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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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6 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:



I know it's Hancock and anything he says should be taken with more than a pinch of salt but this goes against a lot of the doom and gloom we've been fed recently, for which he's been amongst the worst.

As I said earlier, the Tories will not allow lockdown/restrictions to last any longer than absolutely neccesary, 30th April/furlough is the end date.

To paraphrase Peter O'Hanraha-hanrahan "NS didn't like it, but she had to go along with it"

What of course it doesn't say is we'll be in the middle of a great British foreign holiday exodus........

Edited by Burnieman
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18 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

Meanwhile, in the land of zero Covid


Devi will be upset.

On the contrary, she'll be fucking delighted that she can point to a 5 day lockdown being implemented off the back of 1 case.

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Meanwhile, in the land of zero Covid
Devi will be upset.
And again this highlights the absolute folly of zero covid. What is the point in a harsh and long lockdown when you'll just lockdown an entire city for 5 days with just one case to maintain it.

The likes of Sridhar are hoodwinking a lot.of people with the idea that it's the only way to get back to normal. Well, looking at Australia and Auckland last year, it's not really doing what she claims, is it?
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Things to remember
1. Devi doesn’t work for the Scottish or uk government
2. Leitch and co simply take the data they know, calculate how much x permitted activities cause y number of cases and therefore z number of hospitalisations. Give estimates of what wee packages of measures will have on the overall picture and for how long
They don’t concern themselves with the economy or social impacts .
Thing is when they get interviewed they don’t say that
When asked how long will current restrictions need to last they say “estimate around 6months to get to sustained low levels where elemimation is possible “. They don’t add on at the end” but really the government will intervene some time between now and then and accept a higher number a tradeoff”
So by listening to them you’re really only getting half the story

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40 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

Meanwhile, in the land of zero Covid


Devi will be upset.

As others have said, she'll be rejoicing at the fact the state is dealing with this 'swiftly and harshly'. Of course, there is precisely nothing normal with the state being allowed to incarcerate the population on a whim and at a moments notice, nor is the constant cloud of this possibility hanging over your mind.

While these places may be enjoying their summer freedoms, it only takes one slip, and they may face problems down the line with vaccine-only immunity in the population which we won't. It's true, we've been through a shit show, but we shouldn't have those same worries once mass vaccination is rolled out alongside immunity built up through natural infection.

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40 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

As I said earlier, the Tories will not allow lockdown/restrictions to last any longer than absolutely neccesary, 30th April/furlough is the end date.

To paraphrase Peter O'Hanraha-hanrahan "NS didn't like it, but she had to go along with it"

What of course it doesn't say is we'll be in the middle of a great British foreign holiday exodus........

Hancock has been using these weasel words to try and suggest just that, and when asked about summer holidays saying he has his booked in Cornwall.

Nobody cares about fucking Cornwall, you sociopath.

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Can we get a predictor on the go about the inevitable months-long imprisonment which will happen in parts of Australia and New Zealand as autumn rolls into winter in a few months?

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4 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Hancock has been using these weasel words to try and suggest just that, and when asked about summer holidays saying he has his booked in Cornwall.

Nobody cares about fucking Cornwall, you sociopath.

Cornwall is flavour of the month on the BBC.

If the BBC had been running multiple series about the Craig Tara caravan park, you can bet that's where Hancock would be claiming he had his holidays booked.

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8 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Boris reacting to other countries introducing flight bans on February 3rd.


The Government and their advisers have flip flopped to endorse populist measures rather than 'follow the science' to try and help themselves in the future inquiry and reckoning to come.

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On the Andrew Marr Show, Dr Susan Hopkins from Public Health England says the pressure on the NHS as a result of high numbers of Covid patients will continue until at least the end of March.

She says improved treatments for the virus mean "people aren't dying as fast as they were" - this is "good news" but also means Covid patients spend longer in hospital.

Hopkins adds that it's "a bit early to say" whether the decline in numbers of hospital patients is as a result of the effects of the vaccine kicking in.

And even when those effects do kick in, she says any lifting of restrictions must be done "very slowly, very cautiously".

She hopes this summer will be similar to last summer in the UK, where rules were far less strict than the current lockdown measures.

But Hopkins warns against restrictions being relaxed too much as "we do not want to have another wave as we've had this winter".

"Let's get the population vaccinated - that will have the biggest impact on reducing hospitalisations and reducing deaths."

So another sanitised, soul destroying, wasted summer, then. bQshDtu.png

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Just now, Todd_is_God said:

I'm sensing a sort of revisionist outlook on last summer as though it was some sort of utopian paradise. It was far from it.

I'm booking in a game of fives for mid August as we speak.

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Just now, David W said:

I'm booking in a game of fives for mid August as we speak.

I've booked a holiday just so as I can wait on it being cancelled to replicate the utopia of last summer.

Ah the new normal of last summer, get that right in the sea.   If our end game is a replica of last summer then stop the world I'm getting aff.

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This summer will actually be even worse than last summer, if that's how they're promoting it, and with the possibility of being unable to escape this hell island - and with all vulnerable people and most of the wider population innoculated with highly effective vaccines.

How is that possibly justifiable?

Whitty and others have talked about hopefully having next to no restrictions, but last summer was nothing remotely close to that. And this is before the inevitable shitting of the bed as the usual winter pressure metrics begin picking up in late September/early October.

Again, how do we ever get out of this mindset?

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3 minutes ago, Elixir said:

This summer will actually be even worse than last summer, if that's how they're promoting it, and with the possibility of being unable to escape this hell island - and with all vulnerable people and most of the wider population innoculated with highly effective vaccines.

How is that possibly justifiable?

Whitty and others have talked about hopefully having next to no restrictions, but last summer was nothing remotely close to that. And this is before the inevitable shitting of the bed as the usual winter pressure metrics begin picking up in late September/early October.

Again, how do we ever get out of this mindset?

I can’t remember exactly what the English restrictions were, but ours were dreadful. 

Gyms didn’t open until something mental like August. 

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