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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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The frustration in this thread is tangible however it's still not my perception of the public at large based on family, friends and local social media. It still seems to me the govt still have overwhelming support for the path they are on.

The frustration i think comes from, there doesn’t seem to be the optimism that we thought the vaccine would bring. Since the 1st jabs have went into arms, it has been pure pessimism from the press and government. Imo the best thing to do would be to start easing the lockdown and come back down, through the tiers over a period of months until everyones had their second jab. Maybe even go for, once we hit X number, we drop a tier.
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8 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

I think pretty much that is their standpoint. They really want this to be the last "lockdown" but they know they can't actually guarantee that so in an attempt to try to get to that situation they seem determined to drive levels down as low as the possibly can without losing public support.

The frustration in this thread is tangible however it's still not my perception of the public at large based on family, friends and local social media. It still seems to me the govt still have overwhelming support for the path they are on. Maybe in fact probably others will say it's the exact opposite within their social network and that is totally possible but until public opinion swings considerably both govts are going to "chance their arm" to try to delay lifting restrictions as long as possible within the current financial constraints (bar targeted support just can't see another furlough extension).

Public opinion will play a distant third or fourth fiddle to media, parliamentary and industry lobby pressure. All of which will be going in the correct direction for our* wider needs.


*The non Helen Lovejoys among us.

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5 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

From GP Online,  it was an article end of November so possibly progress since then,

At-risk groups

Vaccine trials in children have only just begun and there are currently 'very limited data on safety and immunogenicity in this group', the guidance adds. Given low risk of severe illness for children and young people and the lack of data on vaccine safety, 'COVID-19 vaccines are not routinely recommended for children and young people under 18 years of age', although vaccination for at-risk under-18s could be reconsidered once more safety data is available.

Surely if the vaccines are effective in adults and kids only get at worst (typically) mild symptoms then the immunity from the adult population is more important than vaccinating kids for the virus/herd immunity will cover it? Bit like the rationale for only select groups getting flu jags? 

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1 hour ago, Biscuits said:

Got the vaccine yesterday. Really struggling today - slept for 15hours, shivers and thumping headache. Anyone else?

I don't feel that great but I don't feel that great a lot of days when I haven't had an injection.

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9 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

You really believe that?  I can’t think of any poster on here who has expressed or even hinted at that.

Some people can’t see anything else apart from their own interests or viewpoint. I wouldn’t take anything seriously from someone who encourages a group of people to go around trying to upset people on an Internet forum. When called out they’ll just get personal.

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8 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Asymptomatic testing twice a week for schools will be helpful.

Is there not an issue with vaccines that under-16s don't get them?

Lack of trials I assume. Possibly ethical issues about trialling vaccines on children as well, but we got the TB vaccine, amongst others, approved. 

I accept children are lower risk and unlikely to get bacly ill, but if we're genuinely concerned about spreadand the Kent variant then it seems necessary. 

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22 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
35 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:
It’s a shite talking football forum m8. Don’t think anyone thinks they’re changing the world here.  

I suspect a couple probably do to be fair !

Aye, there’s definitely posters on here who in their own heads think they could handle this pandemic better that the authorities.

It would be laughable if it weren’t so sad.

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Not to hand.
Look at my daily posts and compile it yourself. Or go through the link I provide and check every day for yourself.
Nae worries. Just wasn't sure if you'd have it hand. Only ask because it appears to be slowing pretty drastically. My quick fag packet maths suggest a 2% daily drop which seems about normal at the moment will take another 40 days to reach 50/100,000
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Just now, Granny Danger said:

Aye, there’s definitely posters on here who in their own heads think they could handle this pandemic better that the authorities.

It would be laughable if it weren’t so sad.

Look at my graph, i googled it so I’m an expert in epidemiology. There’s no way that pubs should still be closed. My pubs guy told me so.

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I'm going out and a limb here, but I think if posters are getting a bit angry and frustrated, then others calling them out isn't a very big and clever thing to do.  People's mental health is clearly being affected by what's going on in the world, looking down your noses at them isn't helping one fucking bit.

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1 minute ago, philpy said:

I'm going out and a limb here, but I think if posters are getting a bit angry and frustrated, then others calling them out isn't a very big and clever thing to do.  People's mental health is clearly being affected by what's going on in the world, looking down your noses at them isn't helping one fucking bit.

It helps me.

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2 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Aye, there’s definitely posters on here who in their own heads think they could handle this pandemic better that the authorities.

It would be laughable if it weren’t so sad.

I don't think you are directing that at me, but just to chime in, I think the message of constant negativity is incredibly stupid. It's either, being done to force compliance despite the fact that they don't believe it, which IMO is dangerous and damaging.

Or, its being done because they are hand wringing roasters who have little to no concept of risk mitigation and the term "reasonably practicable" and accordingly, have lost the fucking plot.

In both of these scenarios, it is my absolute belief that I am right and they are wrong.


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4 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Aye, there’s definitely posters on here who in their own heads think they could handle this pandemic better that the authorities.

It would be laughable if it weren’t so sad.

Why is it laughable?  What qualifies politicians to handle a pandemic?  Being elected/appointed to an office doesn’t make you competent in anything.

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Aye, there’s definitely posters on here who in their own heads think they could handle this pandemic better that the authorities.
It would be laughable if it weren’t so sad.
Is this not the case for every thread of politics. We all think we could run education better, roads better, planning and infrastructure better, transport better and people frequently moan about all of these things but nah, you're right, we should just blindly follow the experts and not bother questioning authority at all. It's better that way.
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