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League Reconstruction 20/21 season

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Guest JTS98
2 minutes ago, Coventry Saint said:

The issue is, though, that catastrophic global events have turned it into a 30 game season and there's nothing that can reasonably be done to change that. You've got to forget what you were promised because events have occurred that have changed things.

And, as it's consistency you're after, then, as has been pointed out and infinitum on here, there is historical precedent for seasons being called early and relegation being applied.

Well, quite. But that argument could just as easily be used to call off promotion, relegation, and awarding a title.

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2 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Correct. We'd have gone down. We'd have been peeved off at the circumstances and likely appealed but ultimately fans would have had to have accepted it as we were the worst side in the league at that point. 

Luckily for you, the Hearts fans on here would have been very supportive of your plight and how unfair the whole situation was for St. Mirren. Ann Budge would of course, be proposing a temporary reconstruction of the leagues, even though it would cost her club money, in order to save the Saints from relegation.

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6 minutes ago, JTS98 said:


The fact that there is a difference in circumstance this year as compared to last year is not Hearts' fault. Therefore, it does not ethically stand to punish Hearts for 30 games of bad performance. That's not how the league works, it's not the understanding upon which the league was started, it's not the understanding upon which the games were played.


I booked a week in Gran Canaria on the understanding when I paid for it that I'd get a week in Gran Canaria. 

It was not my understanding upon making payment for this holiday that circumstances would change that would prevent me going. 

I went to Gran Canaria the same time last year and completed my holiday pandemic free. 

How is that fair? 

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1 minute ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Luckily for you, the Hearts fans on here would have been very supportive of your plight and how unfair the whole situation was for St. Mirren. Ann Budge would of course, be proposing a temporary reconstruction of the leagues, even though it would cost her club money, in order to save the Saints from relegation.

JTS would certainly be just as enthusiastic in his defence of St Mirren if the tables were turned. It'd be easy for him because Ann Budge would be defying the majority of Hearts fans to fight our corner, too. Ethical consistency, after all.

I've heard he's been all over the Clyde thread arguing against a reconstruction that would harm them. It's a tough life, being so ethically rigorous.

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Guest JTS98
6 minutes ago, Coventry Saint said:

JTS would certainly be just as enthusiastic in his defence of St Mirren if the tables were turned. It'd be easy for him because Ann Budge would be defying the majority of Hearts fans to fight our corner, too. Ethical consistency, after all.

I've heard he's been all over the Clyde thread arguing against a reconstruction that would harm them. It's a tough life, being so ethically rigorous.

I mentioned before that I think anyone who has read my borderline utopian views on how football should be organised and managed would probably accept that I'd never argue in favour of a club being relegated in a situation like this.

Anyway, I'm signing off this thread. As one of my honourable friends above pointed out, it's a dead thread.

Fans of clubs saved from a potential relegation will continue to argue that it's right that their club has been saved from relegation. There are better ways to spend my time.

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6 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

Anyway, I'm signing off this thread. As one of my honourable friends above pointed out, it's a dead thread.

This just sums up the arrogance of a minority of some Hearts supporters - to be fair there are quite a few good ones to balance it out.

This thread is about league reconstruction, not specifically about whether Hearts should be saved from relegation. You don't get to decide if the thread is dead simply because nobody is falling for your clearly myopic viewpoint.

Edited by Ric
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6 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

I mentioned before that I think anyone who has read my borderline utopian views on how football should be organised and managed would probably accept that I'd never argue in favour of a club being relegated in a situation like this.

So you would argue its fairer to keep Stranraer in League One than relegate them and promote Cove?

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2 hours ago, Mr. X said:

The views are far too entrenched in this thread no one seems likely to change their opinion. 

 In the yellow corner you have the supporters of the spineless teams who believe its fair to relegate a team that has 24 points to play for.  It just so happens it also makes life more easy for their team.  A few know that a weak Hearts team is normally a temporary blip, so  'let's get them down while they are weak', seems to be part of the thinking from some of the snake clubs.  'Reconstruction is just to suit Hearts' they squeal. 

In the Maroon corner  you have other supporters that can plainly see Hearts are getting very unfairly treated.  Everything should be done to ensure no team carries a disproportionately large burden because of Covid 29 shutdown.  Reconstruction is just to suit Hearts because Hearts are the only team that are getting shafted in the top league.  No other team in the Premiership is being voted out by their rivals, at a cost  of 3 million and possibly more. 

I can understand teams looking after number 1, and that is exactly why the vote should not have taken place.  

This post, like every other post in this thread will not change any opinons. Budge will present her temporary fix and the spineless ones will once again  prefer the f**k Hearts option to any kind of fair play. Hearts will then get a solidarity payment just enough to save this from going through the courts. 

We'll be back soon enough, and hopefully some of you smaller teams will still be around for us play. 


Can you think the situation is unfair on Hearts and also think Budge - and seemingly the vast majority of online Hearts fans - are making total arseholes of themselves throughout all of this? I just want to know where I stand in this black and white (yellow and maroon) world.

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2 minutes ago, The DA said:

Why would a Hearts fan continue positing in the Premiership forum?

To call us all cowards and snakes while insisting he's dead calm about the whole thing?

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16 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

The continued meltdown you are having in this thread is pleasant viewing.

You are preaching fairness but every proposal you have made has severe implications, both sporting and financial, for a multitude of clubs.

The fact that you think it’s fair to make Dundee United, a side with a probability of promotion of 99%+, play a one off match to see if they get promoted shows that you don’t have fairness as your driving force, but the survival of your tinpot club. 

Hearts getting relegated is the least ‘unfair’ way to finish the season in these unprecedented times. Anybody looking at this objectively would agree. 

And it’s funny. That shouldn’t be forgotten either.

That's the equivalent of saying because Dundee United have failed to be promoted in previous years, they shouldn't complain now if they don't get up.




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I think it's unfair that Hearts should be relegated just because somebody at the SPFL happened to pick their name out of a hat.

Oh, isn't that what happened ?

Oh, what's that, they were bottom of the league table were they ?

What, by 4 clear points ?



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Ann Budge now saying:

"It is fundamentally wrong that any club should be unfairly penalised by exceptional decisions that have had to be taken to deal with the current crisis," said the Hearts owner, whose side are four points adrift with eight games still to play. "I would stand by that view, regardless of Hearts' own position.

"To pour more financial hardship on specific clubs, given what we are all going through both now and for the foreseeable future, is both outrageous and shameful."

Is that right Ann? But not for Clyde, Peterhead or Forfar! That’s what’s shameful. Should be called out on this behaviour. How can clubs plan when goal posts constantly change!

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I'm waiting for her to use the argument that it's either racist (because of the multicultural nature of the Hearts squad) or misogynist (because she is a successful business woman doing busy business woman business stuff) to relegate Heats. She's used every other claim up to this point.

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When it became clear the season couldn’t finish by the end of May there was no fair outcome.

It was picking the least worst. It was either relegate Hearts, deny United promotion and don’t relegate Hearts or some bizarre reconstruction to avoid upsetting one of those teams while in the process offending several others.

Of course option three was never going to fly, it was never realistic that reconstruction was going to be voted through in such circumstances. It was rightly kicked into touch at the first available opportunity.

Therefore you either shaft United or shaft Hearts. Personally I would enjoy seeing either of those set of fans in tears (again) so it’s hard to pick a preference.

Do have to have some sympathy though. In 2018 we were strolling the Championship, certainly wouldn’t have wanted to be denied promotion then. In 2019 we were bottom of the league at this stage, certainly wouldn’t have wanted to be relegated then.

Oh well :)

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The SPFL motto is ; investigate us & it comes out the sky money.


the previous vote to end leagues was a carrot & stick affair (except if your Dundee which took The Lawell length option)


The real question to the clubs is 

will it cost us more money in court or less by temporary reconstruction?


⬆️ That’s wot this comes down to.


the end.

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1 minute ago, Gorgie greatness said:

The SPFL motto is ; investigate us & it comes out the sky money.


the previous vote to end leagues was a carrot & stick affair (except if your Dundee which took The Lawell length option)


The real question to the clubs is 

will it cost us more money in court or less by temporary reconstruction?


⬆️ That’s wot this comes down to.


the end.

If you said that to some championship clubs they would view that as a threat and bullying. 

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