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Coronavirus and the Scottish Championship

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Hearts,  Partick and Stranraer should also be punished for going along with Sevco's conspiratorial nonsense and dragging the game into disrepute, all in a pathetic attempt to stop their dung sides from a deserved relegation.

Double their end of season demotions then and send Stanraer (two league wins all season FFS) packing to the Lowland or Missus Bunfield League.

Edited by vikingTON
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36 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

Except of course that nearly everyone involved in running Scottish football clubs DOES still support him, regardless of your views. If the majority want him to go they merely have to vote for it. 

Pending any startling revelation from Rangers thst will likely remain the case. 

This cannot be repeated too often.  What happens in all aspects of Scottish football happens with the support of the constituent parts.  

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6 hours ago, ScottyG said:

Doncaster came across as having made his mind up weeks ago that his was the only way to go and no one should dare stand against him, or else. I personally can't see where allegations of bullying could come from.

^^^ big team found.

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41 minutes ago, virginton said:

Hearts,  Partick and Stranraer should also be punished for going along with Sevco's conspiratorial nonsense drivel and dragging the game into disrepute, all in a pathetic attempt to stop their dung sides from a deserved relegation.

Double their end of season demotions then and send Stanraer (two league wins all season FFS) packing to the Lowland or Missus Bunfield League.

The knock on effect from that would be promoting Falkirk. F*ck that.

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2 minutes ago, Toby said:

The knock on effect from that would be promoting Falkirk. F*ck that.

No it wouldn't, we can just elect Oban Saints to the vacant Championship spot instead.

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

Hearts,  Partick and Stranraer should also be punished for going along with Sevco's conspiratorial nonsense and dragging the game into disrepute, all in a pathetic attempt to stop their dung sides from a deserved relegation.

Double their end of season demotions then and send Stanraer (two league wins all season FFS) packing to the Lowland or Missus Bunfield League.

Stranraer have actually been really quite embarassing in this. Not necessarily the Rangers EGM bit, presumably they at least saw the evidence before supporting it so I will hold fire on that until we all see it.

But their whining about relegation has been over the top. Everyone recognises a situation of calling the season over 8 or 9 games before the end of the season is far from ideal. Its not fair on those who went down. Its especially not fair on Thistle who were 2 pts behind 9th with a game in hand. Their anger and public outcry up to the vote was understandable. To their enormous credit, as much as they no doubt still believe it unfair, they made their statement after and then shut up about it. They also, contrary to above, are NOT part of the Rangers EGM proposal. That was supported only be Hearts and Stranraer.

Stranraer have won 2 games all season and were8 pts adrift in bottom (albeit with a game in hand v Peterhead). It's pretty unlikely they were finishing anything but marooned at the bottom. 

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2 hours ago, Skyline Drifter said:

Except of course that nearly everyone involved in running Scottish football clubs DOES still support him, regardless of your views. If the majority want him to go they merely have to vote for it. 

Pending any startling revelation from Rangers thst will likely remain the case. 

This is a tedious and flippant line that fails to recognise the role of inertia in preserving people in positions of power.

The absence of a metaphorical vote of no confidence is not the same as being supported. The Clubs could have myriad reasons for not acting to get rid of Neil Doncaster, almost none of which are an endorsement of his capacity, ability or performance.

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I didn't say that Partick supported Sevco's current EGM proposal. They played a major role in furthering that agenda though by wheeling out their resident Lionel Hutz figure to 'cast doubt' on the legitimacy of the SPFL's conduct nearly three weeks ago. So their later, utterly predictable effort to seize the moral high ground over the rest of Scottish football should be disregarded. 

Stranraer meanwhile have thrown away the goodwill that they earned for being the only club to entirely reject Sevco's bogus application to the SPFL with this act of truly pathetic self-preservation. 

Edited by vikingTON
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6 minutes ago, virginton said:

I didn't say that Partick supported Sevco's current EGM proposal. They played a major role in furthering that agenda though by wheeling out their resident Lionel Hutz figure to 'cast doubt' on the legitimacy of the SPFL's conduct nearly three weeks ago. So their later, utterly predictable effort to seize the moral high ground over the rest of Scottish football should be disregarded. 

Stranraer meanwhile have thrown away the goodwill that they earned for being the only club to entirely reject Sevco's bogus application to the SPFL with this act of truly pathetic self-preservation. 

Actually you said that Thistle “went along with Sevco’s conspiratorial nonsense”.

Whatever your view of the Thistle QC’s opinion and whether it did or did not have the intention or effect of “furthering” Sevco’s “agenda” there is absolutely nothing in any official Thistle statement or the QC opinion that makes any accusations of a “conspiracy”.

The legal opinion argued only that the SPFL should treat Dundee’s original vote as legally cast and that it may have failed in its duties to provide adequate information to inform the decisions being taken by the Clubs under the proposed resolution. Beyond that, the Club merely argued that the proposal was not a fair one and that the Clubs should reject it and take more time to consider alternatives.

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2 hours ago, Ad Lib said:

This is a tedious and flippant line that fails to recognise the role of inertia in preserving people in positions of power.

The absence of a metaphorical vote of no confidence is not the same as being supported. The Clubs could have myriad reasons for not acting to get rid of Neil Doncaster, almost none of which are an endorsement of his capacity, ability or performance.

Well no, it wasnt near as flippant as your response, nor as tedious as the constant fan criticism of Neil Doncaster. 

Fan criticism of Doncaster is inevitable of courss. It goes with the territory. He is the public face of the League and at any given time probably most fans have some reason or another to believe he personally is making an arse of Scottish football. 

Fact is regardless of what you at least imply, Doncaster does seem to be fairly popular with the clubs generally. He has been in position a long time and appears to be doing a pretty good job on the commercial side of things. He is the figurehead and regularly gets abuse for things outwith his remit (such as League structure fir instance). Prior to the current Rangers shenanigans I didnt hear any suggestion clubs were unhappy with him at all.

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49 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

Well no, it wasnt near as flippant as your response, nor as tedious as the constant fan criticism of Neil Doncaster. 

Fan criticism of Doncaster is inevitable of courss. It goes with the territory. He is the public face of the League and at any given time probably most fans have some reason or another to believe he personally is making an arse of Scottish football. 

Fact is regardless of what you at least imply, Doncaster does seem to be fairly popular with the clubs generally. He has been in position a long time and appears to be doing a pretty good job on the commercial side of things. He is the figurehead and regularly gets abuse for things outwith his remit (such as League structure fir instance). Prior to the current Rangers shenanigans I didnt hear any suggestion clubs were unhappy with him at all.


The deals that he's pedaled as the 'best ever' have been absolutely shambolic. What exactly is this 'pretty good job' he's done? He's tied us into a 5 year deal with Sky that was painted as 'amazing' because it represented a 20% increase on the previous deal. Brilliant - if that wasn't a terrible deal we were tied into previously. It took him over 2 year to find a replacement sponsorship deal for the top flight just as Clydesdale stopped as he started his role. In those 2 years he earned £800k and then agreed a deal worth £2m per year with Ladbrokes. Groundbreaking stuff from Doncaster. This is all before we get into his negativity during the Rangers saga and predicting 'armageddon' if the clubs didn't allow Rangers straight back into the top flight.

Just because you didn't hear any suggestions doesn't mean it's not the case either. I know you're in the loop with QotS, but that doesn't mean you'll have access to all the other clubs thought processes.

Finally, why is fan criticism 'tedious'? Yes, some of it may well be misplaced, but to just dismiss it as 'tedious' and not recognise some of the reasons is arrogant at best, moronic at worst.

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3 hours ago, Speroni*1 said:


The deals that he's pedaled as the 'best ever' have been absolutely shambolic. What exactly is this 'pretty good job' he's done? He's tied us into a 5 year deal with Sky that was painted as 'amazing' because it represented a 20% increase on the previous deal. Brilliant - if that wasn't a terrible deal we were tied into previously. It took him over 2 year to find a replacement sponsorship deal for the top flight just as Clydesdale stopped as he started his role. In those 2 years he earned £800k and then agreed a deal worth £2m per year with Ladbrokes. Groundbreaking stuff from Doncaster. This is all before we get into his negativity during the Rangers saga and predicting 'armageddon' if the clubs didn't allow Rangers straight back into the top flight.

Just because you didn't hear any suggestions doesn't mean it's not the case either. I know you're in the loop with QotS, but that doesn't mean you'll have access to all the other clubs thought processes.

Finally, why is fan criticism 'tedious'? Yes, some of it may well be misplaced, but to just dismiss it as 'tedious' and not recognise some of the reasons is arrogant at best, moronic at worst.

You'd concede though that trying to get meaningful sponsorship of the Scottish game must be akin to running a Michelin restaurant with Pot Noodles and curly fries. 

The want is there but there's serious flaws in the ingredients and recipe. 


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Guest Flash

Having the people who run Scottish football clubs assess your performance is a bit like having Amanda Holden as a judge in a talent contest.

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15 hours ago, Socks said:

Tom English, along with most on Sportsound, clearly didn't understand the processes involved a couple of weeks ago. He clearly had no idea at all that clubs had already received almost all of their entitlement to guaranteed prize money, i.e. based on bottom place in each division. Since then, everything I've seen and read from his has made him come across as a slavering hoor and his repeatedly giving a platform to present Ann Budge's agenda, without any critical analysis, does him no favours at all.

I didn't hear Doncaster's interview and have only read the transcript on BBC website, but it does come across reasonably well to me, albeit he's only saying exactly what I'd expect him to. From the statements coming from the SPFL board recently, they genuinely seem pissed off at how things have been presented and I have sympathy with that view.

The bit in bold really irks me and says to me that none of them should be in a job!

The BBC themselves reported back in March that this was the case. Anyone actually following this story knew this. It is absolutely shocking that professional journalists do not and can not do the next to no research required to know this. What the hell are they doing for their wages? From what I can see they should ALL be cleared out and competent replacements sought


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4 hours ago, Flash said:

Having the people who run Scottish football clubs assess your performance is a bit like having Amanda Holden as a judge in a talent contest.


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