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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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20 minutes ago, Snafu said:

‘The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members’

That's nice birthday caird pish and all, but the pandemic has quite clearly demonstrated that:

- there are multiple vulnerable groups across every section of society and

- focusing all policy on protecting a select few groups (e.g. physical vulnerability to Covid) chucks all the others overboard as a direct consequence.

Edited by vikingTON
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1 hour ago, virginton said:

That's nice birthday caird pish and all, but the pandemic has quite clearly demonstrated that:

- there are multiple vulnerable groups across every section of society and

- focusing all policy on protecting a select few groups (e.g. physical vulnerability to Covid) chucks all the others overboard as a direct consequence.

The fact that you think it’s “birthday caird pish” says far more about you that the quote.

You’re a sad, lonely, unhappy person who probably deserves the sadness, loneliness and unhappiness because you bring it all on yourself.


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I've been shown a video from a bunch of people in the UK medical alliance talking about how the vaccine and the pandemic are a load of pish.

One said he was a psychiatrist another a dentist ffs.

Can I rule them out as a bunch of wackos?
Was the dentist Jason Leitch?
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If its in the express or mail I'd be inclined to write off 2022 at this point.
That's just my point.

Leitch says summer 2021 and it seems most on here believes that despite the same people having dismissed as shite almost everything else he's said throughout this, papers have front page spreads saying Feb / Mar and it's dismissed as pish. How is Leitch any more likely to be right than those advising the papers. A hell of a lot of negativity in here !
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3 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

I've been shown a video from a bunch of people in the UK medical alliance talking about how the vaccine and the pandemic are a load of pish.

One said he was a psychiatrist another a dentist ffs.

Can I rule them out as a bunch of wackos?


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2 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

That's just my point.

Leitch says summer 2021 and it seems most on here believes that despite the same people having dismissed as shite almost everything else he's said throughout this, papers have front page spreads saying Feb / Mar and it's dismissed as pish. How is Leitch any more likely to be right than those advising the papers. A hell of a lot of negativity in here !

I think people have repeatedly said that Leitch is in a position where he shouldn't be making bullshit or nonsense claims. That's the issue people have.

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That's just my point.

Leitch says summer 2021 and it seems most on here believes that despite the same people having dismissed as shite almost everything else he's said throughout this, papers have front page spreads saying Feb / Mar and it's dismissed as pish. How is Leitch any more likely to be right than those advising the papers. A hell of a lot of negativity in here !
Precisely because Leitch advises those who ultimately decide for us. It doesnt matter if you think what he says is pish or not. It still informs rules that we are duty bound to follow.

He seems to carry significant clout in the relevant circles, so aye. What he says matters regardless of how you rate the man.
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11 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

That's just my point.

Leitch says summer 2021 and it seems most on here believes that despite the same people having dismissed as shite almost everything else he's said throughout this, papers have front page spreads saying Feb / Mar and it's dismissed as pish. How is Leitch any more likely to be right than those advising the papers. A hell of a lot of negativity in here !

Because the newspapers have to sell papers, they say every year it's going to be a RECORD HEATWAVE and NORTH POLE HELL they are rarely right. Feel free to keep optimistic about the vaccines but don't let the newspapers fuel that optimism

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1 hour ago, Stellaboz said:

I've been shown a video from a bunch of people in the UK medical alliance talking about how the vaccine and the pandemic are a load of pish.

One said he was a psychiatrist another a dentist ffs.

Can I rule them out as a bunch of wackos?

At first glance, yes. Malcolm Kendrick is one of their leaders.


I always appreciate it when a letter writer provides us with the source of their information (“Problem with confusing ‘cases’ and ‘infections’” ER 9/19).  The COVID-19 ‘expert’ attributed to was a Scottish doctor named Malcolm Kendrick.

First, let’s check on the reliability of Dr. Kendrick.

Malcolm Kendrick is a General Practitioner, conspiracy theorist author, cholesterol denialist and endorser of a low-carb, high-fat diet.  Kendrick is best known for his controversial claim that high blood cholesterol does not increase the risk of heart disease.

On the issue of COVID-19, the following is from one of Kendrick’s papers:

“What we need to do right now – before winter comes – is to encourage everyone who is fit and well and under the age seventy [80% of that population] to take the masks off, get together and spread this virus far and wide.  At the same time, all of those who are older and/or vulnerable [including people with obesity, heart and lung disease and other health issues] should self-isolate, and this should be rigorously encouraged, and supported.”

This, of course, is the concept of ‘herd immunity’.

Unfortunately – and this is from a Washington Post study – “with a population of 328 million in the United States, it may require more than 2 million deaths to reach even a 65% threshold of herd immunity, assuming the virus has a 1 percent fatality rate.”




P.S. Here's another one.


My name is Dr Zac Cox. I am a dentist and a homeopathic doctor. I’ve been
researching and giving public lectures about the dangers of wireless technology
since 2006.


Edited by welshbairn
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Because the newspapers have to sell papers, they say every year it's going to be a RECORD HEATWAVE and NORTH POLE HELL they are rarely right. Feel free to keep optimistic about the vaccines but don't let the newspapers fuel that optimism

(may not actually happen)
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Why would govt money go to fund those who suffered because of greedy owners. Likes of Jabil and Solectron will unfortunately always reap what they sow. Still a big enough market for missiles locally at Raytheon.
The pandemic has actually caused fairly large increases in the costs of using China. So hopefully more than just PPE supply will return to these shores.
I run a manufacturing (Electronics) facility in Fife and ensure I can jump in the car to visit all my contract manufacturers. Still some good small to medium size cem's in Fife, Musselburgh and Livingston.
My plastic and metalwork is all tooled and produced locally.
Even my cardboard packaging (If anyone could get any due to those tax dodgers Amazon using their purchasing fist).
Out of interest who did you work for ? Pm me if you like.

The owners were greedy as the work moved to somewhere cheaper but I don't see much difference between this and farmers/bankers and they got bailed out.
If the government had effectively topped up wages then perhaps they might have had second thoughts.
Good luck with your business. I can't see mass manufacturing returning to the UK and tbh its not something I'd want to go back to now.
Shifts, repetitive work, targets.
The future is smaller firms producing high value complex systems or software development imo.
In an environment of cheap throw away electrical items quality doesn't matter anymore. Its just about going around the world exploiting workers.
As you say amazon is effectively cheating by not paying tax, the jobs aren't sustainable otherwise.
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44 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

That's just my point.

Leitch says summer 2021 and it seems most on here believes that despite the same people having dismissed as shite almost everything else he's said throughout this, papers have front page spreads saying Feb / Mar and it's dismissed as pish. How is Leitch any more likely to be right than those advising the papers. A hell of a lot of negativity in here !

I think the biggest red flag about anything the likes of Leitch says, is that very few (if any) of the hints he, or indeed the SG as a whole, drop turn out to not be largely true.

Blended learning and "Digital Christmas" are about the only examples I can think of, and those really only came about after widespread backlash in the media and public domain.

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42 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

That's just my point.

Leitch says summer 2021 and it seems most on here believes that despite the same people having dismissed as shite almost everything else he's said throughout this, papers have front page spreads saying Feb / Mar and it's dismissed as pish. How is Leitch any more likely to be right than those advising the papers. A hell of a lot of negativity in here !

I've given an explanation as to the issue with Leitch twice on here already but here it is again.

The actual veracity and likelihood of what he says is not the issue here. Nor is the fact whether his statements are believable or not. However, the weight that his words carry and the position he is in to be communicating the messages that he puts out to the general public combined with the proximity he has to the SG whilst communicating these messages is an enormous issue. Whether what he is saying is bollocks or not, he has the ear of those who make the decisions and they, ultimately will make decisions at least partly based on his recommendations.

I have similar issues with professor Mark Woolhouse from Edinburgh University who continually espouses the clearly bullshit line that we will be socially distancing to some degree for not only years, but several decades. However, he gets somewhat of a free pass in my eyes as he's not endorsed or advising the politicians who are tasked with running the country so is just another epidemiologist with just another wildly varying opinion to other epidemiologists.

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