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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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33 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I know. People who vote Tory are a mystery to me, but if they are found to be lying about this, and it results in delays to distribution of lifesaving vaccines surely there will be some sort of legal recourse to that? Fucking surely, even in Tory England they couldn't get away with the cost of lying over this?

Nobody jailed the bankers and no-one will face the music for putting sub standard cladding on Grenfell Tower to save money 


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It's an absolute certainty that they realise how much they fucked up with the relaxation of restrictions for Christmas, and that they can't surely go much longer without admitting that schools are a massive driver, so they've embellished (to what degree is up for debate) the danger of this mutation to save face rather than admit they've fucked up. Hence why all the chat about how concerned they are about other countries closing travel - it's not something that even entered their heads.




If you produce scare stories about this new mutated strain of the virus, you can't be surprised at countries shutting their borders unless you are a genuine moron. France has gone a bit far banning unaccompanied freight as well, but I'd expect us to do the same and bar travel if needed (which we did with Denmark).  The government has known about this strain since September, yet why were we only hearing these concerns in the last few days? Cynically it looks like a convenient excuse to "save face" with Christmas rules that the Government went ahead with anyway with The Science shaking its head and asking it be rethought.    



So why not do it last Wednesday? 


Something happened (possibly in the data) between then and Saturday (that they are not telling us) that made them change their mind.






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2 hours ago, Archie McSquackle said:
3 hours ago, welshbairn said:
Not yet it's not, we have to get it from Belgium.

Do you mean the Pfizer vaccine? I've been told the AZ vaccine is imminent (slight delay due to working out the best dosage), is made at several sites across the UK and the volume available will far outweigh Pfizer supplies. There are already millions of doses manufactured and waiting to be distributed. Any distribution issues with the Pfizer vaccine will hopefully just be a blip.

I heard AZ were having trouble getting production going at the plant in Wrexham where the vaccine is bottled up and packaged (or whatever you call it) in the UK. We have plenty of the vaccine, just no way of delivering it. They might have sorted that by now but they'll be behind schedule even if it's up and running. 

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On 20/12/2020 at 09:47, Lurkst said:

In fairness the New Zealanders were helped by being over 1000 miles from their nearest neighbour and not having the world's busiest international airport either.



Anyway, Thailand are finally back in the game, moving up to 151st place in the ranking with a 576 cases reported yesterday.  Our policy of closing the borders and quarantining every person for 14 days to enter the country, by legal means. Unfortunately we are not an island and jungle crossing are rife (as usual). Myanmar workers seem to be the easy get out excuse at the moment.  Our biggest daily record before yesterday was 58, back in March.  When we got that figure, we canceled our 3 day New Year Festival (Songkran) in April and banned the sale of alcohol for 1 month.

Sitting here (Charlie) thinking, when should I buy my boxes of beer for the cancelled Hogmanay (which I'm off work for 6 days), which will happen very soon.  I have been wrong on many occasions, I hope I'm wrong again.  As a non Christian, I'm really jealous that the virus doesn't transmit to you during your festive day.


There is always the moonshinegiphy.gif



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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I heard AZ were having trouble getting production going at the plant in Wrexham where the vaccine is bottled up and packaged (or whatever you call it) in the UK. We have plenty of the vaccine, just no way of delivering it. They might have sorted that by now but they'll be behind schedule even if it's up and running. 

Being the UK the govt they probably have friends or family with shares in Hermes so we will be getting our vaccines thrown over a hedge near your home in the next 6 weeks between 6am and 10 pm.

Edited by dirty dingus
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27 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Being the UK the govt they probably have friends or family with shares in Hermes so we will be getting our vaccines thrown over a hedge near your home in the next 6 weeks between 6am and 10 pm.

Your lucky I'm standing behind the soi dogs to get mine.....There may be trouble in the queue, I'll not start it, but i'm sure to be accused, of finishing it.

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3 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:

Your lucky I'm standing behind the soi dogs to get mine.....There may be trouble in the queue, I'll not start it, but i'm sure to be accused, of finishing it.

I see the workers from Myanmar are getting it tight in Thailand for the massive spike in cases. The govt invited them back in so they should be getting the flack. The anti foreign retoric has been pretty bad from the press and government over the course of the pandemic.

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2 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

I see the workers from Myanmar are getting it tight in Thailand for the massive spike in cases. The govt invited them back in so they should be getting the flack. The anti foreign retoric has been pretty bad from the press and government over the course of the pandemic.

Yes, we need someone to point the finger at....I've been asked on at least 10 occasions if I have COVID or the more educated ask if I've been tested yet?

I've not left the country since 2014, is my answer, they  then repeat if I've been tested......Fun times. 

Ps I'm hard a f**k and can take the blows, (I'm no black man living in the US), but it gets tiring when I go to the big supermarket in town with my wife and kids, and folk clearly point. My wee boy notices this, and quite frankly I can't be done with it, so I've become open commented about it in public (which my wife hates), but I'll defend my walls, as they say in other lands. 

I still have my freedom, good music. Wid hate to be into metal or indie at the moment (or ever).

Here try this on the headphones.......I'm a great believer of own survival as the government or anyone really don't give f**k about you or me, we are all in this on you own, keep strong, brother.


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A lot of conspiracy theories here.

Maybe, just maybe, there really is a problem which needs the action being taken?

The European countries closing the borders seems to confirm it to me - they will be acting on actual data, not Twitter rumours and what the mood on P&B seems to be.

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