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League Reconstruction 20/21 season

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59 minutes ago, Thistle Scotland Europe said:

I support the move by Glasgow Celtic and Glasgow Rangers to have colt teams in the lower leagues, It is about putting Scottish football first. Not petty jealousy against the big sides. If Celtic and Rangers give more young players a chance who go on to be international players for Scotland then that is a good movie. I put the national team above everything. 
What I do not understand is people who one minute go on about how we need less teams in the league, because they do not repsect the part time teams, then the next minute claim they are standing up for part time teams when they are against Colt teams playing in the lower divisions.
I support having as many teams as possible in the league. If a team can support a strong B team in the league system they should be allowed to.
I support b teams and the part time teams.  
The fact is this (playing colt or b teams in the lower tiers) happens in so many countries notticably Croatia (a small country than Scotland who reached the World Cup Final), France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, the Netherlands, where they put developing players for the international teams above petty jealousy against the bigger sides. 
I do not support Celtic or Rangers. I support Scottish football having a system in place that develops top international players and clubs who can do well in Europe.  Some people could not care less about that. All they care about is a dinosaur mentality of making Scottish football smaller and worse. 
If you want Scottish football to fail, then be a dinosaur. 

I would support all the big sides having colt teams in the league. 

I also support part time teams being strong.  Putting B teams in the lower leagues does not contradict that, 


56 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:


I was about to jump in two feet first until I spotted your post Dave. Thanks for saving me.

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39 minutes ago, Thistle Scotland Europe said:

I support Fort William and approve of colt teams.

No surprise there then. Caley Colts (FWFC) have been banned for next season, strict limit on loan players introduced in the Highland League.

Edited by welshbairn
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Right, I’ve got it:




Premiership: Celtic, Rangers, Celtic B, Rangers B. Teams play each other twenty times; no relegation; £100m a season TV deal; bonanza for pubs and polis overtime.

Diddy leagues: the rest of the forty of us can get on wading blissfully and competitively in our shite.


Everyone gets what they want.

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1 hour ago, Ludo*1 said:

The moments Colts are introduced is the moment I'm done with Scottish football.

Ah so it wasnt the moment your team changed its mind, after submitting a vote into a junk folder, through pressure/bribery. Ending a season when 42 out the 47 European leagues will be back playing. 

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I do like how this Thistle Scotland Europe guy sums up his ideas, aims, and conclusion all within the first sentence. Saves a lot time that could have been wasted reading the rest.

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31 minutes ago, edinabear said:

Ah so it wasnt the moment your team changed its mind, after submitting a vote into a junk folder, through pressure/bribery. Ending a season when 42 out the 47 European leagues will be back playing. 

Clearly not. That was fantastic banter.

And you're filling your head with conspiracy nonsense as well. Things you love to see.

Edited by Ludo*1
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9 minutes ago, johnnydun said:

Is this anywhere near Glassigoo, Dindde, or Aberdaberdeen?

Clear to see where The Flintstones would use as their Scottish holiday destination.

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39 minutes ago, Coventry Saint said:

All of this bullshit just because Hearts won't just shut up and get down.

It's almost a shame they didn't beat us in March: at least the whole of Scottish football would just be getting the f**k on with it. Instead we've been treated to the most petulant display of drawn-out cuntery I think I've seen for a long time.

100% all cus hertz lost the vote and were sent down, now their big team come up with this sh**e to try and save them. A f**king joke !!!

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I support putting B or colt teams in the lower leagues by a million miles. 
Too many dinosaurs want Scottish football to fail at producing great players. The fact is putting the big sides b teams in the lower leagues would help produce more Scottish international players. The more chances there are for young players, the better. 
How is it wrong to copy the most successful small nations in World football (Like Croatia, Belgium and the Netherlands), rather than contining with a system which wastes so many young Scottish players?
And some idiot will say well why don't Celtic and Rangers play all their young players in the first teams. Well that is cloud cuckoo fantastic nonsense land. Would any of your teams play an entire first team of 19 year olds let alone teams representing Scotland in Europe?
We need a colt or b teams in the lower divisions, TO PRODUCE MORE SCOTTISH INTERNATINAL PLAYERS FOR THE SCOTTISH INTERNATIONAL TEAM. It is nothing to do with helping Celtic or Rangers, or some conspiracy by the SFA bnecause they want to see Celtic win Leagyue Two. Grow up! You critics of this idea will put forward totally cloud cuckoo land conspiracy theories and straw men to hide the weakness of your argument. 
The notion of playing B teams in the lower leagues is done in far far far more succesful nations at developing internatioonmal players. STOP HOLDING SCOTTISH FOOTBALL BACK. 
I support part time teams doing well. And I weant as many teams in the Scottish League as possible. The more the better. But for the life of me, I cannot understand why you wqould put Edibbirgh City finnishing two places higher in League Two, above that of producing more top Scottish players. 
And not with some whithered conspiracy theory that the SPFL is run by people who want Celtic or Rangers to win League Two. Grow up, and put Scottish football first. 

I assume this is a wind-up, in which case I salute your patience and creativity in trying to cram as much utter bullshit into one post. It takes some effort to achieve this, and you should be congratulated.

On the off-chance that you actually believe this, first of all - WOW! Second of all, you say "The fact is putting the big sides b teams in the lower leagues would help produce more Scottish international players." Since this is a "fact", I assume you have evidence for this, with well researched arguments and studies showing that young players having games against students, plumbers, PE teachers and fitness instructors produces golden generations of footballers?

You then ask "How is it wrong to copy the most successful small nations in World football (Like Croatia, Belgium and the Netherlands), rather than contining with a system which wastes so many young Scottish players?" and I actually agree with you! We should copy those nations. By having better facilities, better coaches, encouraging young players to move abroad, and by giving young players top flight experience.

After that, you kind of lose the plot a bit thinking that teams like Celtic and Rangers would have to play an entire team of 19 year olds, rather than integrating the youngsters into their first team squads and playing them when appropriate. You know, like Ajax, who apparently we should be copying. Maybe if Celtic and Rangers gave their youth players more outings in the first team rather than buying in foreign players and big name Englishmen on huge wages they'd be able to produce these international players. This of course ignores the fact that the colt teams of these clubs have foreign international and age group international players anyway and aren't full of Scottish lads.

You then question why people think that this is a man that is designed to benefit just the Old Firm. Ignoring for one moment that these are the only two colt clubs who would be joining the SPFL, whereas other colt clubs would have to join the Highland or Lowland League, this would mean that these two would be able to dangle the carrot of "first team football" albeit at colt level when young players were looking to graduate from academy level and sign senior contracts. We've seen plenty of players make moves early in their career only to sink without a trace (Pars fans will remember PJ Crossan look like a decent prospect only for him to move to Celtic's reserve team and disappear from view). Why should we encourage more of this?

You then circle back to your argument that much better nations do this so we should too. Except of course Italy don't do this, France don't do this, Portugal don't do this, Turkey don't do this, the Scandinavian countries don't do this, the Central European countries don't do this, the former Soviet states don't do this. Are they all wrong too? Is it maybe that Germany, Spain and the Netherlands have much better talent identification programmes, better coaches, better facilities, a generally healthier population and a history for youth development rather than having some B teams in their league structure.

And to finish it off, you say that people should "Grow up and put Scottish football first". You know the best way of doing this? Getting this rubbish idea in the sea.

But, as I say, if it was a wind-up, chapeau.
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Mental thing is that I think most the lower league teams will go for this.
Especially the ones that aren't bankrolled by a rich owner. 
Nothing in it for L2 clubs, they will lose support and potentially miss out on promotions if the colts teams eventually get any good. Or when the rules get changed again to just make them B teams, not colts.
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