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Our head teacher has told us we're expected in school tomorrow for a "planning day". Fairly sure that could be done from home.

Our head has told us to work from home this week, and probably expects those with valid reason to (or those who make a big enough song and dance) to do so for the duration of the closure.

I’ll probably be in to cover key worker kids.
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Our head has told us to work from home this week, and probably expects those with valid reason to (or those who make a big enough song and dance) to do so for the duration of the closure.

I’ll probably be in to cover key worker kids.

I'd generally be happy to go in but I live 90 minutes away from my school and stay down there during the week so if I am not needed, I would really rather not go in.
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5 minutes ago, paul-r-cfc said:

Our head teacher has told us we're expected in school tomorrow for a "planning day". Fairly sure that could be done from home.

That planning day should be rescheduled for the day before the sprogs come back, which now we've seen the schools are shut till February at least, will likely be mid March.

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I'd generally be happy to go in but I live 90 minutes away from my school and stay down there during the week so if I am not needed, I would really rather not go in.
I'd agree that's sensible, and those with kids or perhaps someone in their households with health concerns should all work from home in my opinion.

I live quite close to my school, I'm only 31 and have no health concerns (neither does my old man who is in our extended bubble, other than being 66) or kids. So, for me, if there's the option I feel like I should be in school. I'm far more productive there than at home anyway.
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2 minutes ago, super_carson said:

I'd agree that's sensible, and those with kids or perhaps someone in their households with health concerns should all work from home in my opinion.

I live quite close to my school, I'm only 31 and have no health concerns (neither does my old man who is in our extended bubble, other than being 66) or kids. So, for me, if there's the option I feel like I should be in school. I'm far more productive there than at home anyway.

I’ve said I’ll go in, I’m only a nursery assistant (based in a primary) and three hours a day but I’m also a single parent and struggled with the isolation last time. I’ve no Idea how many kids we’ll have back. 
The kids school only had two cases august to Christmas. They’ll be in three days.



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3 hours ago, 101 said:

I had a look at their Facebook page they have 12,000 members. Either they don't all subscribe to their views or Scotland has come so far off the rails that even asking parents to look after their kids for 10 days to stop the spread of virus is now too much to ask parents to do. It's honestly unbelievable.

I keep tabs on their Facebook page every once in a while. Last time I checked I had 7 Facebook Friends who were members, all mums I've known since school or previous workplaces.

I realise what I'm going to say is anecdotal evidence, and thus folk can choose whether to ignore it or not, but 6 of them regularly post about how unfair it is that they're not able to have nights out / lunches / go shopping with their 'girlies'.

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36 minutes ago, paul-r-cfc said:

Our head teacher has told us we're expected in school tomorrow for a "planning day". Fairly sure that could be done from home.

Our council has told us we're to go in on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week and that's all the info we've been given. Tomorrow is an in-service day but we have been doing those from home all year.

Our headteacher is a good lad and has said he will be advocating for flexible working for staff (essentially, those that want to go in can, those that want to work from home can).

In March our council was the same - just about every other council had announced staff were to work from home but ours had us going in the first Monday of Lockdown 1. It wasn't until later that afternoon that they gave us permission to work from home.

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I worked from home for every in service day this year so don't see why this should be any different. We're I working in a school more local to me, I'd be happy to go in. I'm more productive in there anyway. But I can't justify it just now.

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I see it's everyone else's fault again apart from the SG minister who made the claim and can't deliver on it. How convenient!
So who is to blame for us not receiving the vaccine ?

Again assumption that we are somehow not going to distribute and administer what we receive when there is zero evidence of it.

Can't anyone on here be even slightly optimistic we will manage ? I've never seen so many harbingers of doom in one place. Given the frequency of chat about mental health in the thread I would have thought the last thing anyone suffering on that front should be doing is following this thread, it really can't be doing any good reading post after post assuming something that hasn't going wrong is about to. It's bizarre negative behaviour.
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59 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

People will ignore a 'stay at home' message. There's just no way that you'll get people going back to the days of sitting inside for months on end with one walk per day or whatever. 

f**k knows what we'll do if this vaccine resistant strain in South Africa makes a surge for world domination. 



What the fuckityfuck is this?

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1 minute ago, D.A.F.C said:

The real blame lies in the shambles of track/trace and testing.
Also in allowing travel and holidays etc.

Allowing foreign travel does seem a bit cavalier from a normally risk-averse government and my perception of the track and trace thing isn’t positive either. Probably need a few token resignations from ministers.

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11 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Can't anyone on here be even slightly optimistic we will manage ? I've never seen so many harbingers of doom in one place. Given the frequency of chat about mental health in the thread I would have thought the last thing anyone suffering on that front should be doing is following this thread, it really can't be doing any good reading post after post assuming something that hasn't going wrong is about to. It's bizarre negative behaviour.

It's almost like there has been almost a year of entire clusterfuck after entire clusterfuck on which people base their decisions on whether they believe those in power will get things right.

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10 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

So who is to blame for us not receiving the vaccine ?

Shifting the goalposts yet again. The pledge made by the SG's health secretary was that one million people in Scotland would be vaccinated by the end of this month. The only ones to blame for that not actually happening are i) the secretary of state responsible and by extension ii) Sturgeon for letting such a clownshoe oversee matters and making pronouncements that she couldn't actually deliver on.

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