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The SPFL recommendation?

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2 hours ago, fifer67 said:

Another interesting insight into how the SPFL do business was the revelation that they held a gun to the head of highland league teams to agree to let Brechin City go into the lowland league if relegated . Telling them if they didn’t agree to this they would lose their place in the betfred cup. Appears that they will railroad through measures by any way they can. It’s clear there is monumental flaws in their governance, even if enough clubs don’t vote for an enquiry they have lost all faith of the general footballing public. 

The SPFL taking away the Betfed Cup places is absolute nonsense, and I can't believe anyone would think it's true.

Thinking about for just a few seconds shows what absolute pish that is and the numerous reasons it can't happen. It's one place the Lowland League get anyway, so even if that was somehow taken away, it would only affect one club and have absolutely no bearing on any of the others.

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18 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

The SPFL taking away the Betfed Cup places is absolute nonsense, and I can't believe anyone would think it's true.

Thinking about for just a few seconds shows what absolute pish that is and the numerous reasons it can't happen. It's one place the Lowland League get anyway, so even if that was somehow taken away, it would only affect one club and have absolutely no bearing on any of the others.

Pretty sure it was the (3 or 4) LL and HL clubs' entry into the Challenge Cup that was darkly hinted as being under threat.

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17 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

The SPFL taking away the Betfed Cup places is absolute nonsense, and I can't believe anyone would think it's true.

Thinking about for just a few seconds shows what absolute pish that is and the numerous reasons it can't happen. It's one place the Lowland League get anyway, so even if that was somehow taken away, it would only affect one club and have absolutely no bearing on any of the others.

The 4 challenge cup places are probably more significant.  But even the whole league could benefit from the extra press generated when they play spfl sides.  A good run in either cup for a LL side creates interest in the leagues as a whole. Its abit like the spfl being told they won’t get any champions league or Europa league spots. It directly affects only a few clubs but indirectly affects the whole league.

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I can see Doncaster being thrown under a bus here then the SPFL saying a line should be drawn under season 19/20 and move on for the sake of the game. Everything will be blamed on Doncaster. 

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Just now, Ranaldo Bairn said:

Pretty sure it was the (3 or 4) LL and HL clubs' entry into the Challenge Cup that was darkly hinted as being under threat.

I can't see that being the case either. It would mess with the format and, unlike just about every other allegation, would surely be very easy to legally challenge if it happened.

It's also in the SPFL's own rules and regulations for the Challenge Cup thay 4 Lowland League sides be included. Can't see the full SPFL board thinking it ok to change that, even if one or two did make such threats. Would imagine Tunnocks, and any other potential sponsor, would not take kindly to such a move and the bad publicity it would bring.


So perhaps such a threat was made, but it is an utterly baseless threat.


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George Fraser stated in the paper that such threats(or at least suggestions) were made.  How much they were willing to follow through with it I’m not sure.  But the way he was talking it seemed to suggest they didn’t just give in to the spfl but in the same way didn’t think were in a position to stick 2 fingers up and tell the spfl to f**k off.

You also have to consider they may want to get automatic relegation put on the table before agreeing to anything.  

Ideally a deal is possible that automatic relegation comes in say 2 years time in exchange for  the boundary getting moved and them accepting that access to the spfl doesn’t happen this year

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Having no one promoted or relegated and no league titles awarded means no one is worse off as the leagues were not complete. I've not heard any specifics why this was not an option.


I'd also suggest if smaller teams are being bullied and threatened, it's likely that our teams have been on the recieving end in the past. It's simply unacceptable but accepted and encouraged by the SPFL officers as mere robust conversations.


People seem to make excuses for the unacceptable behaviour by the SPFL officials because Rangers are involved.


No one is worse off? How do you pay out prize money in a null and void season? I don’t see any fair way to do that. Equal share would see Hamilton and Hearts receive the same as Celtic and Rangers when their budgets are totally different as Celtic and Rangers will have budgeted for top 2 minimum same in all divisions so you’re then punishing every team in the top half who’ve spent more money than those in the bottom. Paying it out on final places again is unfair why should we get more than Falkirk if the league was null and void? Same with Euros why should Celtic get champions league if the season was null and void, why wouldn’t Rangers challenge that as it’s worth Millions after all they didn’t win it as the season was null and void. Calling the leagues is the least shit option as it allowed prize money and Euro places to be sorted. We’ve got lucky by being top but null and void is a massive can of worms compared to the current scenario. No scenario is fair and someone is going to be pissed off.

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No one is worse off? How do you pay out prize money in a null and void season? I don’t see any fair way to do that. Equal share would see Hamilton and Hearts receive the same as Celtic and Rangers when their budgets are totally different as Celtic and Rangers will have budgeted for top 2 minimum same in all divisions so you’re then punishing every team in the top half who’ve spent more money than those in the bottom. Paying it out on final places again is unfair why should we get more than Falkirk if the league was null and void? Same with Euros why should Celtic get champions league if the season was null and void, why wouldn’t Rangers challenge that as it’s worth Millions after all they didn’t win it as the season was null and void. Calling the leagues is the least shit option as it allowed prize money and Euro places to be sorted. We’ve got lucky by being top but null and void is a massive can of worms compared to the current scenario. No scenario is fair and someone is going to be pissed off.

ANY club that budgets for prize money in excess of the amount paid to the team finishing bottom in their league is taking an unacceptable financial risk.
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2 hours ago, San Starko Rover said:


No one is worse off? How do you pay out prize money in a null and void season? I don’t see any fair way to do that. Equal share would see Hamilton and Hearts receive the same as Celtic and Rangers when their budgets are totally different as Celtic and Rangers will have budgeted for top 2 minimum same in all divisions so you’re then punishing every team in the top half who’ve spent more money than those in the bottom. Paying it out on final places again is unfair why should we get more than Falkirk if the league was null and void? Same with Euros why should Celtic get champions league if the season was null and void, why wouldn’t Rangers challenge that as it’s worth Millions after all they didn’t win it as the season was null and void. Calling the leagues is the least shit option as it allowed prize money and Euro places to be sorted. We’ve got lucky by being top but null and void is a massive can of worms compared to the current scenario. No scenario is fair and someone is going to be pissed off.

To me a number of options should have been investigated thoroughly and then  put to the clubs instead of this my way or the highway approach backed up by sheer conjecture in the main.  Couldnt have been too hard to contact the main sponsors and broadcasters to see what they would do if the season was either called or null and voided.  Get all the evidence together and then put the options to the clubs showing the positives and negatives. We keep getting told the clubs are the spfl and yet the spfl seemed to be the ones making all.the decisions on what happened next. Result may have just been the same but at least it wouldve put to bed the complaints over the spfl railroading clubs.

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1 hour ago, Shadwell Dog said:

To me a number of options should have been investigated thoroughly and then  put to the clubs instead of this my way or the highway approach backed up by sheer conjecture in the main.  Couldnt have been too hard to contact the main sponsors and broadcasters to see what they would do if the season was either called or null and voided.  Get all the evidence together and then put the options to the clubs showing the positives and negatives. We keep getting told the clubs are the spfl and yet the spfl seemed to be the ones making all.the decisions on what happened next. Result may have just been the same but at least it wouldve put to bed the complaints over the spfl railroading clubs.

So why didn't any club make any proposals on this in advance of the vote? Why didn't they get in touch with other clubs to discuss said proposals?

Why did no clubs take responsibility when football was halted instead of waiting to see what would happen?

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4 hours ago, San Starko Rover said:


No one is worse off? How do you pay out prize money in a null and void season? I don’t see any fair way to do that. Equal share would see Hamilton and Hearts receive the same as Celtic and Rangers when their budgets are totally different as Celtic and Rangers will have budgeted for top 2 minimum same in all divisions so you’re then punishing every team in the top half who’ve spent more money than those in the bottom. Paying it out on final places again is unfair why should we get more than Falkirk if the league was null and void? Same with Euros why should Celtic get champions league if the season was null and void, why wouldn’t Rangers challenge that as it’s worth Millions after all they didn’t win it as the season was null and void. Calling the leagues is the least shit option as it allowed prize money and Euro places to be sorted. We’ve got lucky by being top but null and void is a massive can of worms compared to the current scenario. No scenario is fair and someone is going to be pissed off.

You've won the league, can we move on from this shite because loads of you keep peddling this "we spent more money than other teams so we deserved the reward" pish and its not a good look.

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10 hours ago, haufdaft said:

My team does not have a horse in this race.


I don't see where I'm being hypocritical


UEFA insist that counties nominate clubs for their tournaments. We have no choice in the matter. We HAVE to select teams somehow.


There is no such imperative for League titles or relegation. No one has won anything or lost anything as the leagues were not completed.

This is entirely within the SPFL remit to make this decision. I think they chose the wrong option.


Completely different


It looks like a dictionary definition of hypocrisy to me. What UEFA want is neither here nor there, if a league table is good enough to determine who is worthy of European places then it is good enough to determine who is worthy of the title and the trap door.

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2 hours ago, EdinburghBlue said:


ANY club that budgets for prize money in excess of the amount paid to the team finishing bottom in their league is taking an unacceptable financial risk.

This is a stupid approach to take. For example, Celtic, Rangers and Aberdeen can quite obviously budget for more than a 12th place finish in the Premiership, because they are clearly not going to finish there. Likewise Dundee United in the Championship and Raith and Falkirk in League 1.

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22 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

So why didn't any club make any proposals on this in advance of the vote? Why didn't they get in touch with other clubs to discuss said proposals?

Why did no clubs take responsibility when football was halted instead of waiting to see what would happen?

Because they sadly put their faith in the spfl to do the right thing and then clubs became so desperate for cash they wouldve voted through basically anything to get it.  They were given a huge document and told to decipher it in two days and vote yes if they wanted paid ffs. 

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1 minute ago, craigkillie said:

This is a stupid approach to take. For example, Celtic, Rangers and Aberdeen can quite obviously budget for more than a 12th place finish in the Premiership, because they are clearly not going to finish there. Likewise Dundee United in the Championship and Raith and Falkirk in League 1.

Wasnt that long ago that aberdeen were flirting around the bottom of the league to be honest but I can see your point re the bigot bros.

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3 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

Because they sadly put their faith in the spfl to do the right thing and then clubs became so desperate for cash they wouldve voted through basically anything to get it.  They were given a huge document and told to decipher it in two days and vote yes if they wanted paid ffs. 

Then clubs don't really have much cause for complaint if they were stupid enough to put their faith in the SPFL and did nothing themselves.

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5 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Then clubs don't really have much cause for complaint if they were stupid enough to put their faith in the SPFL and did nothing themselves.

Some didn't but they were basically ignored.  As long as the majority were desperate to get cash the spfl werent going to give a flying feck. Going by reports it would appear that dunfermline were one of the clubs pressuring folk to accept the vote.

Edited by Shadwell Dog
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11 hours ago, Clyde01 said:

If the top flight doesn’t want to expand then leave them to it. Hearts down Dundee United up.

We could still easily promote 2 and relegate none in the other 3 divisions. Creating a 12-12-10-10.

Whilst this wouldn’t be ideal financially from my own clubs point of view (losing Falkirk and thistle fixtures) I think sporting wise it’s the fairest solution.

It would also allow the pyramid to function by allowing up kelty and brora.

The extra cash share for these 2 clubs should come directly out of Doncaster £350k plus salary.

I can't see why the current situation of Raith being promoted while Falkirk stay down is a disgraceful injustice where Falkirk have been shafted, but an alternative where Falkirk are promoted while Airdrie and Montrose aren't is somehow fair.

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1 minute ago, Dunning1874 said:

I can't see why the current situation of Raith being promoted while Falkirk stay down is a disgraceful injustice where Falkirk have been shafted, but an alternative where Falkirk are promoted while Airdrie and Montrose aren't is somehow 

I agree which is why a bigger championship wouldve been my preferred choice with the likes of airdrie etc going up with us.

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2 hours ago, EdinburghBlue said:


ANY club that budgets for prize money in excess of the amount paid to the team finishing bottom in their league is taking an unacceptable financial risk.

What!? 😂

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