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40 minutes ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

I thought that but I think we're underestimating the extent to which some folk from the west of Scotland just find any old shit funny as long as it's playing up anything, even just with the accent, from the west of Scotland 

Being sued for trademark violation after raising the roof with a recreation of Godley's famous "unemployed Glaswegian joker" routine 

This is true. The are so many people who think anything with a “wee Scottish twist” to it is just utterly hilarious. 

it’s so parochial and I genuinely cannot understand how they can find it so funny.

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This is true. The are so many people who think anything with a “wee Scottish twist” to it is just utterly hilarious. 
it’s so parochial and I genuinely cannot understand how they can find it so funny.

The weegiefication of Scottish entertainment is going to haunt us for years.
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I remember seeing Janey Godley at a stand up night years ago and she was alright.  The voice overs and whole "what are we like" Glasgae patter routine is shite.
Wait what but did you find alright since you followed up by saying her entire routine is shite?
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8 minutes ago, mizfit said:


The weegiefication of Scottish entertainment is going to haunt us for years.


It doesn't help when they tell everyone who'll listen that they're the funniest people on earth.  It's like when Rangers fans claim they're the most successful club in the world when no one else in the world thinks or acknowledges that.

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On 06/09/2021 at 07:27, TheBruce said:

Looking at governments MO from the start of Covid, as bad as that is, come winter we'll be seeing passports needed for pubs, eateries, hospital visits and so on. One could argue if it helps with containment, but it is a boon for controlling the populous. The ultimate goal. 

Vaxxing will become mandatory for jobs as the political rhetoric now takes a turn in that direction and the population being suckered into it.

I can't see this being the case for pubs and restaurants, staff have taken enough shite throughout this pandemic and banning folk from the local because they aren't double jabbed is never gonna happen. 

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Was an unpublished but welcome change to policy in NHS dentistry this week.
Currently when doing AGPs the surgeries need fallow time for everything to settle. This varies due to circumstances but is for the safety of the next patient.
This is one of the reason many treatments are not carried out due to sheer downtime involved.
However if you now when triaged can prove you have had and recovered from covid in the last x months (unsure of x), then fallow time is reduced to zero minutes.

In the real world it is odd that the recently recovered do not have exceptions to the isolation rules as they currently are.
Seems quite obvious that these people of which there are thousands, should not have to go for pcr tests or self isolate etc when a contact.
A far better passport if you may than a vaccine passport.

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10 minutes ago, 10menwent2mow said:

I can't see this being the case for pubs and restaurants, staff have taken enough shite throughout this pandemic and banning folk from the local because they aren't double jabbed is never gonna happen. 

In Dublin I saw it happen. Bars that had only just been reopened would refuse customers who wanted to sit inside if they didn't have proof. Said it wasn't worth the risk to be lenient and folk were accepting of it. 

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3 minutes ago, PWL said:

In Dublin I saw it happen. Bars that had only just been reopened would refuse customers who wanted to sit inside if they didn't have proof. Said it wasn't worth the risk to be lenient and folk were accepting of it. 

Fair enough but I genuinely can't see it being the case in Scotland. Certainly small independent pubs won't give a flying f**k and who is going to police it at the end of the day. Surely licensing authorities wouldn't have the ability to walk into a bar and demand every customer on the premises shows them their vaccination proof and the police have better things to do. 

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18 minutes ago, 10menwent2mow said:

I can't see this being the case for pubs and restaurants, staff have taken enough shite throughout this pandemic and banning folk from the local because they aren't double jabbed is never gonna happen. 

My social circle is pretty limited these days but I don't know any adults who haven't been double jagged. Would pubs and restaurants actually lose much custom? It would be a hassle having to check everyone of course but no different from checking id for underage drinkers.

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2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

My social circle is pretty limited these days but I don't know any adults who haven't been double jagged. Would pubs and restaurants actually lose much custom? It would be a hassle having to check everyone of course but no different from checking id for underage drinkers.

That's not really the point though is it. Depending on your type of establishment you might have to check 1 in 20 customers maybe to see if they are underage. This will involve checking everyone. Not so bad for small community pubs that have regulars but your city centre places will end up with giant queues while staff check, also not everywhere employs or can afford to employ door staff to check. It's utter nonsense. 

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2 hours ago, Aladdin said:

I remember seeing Janey Godley at a stand up night years ago and she was alright.  The voice overs and whole "what are we like" Glasgae patter routine is shite.

Have to agree with this, she hosted an event I went to and was actually quite funny off the cuff and interacting with people. Can't even bring myself to watch the videos any more though as the cringe is so strong. 

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Sense finally seen at univerities



When indoors, unless you are exempt, face coverings must be worn at all times except when eating or drinking, or when seated at your office desk where a minimum distance of 1m is maintained.

At the start of semester 1, again, unless exempt, face-coverings will be required in all teaching settings, the library and our study spaces. Students should not remove their face-covering during an on-campus teaching session or whilst seated in either the library or our learning commons. However, staff who are delivering a class and are suitably physically distanced from their students may remove their face coverings if they wish for the duration of the lecture once all students are seated.

Whilst we cannot enforce their use, we will be encouraging those who are exempt to wear a sunflower lanyard or apply for an exemption card.

So the earlier idea that I would stand with a mask on in a huge lecture hall has been binned

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12 minutes ago, 10menwent2mow said:

That's not really the point though is it. Depending on your type of establishment you might have to check 1 in 20 customers maybe to see if they are underage. This will involve checking everyone. Not so bad for small community pubs that have regulars but your city centre places will end up with giant queues while staff check, also not everywhere employs or can afford to employ door staff to check. It's utter nonsense. 

It would just be flashing a QR code, they seem to be managing ok in France, Germany and Ireland.

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