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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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16 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Choosing to believe @DA Baracus has been living a Naked Rambler esque nomadic lifestyle the past 4 months and has now been forced back on to this hellsite because of Covid-19. Not reading corrections to this head canon, sorry.

Fortunately, for the eyes of the city, I was not naked, or indeed rambling.


However, if I had the money I'd be firing up north in a luxury motor home immediately and spending a good few month in actual isolation, like a place where no one was around.

But I don't, so I'll have to make do with my flat.

9 hours ago, Bairnardo said:
17 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Really unsure how folk still aren't getting this.

It's not about you catching the virus and being ok after a week or so. It's about loads of folk getting it at the same time, and the exponential spread of it.

When we have loads of folk out of commission with the virus, even if they get better (and the vast majority will), the effects of that are wide ranging and lead on to more problems. It's a domino effect.

This is about not overwhelming the NHS. They don't have the resources to cope with huge numbers getting it at the same time. This will lead to an unmanageable strain on resources. Front line staff will be fucked. Patients will die because they are not enough staff and resources to go round when huge numbers are taken ill at the same time, and for a sustained period. There will be people dying from preventable causes simply because there are not enough doctors, equipment, drugs and other resources. They won't be prioritised. This has already happened in Italy.

This is about the economy. I'm not one for preserving the shit version where the folk at the top take the vast majority for themselves and f**k the rest. I'm on about the economy at all levels. Local economies will have to lose business, but the quicker we can stop the spread of the virus the less they suffer. Think of your favourite local shop, butcher, baker, pub etc.

This is about jobs. People are already losing them and more pay offs or outright termination of employment will happen. But again, the quicker we can reduce the spread of the virus the better chance some businesses have of staying open or the better chance they have of not losing as much of their business or not having to downscale etc. That means less people will lose their jobs and potentially could mean more companies being in a position to hire people sooner. This also means folk have more disposal income quicker.

This is about schools and education. Kids are in a tough position because of this and are having exams cancelled. It must be a really scary and uncertain time for them. The won't get the same level of education from online plans that they would in a class. Colleges and universities are the same. Then there's the issue of parents having to take time off to look after their kids. This will cost people their jobs, and they can't think of getting back in to employment until the situation is resolved. This will seriously f**k a lot of people up in a lot of ways, ranging from financial to mental, and that will hurt their kids too.

We need to be thinking longer term in how we act now. Think of the consequences of what you're doing. You might get the virus and be fine. But you're then spreading it (in the 5 or however many days you have it before you feel the symptoms). And you'll spread it to folk who spread it to folk etc etc. Is that worth it for a cup of coffee or a pint?

The government should be ordering a mass closure of things. If the fucking army need to be deployed in some areas (obviously select areas since they can't begin to cover even half of areas in the country) then so be it. Maybe they should be stationed at big supermarkets and told to shoot panic buyers and hoarders on sight.


Also stop with the bullshit rumours.

Stop posting bullshit rumours that you heard from someone who heard from someone you utter c***s.
You're not helping anyone you attention seeking p***ks. You're actively stirring up panic and fear. Have a fucking thought for other people for once you self centred tossers.
Here's one I can put to bed (before I myself go to bed): there will be new doctors coming in, i.e. Year 5 medical students will be graduating this year. I know this because of where I work and what I do as my job. No chance I'm expanding on that though.

Pleased to see you back brother.


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3 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Was going to skip the gym today but better get down for a final workout. 

Shite for the staff. 

Bring your own bog roll, you selfish b******.

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Just now, welshbairn said:

Where did you get that from? From what I've heard asymptomatic carriers can only pass it on for a short time before they start showing symptoms, less than 24 hours according to one guy.

It varies from person to person. The health of their lungs and their level of exposure makes a big difference. 

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The death toll from the virus in Italy has risen by 627 to 4,032, officials say.

It is the largest daily rise in the country since the beginning of the outbreak.

Getting really bad in Italy.

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Anyway, finding the argument about condescending to the elderly and bossing them around a bizarre one. It's nothing of the sort. Is it condescending to offer people of advanced years a flu shot each winter? The many thousands who take up that offer each don't seem to think so. They acknowledge that they are at risk, because unfortunately as you age you become more susceptible to some illnesses.


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Disgraceful question from the Daily Mail reporter there to Johnson - "Will doctors have to choose who to save?" "Are you saying people shouldn't visit their mothers on mothers' day?".

Good use of your access to the big boys discussion you stupid fucking boot.

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19 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

She's totally batshit crazy. Can't talk too well on the phone. Can't text any more and she has this dementia-related thing where if anyone does call her she gives them a bollocking for draining the battery on her phone. She can just about work the telly, though most of the time she uses her phone to try and change channel then tells anyone who will listen that I have nobbled her phone so nobody can ring her and that I've nobbled her Sky so no programmes record. 

I used to put my old year's telly on a permanent loop of "classic" Take the High Road. It was like she'd never seen it before.

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7 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Fortunately, for the eyes of the city, I was not naked, or indeed rambling.


However, if I had the money I'd be firing up north in a luxury motor home immediately and spending a good few month in actual isolation, like a place where no one was around.

But I don't, so I'll have to make do with my flat.


Nevertheless, welcome back, brother.

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

Nice weepy rap lecture there, except for the inconvenient fact that there aren’t any strict ‘isolation rules’ in place yet - not even for over 70s and vulnerable health groups. The vast majority of people are being told instead to practice social distancing: this involves avoiding busy, largely enclosed spaces like public transport or a crowded pub but does not mean you shouldn’t go outside if you want to. The idea that people can spread a virus simply by being on the street passing someone else is nonsense.

I doubt that there will be anywhere near full, voluntary compliance if the government introduced lockdown measures but we’re not there yet anyway.


I contracted chickenpox aged 56, after passing a spotty wean in a pushchair.  It can happen.

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3 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

Wait, the government going to pay 80% of wages?


It depends on whether it's 80% of previous net earnings or 80% of contracted earnings which would snooker people on minimal or zero contracts who do extra hours. 

Edited by Detournement
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7 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

The collective risk of something spreading diminishes if we all just do less stuff.

The collective risk of spreading a virus from walking down the street is practically zero. In fact the proven negative impacts on mental as well as physical health of complete, long-term social and physical isolation poses a greater risk right now than coronavirus does. Even purely from a public health standpoint there are good reasons why a complete lockdown/quarantine of an area is treated as the last possible resort.


I get that you get a buzz out of being acid to people online but more generally I don't understand why normal folk seem to want to push back against this.

I'm not pushing back against anything because no restrictions are actually in place: if people have misinterpreted government advice and think we're already in an 'essential activity only' lockdown phase then they're wrong (though the government's woeful mixed messaging hasn't helped that). If people voluntarily choose to self-isolate when the government hasn't advised them to do so yet then that's their choice. It doesn't give them a right to lecture others about the selfishness of being outside though when there is neither evidence nor government advice against that behaviour.

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6 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Anyway, finding the argument about condescending to the elderly and bossing them around a bizarre one. It's nothing of the sort. Is it condescending to offer people of advanced years a flu shot each winter? The many thousands who take up that offer each don't seem to think so. They acknowledge that they are at risk, because unfortunately as you age you become more susceptible to some illnesses.


I don't wish to sound facetious but you used to complain about being isolated, now we're all doing it and you want to get even further away.

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1 minute ago, cyderspaceman said:

I contracted chickenpox aged 56, after passing a spotty wean in a pushchair.  It can happen.

That's the antivaxxer c***s for you, wonder how they think about one for this.

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19 minutes ago, BawWatchin said:

Because even although they feel healthy, it doesn't mean they aren't infected. If someone who feels fine (but is actually infected) starts touching things like swings, slides, benches and so on... then somebody more vulnerable comes into contact with them. It could be a death sentence.

Which is why the 'wash your hands and don't touch your face with them' messages have been front and centre of the public health campaign from the start. And how many old people are running around parks touching slides in the first place? This is getting ever more tenuous by the minute.

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