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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 minute ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Downloaded it when it became available and deleted it at the start of the year. 

Zapped it Feb/Mar time I think.  The only impact isolating would have on me currently is not being able to walk the dogs but f**k that.  I live in the countryside with fields literally across the road so there’s no way they’re being confined to the garden for 10 days if I can help it.


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4 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

You must be appalled then that your fellow Tories  most centralising, power grabbing, authoritarian government in UK history. 

😂😂 another belting lack of self awareness from another one of Nicola’s  besotted fanboys. 😂😂

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3 hours ago, SoapMactavish said:

I’ll have to agree to disagree with you about that.

Same as washing your hands etc they will certainly be required by folk entering hospital. It would actually be a good thing as there has been a much lower rate of people getting infections in hospital with them.
I’d be disappointed if the NHS buckled and just let folk do what they want inside hospitals.

But coming from the same people who brought you ‘Don’t wear a mask as it’ll scare the patients’ in Late Feb 2020 I wouldn’t be surprised <_<

The arguments about wearing them in hospitals are pretty much going to be the same as the arguments about wearing them elsewhere, just on a different scale. Even in a hospital, the clinical and medical side of things are only one part of the consideration. Like everything else there has to be a cost-benefit calculation which balances up the benefits of mask wearing in hospitals (mainly infection reduction) with the negatives (mainly the impact on normal human interactions).

My wife gave birth in September, and the rules on masks definitely had an impact on how the experience. I had to wear one during the entire birth, which made it much harder for me to provide support to my wife - her hearing isn't great at the best of times and she really struggled to hear me through the mask. Aside from that, I wasn't able to basic things like giving her a wee kiss for reassurance. The same was true once my daughter arrived, even just daft things like all the pictures of us in the hospital having me with a mask on makes it all seem much more inhuman. These things do have to be given serious consideration.

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The impotent fury from the psycho brigade when businesses are not in fact ruined by their lack of custom for not enforcing distancing and mask mandates, but rather are jumping with the majority who embrace normality again, is simmering away nicely in the background. 

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4 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Not on covid there isn't and it is crucial to understand why that distinction matters.

Most of your breath goes right out the sides of your mask or through the mask itself taking moisture and any viruses with it in partickes small enough to hang in the air for hours. That alone renders masks utterly useless because Covid is not like other viruses. It is significantly more contagious.

Don't get me wrong. If you cough or sneeze your mask will catch most of it. That's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about normal breathing. Your mask will capture relatively little of that moisture.

Someone on here posted data showing illness rates amongst staff from normal surgical masks versus the FFP3 masks and the difference is stark.

This is why I was always sceptical about cloth face coverings being any use.  The NHS wouldn’t have been screaming for more FFP3 masks and all the volunteers that sewed scrubs etc. for doctors would have been knocking out home made masks in the millions.

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1 hour ago, Left Back said:

Less than half of the downloads of the Scottish test and trace app still active.

Less than half of Covid app downloads are active https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-57715950

public opinion seems to be turning.

I done an update on the app and presume it worked but when I looked at the app a few weeks later it said I needed to activate it.

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:
1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

Not on covid there isn't and it is crucial to understand why that distinction matters.

Most of your breath goes right out the sides of your mask or through the mask itself taking moisture and any viruses with it in partickes small enough to hang in the air for hours. That alone renders masks utterly useless because Covid is not like other viruses. It is significantly more contagious.

Don't get me wrong. If you cough or sneeze your mask will catch most of it. That's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about normal breathing. Your mask will capture relatively little of that moisture and if you have covid, you'll be giving everyone around you covid as well whether you have a mask on or not. It's like standing in the rain with an umbrella full of massive holes. Sure, some of the rain is stopped by the spokes and the material but you are still geting soaked.

Someone on here posted data showing illness rates amongst staff from normal surgical masks versus the FFP3 masks and the difference is stark.

There absolutely is papers on the effectiveness of masks on droplet precautions, which is the principal route it spreads. 

Normal breathing doesn’t propel as many particles out from your lungs and into the air as sneezing and coughing. (Again there is plenty of scientific papers on this)

Your lack of a grasp of this shows your lack of understanding of it. 


1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

Yes but none of that is your call and you shouldn't be policing it. The government have allowed for it and those people have the right to go about their business without being constantly harassed, regardless of whether folk are abusing the scheme or not.

It must be a nightmare for exempt people to have to constantly justify themselves to the army of mini Hitlers out therre who are creaming themselves over this little bit of power they have been hopefully temporarily given.

Oh certainly I couldn’t care what folk do outside of work.

However if you come into my work and claim exemption for something like asthma or that it just doesn’t fly. I have a right to know the reason for your exemption as the person responsible for your care at that point. Working in a place where you actively see every single person attending hospital who are positive for covid it would not only be dangerous to you but a dereliction of care for me to allow you to swan around places where there are active covid patients. 

Edited by SoapMactavish
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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

Yes but none of that is your call and you shouldn't be policing it. The government have allowed for it and those people have the right to go about their business without being constantly harassed, regardless of whether folk are abusing the scheme or not.

It must be a nightmare for exempt people to have to constantly justify themselves to the army of mini Hitlers out therre who are creaming themselves over this little bit of power they have been hopefully temporarily given.

Where are all these mini hitler mask inspectors? I've quite often gone out and about shopping etc and forgotten to bring a mask, nothing said apart from the dentist where they're understandably pretty strict.

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11 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Where are all these mini hitler mask inspectors? I've quite often gone out and about shopping etc and forgotten to bring a mask, nothing said apart from the dentist where they're understandably pretty strict.

Yea, same. Forgot my mask a few times and never been pressed on it.

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The “I wear a mask because I care about other people” narrative (which is going to explode in the next few months) is a snapshot of the self righteous, virtue signalling attitude many have to the pandemic as a whole,

It mainly seems to be online fisticuffs at present, although there’ll be Karens out there giving non mask wearers passive aggressive dirty looks.

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The maskers are absolutely raging today, going by the nick of blue heart and #FBPE Twitter. 

It's almost as if we don't have highly effective vaccines to protect people in their minds. Continue wearing your piece of cloth of it makes you feel better, although it does seem to give some people a sense of moral superiority. LOOK HOW MUCH THEY CARE ABOUT OTHERS! 

They are a means to an end and they've served their time. We have vaccines now, which are a much better mitigation measures than masks. In the meantime, anyone genuinely concerned ought to be getting themselves an FFP mask rather than a cloth/disposable number. 

Business of course are within their rights to continue requesting them once they are no longer legally required. However, I'll be avoiding those that choose to do so. 

Edited by Michael W
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3 hours ago, 'WellDel said:

Only occasionally pop into this thread for a look, but don't post so unsure if this point has been covered.

Due my 2nd dose at Ravenscraig tomorrow, and gladly going along for it. Hoping that being fully vaccinated will assist in getting away for a holiday in September, if the easing of restrictions etc continues to go to plan.

My worry, however, is another moving of the goalposts. I don't follow the in's and out's too much, but I'm fairly sure I seen that hitting certain numbers of vaccinations is part of the framework. To that end, my brother went for his 2nd jab yesterday and said the Ravenscraig centre was like a ghost town, so much so that he honestly thought something was wrong and the place had been closed. At the 1st, the place was going like a fairground with thousands processed daily and a constant queue morning til night.

The nurse/vaccinator he had told him that the majority of people lettered to attend just now are in the 30's age group and the uptake has been particularly poor, with circa 20,000 no shows in the past week. How accurate this is, I don't know and may well be exaggerated, but could  a large drop off in expected numbers like this have an impact on the progression out of this shitshow ? Also, with the short shelf life of the vaccine, surely this must be resulting in massive cost/waste ?

It's not ideal but I doubt it's unexpected to the powers that be, and I don't think it'll make a huge difference to the plans to ease restrictions.

It looks like they are coming to the end of the 'easy reach' people in all the under 50's age groups, as there's only minimal increases (except in the 18-29 age group which we're still in the middle of doing). So they'll now have to push drop-in vaccinations and self-registration to catch as many of the rest of these people as they can. Which is exactly what they have started doing in some places and looks to be nationwide from tomorrow.


Vaccine take-up is definitely seeing a noticeable drop-off in the 18-39 age group. It's went from 94% in the 50-54, to 87% in 40-49 down to 78% in the 30-39. There might be a wee bit more to go in the 30-39's, but the numbers are beginning to slow to a trickle. It's only the 18-29 that there are currently significant numbers getting jagged (outwith 2nd doses). Vaccine take-up is generally slightly higher in Scotland than the rest of the UK, and it's only Wales that have seemingly all but finished their first doses and are at 72% of 18-29 year olds, so we're looking good for all being comfortably over 70%. And I think the need for all the second doses in the coming months will mean there's no concern about any vaccines going to waste, at least for now. I did see a story about Israel wanting to send the UK 1M of their Pfizer vaccines that's going out of date at the end of July in exchange for some of our next delivery of Pfizer, but that didn't work out, so it may be an issue in future.


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7 minutes ago, Elixir said:

The millionaire commie 'behavioural scientists' have spoken!

C**ts need locked up.


Steven Reicher also completely misrepresenting what Javid said, a la Devi. 

This is Indie SAGE's last stand. 

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19 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Steven Reicher also completely misrepresenting what Javid said, a la Devi. 

This is Indie SAGE's last stand. 

As I said the other day, they are like the GDR top brass as the Berlin Wall is being pulled down around them. I hope they live truly miserable lives.

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4 hours ago, Detournement said:


We have a new Covid symptom. Being a beer nursing gimp.

So he spent 4 days in bed with a viral infection and struggled through a bottle of Peroni . Thoughts and prayers Eddie 

outrageous that the Vaccine only managed to do the small things like keep the infection from his lungs and minimised his symptoms  . 

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