor should they be allowed info on peoples health, or even to ask, but there would be ways and means to apply pressure in the event of poor uptake including informing refusers that their health is no ones priority if it isnt their own.

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10 minutes ago, FuzzyBear said:

To get the payment a family must be on Seemis system showing as being entitled to FSM based on income and not Universal provision. Some are not on system as not had to apply due to universal provision. Some will be picked up as their details may be held if they get a clothing grant however there are others that would qualify who will miss out.

And that’s where you hope schools would know their families and those who may have recently ended up on benefits due to changing circumstances and let them know about it.

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57 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

In the context quoted it all depends on uptake and speed of roll out. A poor uptake or slow roll out (eg supply issues, ineffectiveness) would definitely hinder resumption of international travel. As these remain unknowns it's probably a sensible answer to that question. We simply don't know if enough people will be vaccinated here or if it's as effective as hoped, by the time summer comes. I'm not sure what other answer she could give 1 day into the vaccine program.

I think you know as well as I do that if it all goes as hoped the narrative on issues like this will change but right now, today, neither NS nor anyone else can say that travel will be normal by June. We all hope it will be and I have been confident enough to book for July but no way can any political leader say to the public "start your engines" when it comes to issues like this right now.

NS & JS will be well aware of the impact their words, however intended, will have on the travel industry.

There is nothing wrong with saying "it's too early to say either way" as she said, and leaving it at that. Coming out with soundbites such as

"I wouldn't commit, I won't be committing, I'll be telling my family not to commit to a summer holiday."

are simply not needed.

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To get the payment a family must be on Seemis system showing as being entitled to FSM based on income and not Universal provision. Some are not on system as not had to apply due to universal provision. Some will be picked up as their details may be held if they get a clothing grant however there are others that would qualify who will miss out.
I assume that's why the likes of Aberdeen are saying if you qualify and haven't been contacted then get in touch. I appreciate these things are sometimes difficult to administer (I'm involved in LA software implementation and legislation interpretation although have never worked on Seemis) and that these issues are more often or not down to poorly draughted legislation (rife with SG) or systems issues but it should never be seen as a barrier to the public getting what they are entitled to. There is a ridiculous culture in the UK of people not claiming (getting in other words) all the financial help they are entitled to. It's rarely made easy and you can't help but think that there are intentional barriers put in their way.
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