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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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18 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Paris air show in June cancelled. Organisers were not given any assurances measures will have been removed that would allow the show to take place as normal. Isle of Man TT races fell last week for much the same reasons. Seems very premature to me.

I thought that too but when you think of the amount of work and planning that must go into them and the cost involved, someone has to make the call , a  30 % chance of cancelation or something like that versus normal years  would probably considered too high to bother laying the groundwork.  

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Paris air show in June cancelled. Organisers were not given any assurances measures will have been removed that would allow the show to take place as normal. Isle of Man TT races fell last week for much the same reasons. Seems very premature to me.
Cancelling the Isle of Man TT will singlehandedly counterbalance the excess death rate caused by COVID. Douglas mortuary will be quieter than usual though.
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On 06/12/2020 at 11:45, Flure said:

When announcing the Level 4 Protection Measures being introduced to some areas, the First Minister said this would end on 11 December. Not it would be reviewed. She said it would end.

Which is pretty much what I said wasn't it? The lockdown ends on Dec 11th, the only question is what level the areas that are no longer in level 4 will drop to. Despite some daft BBC Scotland journalist try to get the Health Secretary to say otherwise (she didn't need a lot of help to sound confused to be fair).

23 hours ago, virginton said:

The lockdown is absolutely trashing the economy and if you think that we should keep it to prevent a handful of avoidable deaths then we'd also be doing it every fucking year for flu season. And we'd be bankrupt.

There is no place in public policy for such weepy emotional judgements.

Well if just making up stuff and proclaiming what I think it is how you want to make your point, I'll leave you to it 😂

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29 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

Looking at the stats, South Ayrshire along with several other areas should be moving to tier two - however I will be amazed if that happens. 

Not sure what that's based on but based on the current "case rate" in South Ayrshire is nowhere near the levels previously seen for areas to go down to Tier 2.

According to this site SA is currently noting 102 cases per 100,000 people and based on what we've seen before local authorities really need to be below 75 cases per 100,000 before Tier 2 is on the cards.

Then again, that would require the Scottish Government to be consistent in their decision making...

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20 hours ago, Gordon EF said:

'People know people that have died' is as stupid an argument as 'I don't know anyone that's died' when it comes to making decisions about the restrictions.

Considering it was in reply to someone saying coronavirus is harmless to the vast majority, except coffin dodgers and a handful of 50-year-old fatties and so the restrictions should be lifted, not really stupid at all.

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5 minutes ago, RiG said:

Not sure what that's based on but based on the current "case rate" in South Ayrshire is nowhere near the levels previously seen for areas to go down to Tier 2.

According to this site SA is currently noting 102 cases per 100,000 people and based on what we've seen before local authorities really need to be below 75 cases per 100,000 before Tier 2 is on the cards.

Then again, that would require the Scottish Government to be consistent in their decision making...

Based on what we’ve seen before, yes. However what we’ve seen before isn’t remotely what was set out at the beginning of the tier system!

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5 minutes ago, s_dog said:

It's a few days out of date now (Dec 2), but @TravellingTabby does a good graphic showing the different levels and where places are at in terms of cases rising or falling.



Am I reading this correctly?  Only one place in tier 3 worse than the last week and nowhere in tier 4 worse.

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13 minutes ago, s_dog said:

Considering it was in reply to someone saying coronavirus is harmless to the vast majority, except coffin dodgers and a handful of 50-year-old fatties and so the restrictions should be lifted, not really stupid at all.

Yeah, it's still stupid.

For example, "the vast majority of people will never be attacked by sharks" isn't countered by saying "well there was a story on BBC News this morning about a guy being attacked by a shark in Australia".

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58 minutes ago, 101 said:

I hate needles, I can't even watch them being used in films but to not get a vaccine because you hate them is mental behaviour and shouldn't be in the mainstream press.

Exactly. I'm fine with them in my arm etc, but I absolutely hate them at dentist. Would never go that far however. 

Recall the vaccinations at school where quite a few people were in the horrors about it, but looking the other way did the job. 

I don't get the point of the article at all - is it for sympathy, or is the implication that we should have another way of doing this? Either way it adds nothing of value. 

Edited by Michael W
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