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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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33 minutes ago, mizfit said:


I’ve a work colleague now who’s peddling very dangerous lies about how the vaccine makes you sterile and lockdown is to scare you into accepting it.

She’s a peddler of juice plus. I’ve also noted everyone who’s agreeing with her are either customers or supporters in the pyramid scheme.

Absolutely not a coincidence in my eyes.


Juice Plus not only prevents covid, but cures it of you've already got it. Pay the lady her £29 or whatever silly money it costs, can't be too careful.

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13 hours ago, Wee Bully said:

There seems to be a lot of heat on here today about something that has no chance of happening. We will start to open up once we have vaccinated the vulnerable and we will be back to near normality by the end of the summer.

I hope you are right but while it might happen that things are a whole lot better by the summer, if we just repeat the same mistakes we did last year, the danger is we end up back in a lockdown of some sorts next winter. That's all that these people advocating this so-called zero covid are trying to avoid.


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This is a zoomer and a half. Hopefully phoning the brew in the morning.

“The nurses don’t know what they are talking about” yet, She’s training to be one.
Wants her 5 minutes of fame, get her in the fucking clyde.
There was a woman on a fife news page on Facebook saying that she stayed near our hospital had never seen a single ambulance going down, people walking into a&e etc. (They have moved the walk in entrance around to the front) she was pulled up by someone on this and she told them to “do their research” the person who had pulled them up on, works for the ambulance service.
Folk like this are idiots, who always seem to think they are right, everyone who disagrees is wrong.
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50 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:


Slightly different tone today


This is why she has been going on about trying something like pursuing zero covid, for all the shouting on here from people ranting about restrictions, if we stay in lockdown and drive the numbers low then you can do what she has been saying for months instead of just reacting to the virus with a cycle of lockdowns.

"a long-term strategy, functional test/trace/isolate, and real & enforceable border restrictions. Vaccines will help but risky to rely completely on them & not going to help with the lockdown/release cycles in short-term." 

Maybe the current plan of vaccinating and easing of restrictions will work, but there are a number of people questioning it. To be fair, maybe their zero covid strategy won't work either. I'm personally just extremely fed up with the lockdown/release cycles and the no actual plan for an end to it, other than the hope that simply vaccinating people will work. I think the short-term pain of trying some kind of zero covid strategy is something that might give us a more normal life more quickly. 

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15 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

When I was doing my union secondment we all used to dread being allocated the student nurse cases.

They were mostly a nightmare with some really bizarre people that you wouldn't trust to look after a snail never mind a human.

The universities get funds for how many people are on the course I think so the vetting at times wasn't overly stringent hence why so many weirdos get in to courses.

Upon entering the wards it becomes quickly apparent that there is a student that's wrong un, the university gets phoned and that's when the fun starts.

You then find out said loon has attempted to be a just about everything before trying the nursing gig and it's always everyone else to blame.  

Happy days.


What did you try first 😛 

My cousin is ex army, to say hes gone a wee bit conspiracy theory is an understatement, I mean i still love him and he’s clearly suffering from ptsd (but functioning) but gone full bill gates 5g. Thankfully hes a barber who did foundy science but its scary to actually know one of the tin foil mob. 

If devi is coming round to the vaccinate and ease restrictions stuff then its good because she is obviously influential. For me we keep restrictions until we get the over 80s etc done then continue shielding the medically high risk til they’re vaccinated, seems a very easy way to do it. 

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17 hours ago, No_Problemo said:

Last year we locked down from March. Pubs and restaurants didn’t reopen until mid July. Gyms and other things didn’t open until August. 

On the 1st of September, indoor gatherings were again banned in the west of Scotland. This hasn’t changed ever since.  During this time Aberdeen were placed in a further lockdown. 

Where is this gap where zero covid was achievable? Should we have just have stayed in perpetual lockdown from then until now. At best, most of Scotland was out of lockdown for two months. Even during those two months everything was heavily restricted. 

Schools won’t stay closed until the summer, so in what world is zero covid achievable. To achieve zero covid from where we are now, everyone would have to suffer a harsh lockdown from now until summer. Then what? We open things up gradually and within weeks are locking down again. What’s the fucking point. 

At the end of June we had consistently low enough numbers that we could start to ease restrictions in July and use track & trace to keep them low. But we didn't have a strong enough track & trace (proper enforcement of it & people being paid to self-isolate) and we allowed people to travel on holiday and come back with no proper checks and  quarantine measures. Plus, south of the border they didn't get the numbers low enough, and therefore we were badly hindered by our proximity and integration with England. This is probably the major stumbling block for us, the fact is only Northern Ireland has done better than Scotland in the UK with the number of deaths (and we have the lowest infection rates), and that probably has a lot to do with them being attached to Ireland rather than England. 

If we could've properly restricted our borders, used quarantine for any travel, and had a robust track & trace system, the numbers wouldn't have started rising so much, and that Aberdeen lockdown, which was only for a few weeks and was mainly a success, would have been exactly the kind of short, sharp lockdown that could have been as bad as it got, we would never have slid back into the lockdown/release cycles that we've been in ever since.

Right now we probably wouldn't need to lockdown until the summer, but if we could do so until Spring, because this time we have the vaccines, as long as we do them as quickly as possible, we could start to ease restrictions, and along with the border restrictions, proper quarantine for any travel etc, etc, we could start moving to a zero covid target.

That is the fucking point.

Edited by s_dog
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2 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

Are midwives just a secret society that aims to spread disinformation? So many things we've been told by a midwife have turned out to be flat wrong.


2 hours ago, Tynierose said:

They're a shower of slavering arseholes in my experience of dealing with them both personally and professionally.

I've only ever knowingly met one. Horrible she was.

Hadn't made a sound but she grabbed me and skelped my arse.

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The "Scottish" Daily Mail/Express demographic seem to get a stonking erection at the merest hint of the phrase British Army. 

Totally anecdotaly, but my pal got her jag at Louisa Jordan on Sat at 4:30pm. She said system running very smoothly and zero delay. She works in optometry so while patient facing, isn't really front line as such. Thought it interesting that they were being offered jags already. Hopefully a sign that the genuine front line staff have mainly been done. I know my RMN Mrs had hers done weeks ago.  Also shows it is not just a Mon-Fri set up. 

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Guest TheJTS98
5 minutes ago, s_dog said:

At the end of June we had consistently low enough numbers that we could start to ease restrictions in July and use track & trace to keep them low. But we didn't have a strong enough track & trace (proper enforcement of it & people being paid to self-isolate) and we allowed people to travel on holiday and come back with no proper checks and  quarantine measures.

This is the point many people in the UK (and some on this thread) seem to miss.

The UK missed its chance to adopt the more open lifestyle seen in other countries just now by not making the sacrifices those countries made to get there in the initial stages.

The UK was allowing people to go abroad on holiday, for fucks' sake. The more open regime people understandably want is not going to be possible for quite some time. That die was cast long ago.

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I do see it as a failure of scotgov not to shut off England, when cases bottomed out here. Which looks worse now it's been done later on. But at least they're learning.

Also was surprised, Scotland joined in with the delayed second dose. But again suspect some pressure from Westminster on it. Disappointed there wasn't some push back on that.

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