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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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11 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:


ETA further to my point the other day, if flying in to England allows people to bypass this they will.

They already buckled to this simple fact before. Do they seriously think they won't just be increasing business for Newcastle, while throttling Edinburgh and Glasgow? They are so incompetent and not fit for purpose it's beyond parody.

Edited by Elixir
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1 hour ago, Michael W said:

It's more the weaponisation of 'long covid' as an argument against removing restrictions. GPs may not have a defined or consistent set of criteria that they can go against, but if they were seeing lots of patients presenting with a particular issue, we'd hear about it. There are lots of GPs on Twitter for example, and they would be telling everyone about it. 

Long covid in kids was the issue a certain campaign group were going all in on, producing numbers without corroboration that 1 in 7 kids for long covid. Again, there are paediatric doctors on Twitter - they were not reporting concerning levels of it.

It's been used an emotive argument against lifting restrictions and the evidence hasn't supported its supposed prevalence. The focus on children most recently was the classic Helen Lovejoy meme - think of the children! Look at what you're doing to them! The evidence doesn't support it. 

It's really not been difficult from the outset to derive from 'the data' that those aged under 30 have never been at any actual risk from Covid. Indeed, no more so than any other respiratory infection. Even the fatties and those who survive on Greggs every day might feel a bit shite for longer, but they certainly don't burden the health system.

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9 minutes ago, Elixir said:

If they genuinely do this it simply shows they will never, ever be fit to win the economic argument for independence.

Of course, their snakey Green toadies will certainly want Scottish aviation burned to the ground.


9 minutes ago, Elixir said:

If they genuinely do this it simply shows they will never, ever be fit to win the economic argument for independence.

Of course, their snakey Green toadies will certainly want Scottish aviation burned to the ground.

Shut the f**k up! "arshole ' No1

Edited by SlipperyP
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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

A sentence beginning "The Telegraph understands..." is not one that I would put much faith in.

It's almost a certainty that these oddballs will at least engage in their usual 'care more' posturing before having to acquiesce anyway. It's pathetic. Imagine they do actually continue with this deliberate self-harm, though... eMlO2Ay.png

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16 minutes ago, Elixir said:

If they genuinely do this it simply shows they will never, ever be fit to win the economic argument for independence.

Of course, their snakey Green toadies will certainly want Scottish aviation burned to the ground.

I am not going to lie, the whole handling of this pandemic has put me right off the idea of independence.

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18 minutes ago, Elixir said:

If they genuinely do this it simply shows they will never, ever be fit to win the economic argument for independence.

Of course, their snakey Green toadies will certainly want Scottish aviation burned to the ground.

Yes but do you have proof of a degree in economics yourself???????????

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23 minutes ago, Elixir said:

It's really not been difficult from the outset to derive from 'the data' that those aged under 30 have never been at any actual risk from Covid. Indeed, no more so than any other respiratory infection. Even the fatties and those who survive on Greggs every day might feel a bit shite for longer, but they certainly don't burden the health system.






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19 minutes ago, KingswellsRed said:

I am not going to lie, the whole handling of this pandemic has put me right off the idea of independence.

I assume you're being sarcastic. As pissed off as I am with most of the SG's handling of this pandemic, I still want an independent Scotland. I just don't want it run by the authoritarian arsehole we have at the moment.

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The Scottish Government is quite inept at times but once independence comes it will be easier to vote them out. Currently we are in a catch 22 where the UK Government is always Tories and the Scottish Government is always SNP no matter what level of shite they both are.  It seems it will be like this for long term on and of unless we get independence.


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As things stand the Scottish Government's handling of the pandemic has probably either had no affect or boosted support for independence.  Not trying to be a Granny Danger but it's just a fact.  Maybe that will change as things progress and the level of support has certainly dropped in recent months.

I saw this tweet which I do agree with.



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Got my 1st dose of AZ today.  Had to leave at 6am and arrived to find about 300 folk already in front of us - it was a walk-in session today.  Things moved pretty quickly though and we were done by 9:45 so off to Macs for breakfast. When we left there were about 700 folk in line, 1/2 of them in the hot sun!  They managed to f**k up the wife's address but all in all a successful morning.  

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I also saw someone tweet that a relative had a suspected bleed on the brain - they were given a phone appointment with their GP.  It's crazy and I think people will start to get really angry about it soon.  I had to go into my surgery yesterday to pick up a prescription and they still have perspex screens, two chairs in the waiting room but no windows open.

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15 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:



Now that we know, as suspected from the outset, that 'Long Covid' is hyperbolic nonsense, I think it's safe to begin drawing conclusions that even those aged 50 and under are essentially at no increased risk of serious health consequences from Covid than they are any other respiratory virus we have always accepted. Again, something suspected since the outset.

That risk will continue to decrease even for older age groups thanks to vaccination and future immunity from natural infection once everybody has met it - which they will.


3 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

As things stand the Scottish Government's handling of the pandemic has probably either had no affect or boosted support for independence.  Not trying to be a Granny Danger but it's just a fact.  Maybe that will change as things progress and the level of support has certainly dropped in recent months.

I saw this tweet which I do agree with.

This is also a thought provoking thread. I don't agree things will be too radically changed a year or two from now after the pandemic is declared over and it starts to fade from memory, but it's eye opening nonetheless.


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53 minutes ago, Elixir said:

It's really not been difficult from the outset to derive from 'the data' that those aged under 30 have never been at any actual risk from Covid. Indeed, no more so than any other respiratory infection. Even the fatties and those who survive on Greggs every day might feel a bit shite for longer, but they certainly don't burden the health system.



me, every time i read the shite you post

Edited by Meldrew
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17 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

A sentence beginning "The Telegraph understands..." is not one that I would put much faith in.

There is no chance the SG would genuinely attempt to keep rules in place that would just drive people to use English airports instead to avoid them for the reasons given above. If they did it would be utter madness. As he says himself it’ll be a case of them saying they don’t agree with it and would consider their own rules, but in the end ultimately accepting the rules set by England.

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11 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

There is no chance the SG would genuinely attempt to keep rules in place that would just drive people to use English airports instead to avoid them for the reasons given above. If they did it would be utter madness. As he says himself it’ll be a case of them saying they don’t agree with it and would consider their own rules, but in the end ultimately accepting the rules set by England.

Yup. Whatever people think of the SNP they're not going to do something that would be massively unpopular. They learnt that from the backlash from forcing us to use that overpriced cowboy firm for day 2 and 8 tests, which most people just ignored, and they ended up dropping it. They're also in the middle of trying to persuade other countries to accept our Covid app, and it won't go down well if we're going to charge their citizens a fortune in tests for coming here.

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21 minutes ago, ICTChris said:



The NHS is really the only emotional stick they have left. Protecting people is now largely out the window since everyone has had the vaccine offered to them and so they need something else to try and sell a future lockdown, if such a thing happens. 

Given that people went on their doorstep and clapped at fresh air for the NHS, hardly a susprise that it's being used. However, it shouldn't need saying that the people do not exist to serve the NHS - it's the other around. That some people seem quite keen to start shutting things down the way we did previously in response to an emergency situation where we knew absolutely nothing and had no vaccine is alarming. 

And if we do have another "lockdown to save the NHS" moment, then frankly the entire government should resign. They won't, but it will represent a catastrophic failure. 

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