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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, Elixir said:

In the short-term, yes. But once levels of immunity in populations are high, the virus will be pressured to adapt. It's the reason common cold coronaviruses and seasonal influenza still transmit but don't overwhelm health services.

Vaccine resistant mutations are less likely to appear in a highly immunised population but they are more likely to become the dominant strain if they do appear. It is a trade off but whether a vaccine resistant strain is more likely to seed inside a highly immune population or be seeded from outside populations that are not immune is going to depend heavily on the exact levels of immunity in both populations.

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Not really sure why it's such a surprise people might like to leave the UK (namely Scotland for most on this forum) for a holiday. For starters, the weather is not renowned here and is it really shocking people want escapism when they've been shut inside their own homes through winter? Of course it isn't - it's been an utterly miserable experience. 

If we're not allowed that, nothing short of what we used to call normal here is acceptable. Last year's dumbed-down experience won't cut the mustard, particularly now that we actually have a bloody vaccine. It is ridiculous the amount of backsliding we've had to listen to recently of "greater normality" given we are actually now in a better position to exit this nightmare than we were last April. You wouldn't think this was the case listening to the likes of Leitch. 

I accept cases, hospitalisations and deaths are still high and so we're not just going to open tomorrow, but continuous improvement is being seen and the vaccination programme is moving forward well. Now would be a great time for that adult conversation we were promised last year - if you won't let us travel, then what can we do domestically? 

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10 minutes ago, latapythelegend said:

Its absolutely mind boggling that people are so desperate to get abroad just for a holiday. Getting day to day life back to normal is a much bigger priority for everybody.

It's really not, especially as I'm looking out the window at two foot of snow knowing that in pretty much any other year in mid-February I'd be in Tenerife or some such tip enjoying cheap lager and warm sun. 

Besides, I've been working from home for a year. This IS normal now. Not getting on holiday, that's not normal. 

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5 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

In Scotland it's any passenger regardless of departure country bar UK and Ireland

Yes, but in England it's only red list countries that you are forced to quarantine. If a Scot arrived at Dover after working in France the SG are essentially saying English authorities need to force them into quarantine, despite England having no such rule? I just don't see that happening. 

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10 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

If there is no travel for the entirety of 2021 there will be people who haven't seen their kids or parents for 2 years. There was a guy on here saying his old man might not be able to get back for his grandad's funeral.

It's not my number 1 priority but it's not "mind boggling" that other people can have different priorities and "priority for everybody" might be different.

Don't think I mentioned that in my post so assuming it's someone else but my dad is in the exact same situation after my grandad passed away start of the week

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6 minutes ago, Elixir said:

It's genuinely almost a parody at this point.

I'm going to suggest this is down to using PCR tests to diagnose cases.

Anyone with any symptom whatsoever testing positive can then add their symptoms to "covid symptoms"

"500 people with a broken leg tested positive for Covid" (for example) obviously does not mean a broken leg is a symptom of covid.

The list of symptoms now is absolutely incredible. Does any other virus present with anywhere near as many as this?

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11 minutes ago, Jimmy Shaker said:

It's really not, especially as I'm looking out the window at two foot of snow knowing that in pretty much any other year in mid-February I'd be in Tenerife or some such tip enjoying cheap lager and warm sun. 

Besides, I've been working from home for a year. This IS normal now. Not getting on holiday, that's not normal. 


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Leitch saying a few things of note here:

- Likely to go back to tiers as we begin to roll back restrictions

- 100 cases per 100k nationally is "too high" to begin looking at opening anything up

- Schools the priority along with "places of worship" where we will take a national approach

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1 minute ago, Jimmy Shaker said:

It's really not, especially as I'm looking out the window at two foot of snow knowing that in pretty much any other year in mid-February I'd be in Tenerife or some such tip enjoying cheap lager and warm sun. 

Besides, I've been working from home for a year. This IS normal now. Not getting on holiday, that's not normal. 

No it's a fortunate bonus to day to day life. Nobody a sunshine holiday to get by, we all enjoy them but its not a necessity.

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27 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

"haha rent free seethe into my veins" from old lads on here because people are frustrated at their lives being impacted by restrictions is one of the worst bits yet on This Thread.

This and any critique of the SG by anyone being met with the 'Tory in disguise' patter.

I mean, it's almost as if they've been brought up in a country where 'if you say you're no a Rangers supporter, that makes ye a tim' is a sound bit of logic and they are just applying it elsewhere. 


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Chills, loss of appetite, headache and muscle aches could be a sign of COVID-19 infection, according to new findings.
It's genuinely almost a parody at this point.

Those symptoms sound like a bad hangover. Cue the phone calls to work on a Monday “ I have Covid symptoms, better take the day off”
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2 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:


Leitch saying a few things of note here:

- Likely to go back to tiers as we begin to roll back restrictions

- 100 cases per 100k nationally is "too high" to begin looking at opening anything up

- Schools the priority along with "places of worship" where we will take a national approach

This absolute belter as well:


Leitch said reducing the prevalence of Covid-19 is crucial to the easing of lockdown measures.

He said: “If prevalence comes down you get much, much more choice about what you do. With prevalence still over 100 cases per 100,000 it’s still way too high to unfortunately think about going for a haircut

How can anyone take this sociopath remotely seriously?

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Just now, Marshmallo said:

- Schools the priority along with "places of worship" where we will take a national approach

The first of those - I agree with (I appreciate you may not, Marshy, but I'm just speaking as teacher who is sick of his laptop). 

The second can take a big long f**k off to itself, and then when it's all the way fucked off, it can f**k off some more.    I have absolutely no problem with religion in the slightest, live and live let live and all that.  But there is absolutely no way we should be cherry picking what kind of gatherings are and aren't allowed.  Why should someone be able to go to the church before the football, for example? Who is to say that one is more important than the other, rationally and objectively speaking.  If the government start making arbitrary decisions about what is and isn't an acceptable then a lot of the rationale of these decisions fall down.  

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2 minutes ago, Mr Tourette said:

It's genuinely almost a parody at this point.

Those symptoms sound like a bad hangover. Cue the phone calls to work on a Monday “ I have Covid symptoms, better take the day off”

Tbf, my mother in law had COVID a few weeks ago and she said a headache was one of the most notable symptoms, along with the cough and loss of taste/smell.

She took it pretty mild though.

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Too dangerous to get a haircut, but perfectly fine to gather to worship a sky fairy...

Am I not right in saying that, just 2 months ago, 100 per 100k was safe enough to go for a pint in the pub until 10.30pm, yet now we actually have a vaccine a wee trim is apocalyptic?

Get these clowns as far to f**k as possible.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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