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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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On 29/01/2022 at 22:41, NorthernLights said:

My wife and one year old son tested positive today. My result was inconclusive.

Given my wife works as a teacher in a city centre primary school we've done quite well to avoid it till now.


I had a second PCR test on Sunday morning and got the result on Monday morning, positive.

Out of curiosity I've taken an LFT every morning to see what it says. Every single one I've done so far have been negative.

My symptoms so far have been feeling incredibly tired on Sunday and Monday and a slightly tickly throat yesterday and today.

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23 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

The daily totals will stop from April, under UK government plans.

This, more than anything, will signal the end of the pandemic in the UK. Without the daily up/down/the same numbers to focus on, much of the life will be sucked out of it. 

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2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

.Between this and the motion to make the emergency powers permanent you'd be seriously forgiven for thinking they don't want it to end yet.

The end of Covid turns the spotlight on independence again.  No wonder they want Covid to continue.

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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

The daily totals will stop from April, under UK government plans.

As has already been mentioned, the Scottish Government will drag the arse out of this. It is an absolute guarantee. We all know it - even the Simps will know it. The reality is this data should now no longer be flashed across the media every single day. It should reside in the same domain as we catalogue deaths from cancer, heart problems, and all other respiratory illnesses.


2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

I feel the SG are massively behind the curve on this atm - other countries are starting to bin restrictions altogether. We should be at this stage too (or at least very close to it) - we are in the best position we will ever be in terms of a combination of natural immunity from recent infection / vaccinations yet the SG seem to be wanting a permanent framework in place to trigger various response measures.

I don't know why they even bother putting time and effort into creating frameworks they are all to happy to subsequently ignore either.

Between this and the motion to make the emergency powers permanent you'd be seriously forgiven for thinking they don't want it to end yet.

Again, as has already been mentioned, when this ends it means they have to get on with trying to force a referendum. If they get it, there is no guarantee at all if will be a yes vote, and if not then they are finished. They know this.

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1 hour ago, craigkillie said:

The Scottish government report data every day, I'm not sure what you mean by this.

I meant more so they will quickly be able to provide any other data they see fit, when they claimed at the turn or the year some was too difficult to get.

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34 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
1 hour ago, Elixir said:
Covid now less of a threat than influenza. As expected, because this was always the inevitable long-term outcome. What are the Scottish Government doing here, lads?

Another reminder that Scotgov have become the real science deniers here.

Yup. In addition to naturally acquired immunity, science has totally neutralised this as any sort of society-wide threat, hence Denmark, etc. Anyone still suggesting otherwise is frankly living in cloud cuckoo land.

All those who deny that are my foes.


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1 hour ago, Elixir said:

Covid now less of a threat than influenza. As expected, because this was always the inevitable long-term outcome. What are the Scottish Government doing here, lads?

Don’t worry. With their new powers they’ll shut us down for a bad flu season too.


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BBC Reported   Bit that challenges me is 18 & 16 = 34 in my world.

The world’s first Covid “challenge trial” – which deliberately infected people with the virus – has given a unique view on the early stages of the disease.

Thirty-six young and healthy volunteers all had an identical dose of Covid squirted up their nose in a hospital in London.

Of those, only 18 became infected. What protected the other 16 will be the focus of future studies to understand our inherent protection against Covid.

The virus took off rapidly in those that did develop an infection, with the first symptoms and positive test results appearing within just 42 hours. The virus got a foothold first in the throat, but the levels were highest once it reached the nose. The researchers say it's important your facemask covers both.

Symptoms were mild, but some volunteers had a prolonged loss of their sense of smell.

It is hoped challenge trials can now help develop the next generation of Covid vaccines and new anti-virals.

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1 minute ago, superbigal said:

BBC Reported   Bit that challenges me is 18 & 16 = 34 in my world.

The world’s first Covid “challenge trial” – which deliberately infected people with the virus – has given a unique view on the early stages of the disease.

Thirty-six young and healthy volunteers all had an identical dose of Covid squirted up their nose in a hospital in London.

Of those, only 18 became infected. What protected the other 16 will be the focus of future studies to understand our inherent protection against Covid.

The virus took off rapidly in those that did develop an infection, with the first symptoms and positive test results appearing within just 42 hours. The virus got a foothold first in the throat, but the levels were highest once it reached the nose. The researchers say it's important your facemask covers both.

Symptoms were mild, but some volunteers had a prolonged loss of their sense of smell.

It is hoped challenge trials can now help develop the next generation of Covid vaccines and new anti-virals.

Two died so they kicked them off the study for not attending their follow ups?

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21 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

Don’t worry. With their new powers they’ll shut us down for a bad flu season too.

This could be an April Fools, but it's not. Please, get these risible clowns out.


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Look at us dOiNg SoMeTh1nG!!!

Utter nonsense. Not very green either - I assume the Greens will be highlight that...


On a more serious note, how much additional airflow do they expect a wee slot on the bottom of the door to create? And how does that compare to the (free) less permanent "solution" of leaving the door open a wee bit?

ETA Aren't classroom doors firedoors?

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