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Would it be possible for teams to train in a certain way? I know pro clubs in England are training by themselves or in small groups. Could teams in a few months time if the govt ease things possibly train but players arrive by themselves, do an isolated warm up, bit of running. Possibly a passing drill that is well isolated. Bring your own water as well. Just wondering if anyone thinks something like this could be achievable? Obviously depends what happens with the govt advice but hearing from 1st June some small sporting activities could be allowed back. Not including football in that but just wondering if it could be done safely down the road? 

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Just to play devils advocate then, all football in the country is suspended till June 10th and that’s when senior teams resume training, does anyone think our game can resume to some degree then?
Absolutely not. Not any clubs fault but I've been in pavilions that don't have running water and those that were barely capable of holding a team, there's no possibility of games taking place with basic facilities like that at those venues.
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Heres a question.

If it was announced today that grassroots football could start as of the 28th may ( I know it womt and 100% shouldn't) bit say it was. Would u be happy to jump straight in to it at amatuer level. If so, would u allow your kids to go and play with their own team at say 14 years old

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Heres a question.

If it was announced today that grassroots football could start as of the 28th may ( I know it womt and 100% shouldn't) bit say it was. Would u be happy to jump straight in to it at amatuer level. If so, would u allow your kids to go and play with their own team at say 14 years old

I wouldn't
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Heres a question.

If it was announced today that grassroots football could start as of the 28th may ( I know it womt and 100% shouldn't) bit say it was. Would u be happy to jump straight in to it at amatuer level. If so, would u allow your kids to go and play with their own team at say 14 years old

Where was this announcement??
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19 hours ago, eyeswideopen15 said:

Heres a question.

If it was announced today that grassroots football could start as of the 28th may ( I know it womt and 100% shouldn't) bit say it was. Would u be happy to jump straight in to it at amatuer level. If so, would u allow your kids to go and play with their own team at say 14 years old


Life needs to move on we need to get back to some sense of normality. The virus isn't dangerous to 99.9% of people.

It's just about using common sense. The vulnerable need to keep shielding so you can't send your son up to hug his granny anytime soon but he shouldn't be missing out on his education and football due to a virus that isn't harmful to him in any way.

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What about the first part? Where there are plenty of adults in there 30s and 40s that play amateur. I love my football but To me it seems crazy that some of these people cant go to work due to the fact they cant guarantee 2m but there is this "need" to get amateur football back while there are still thousands of people ( plenty middle aged and healthy ) dying on a weekly basis. I get we need to move on and education can be achieved safely but Recreation sport? Cmon.

Wife- im Struggling. I cant pay the mortgage this month because cutting peoples hair is too dangerous also iv not cuddled my ( healthy) niece in months.

Husband- ok honey. Can we tall about that later I'm off down scott Ellis. Big game against minishant today.

Life needs to move on we need to get back to some sense of normality. The virus isn't dangerous to 99.9% of people.
It's just about using common sense. The vulnerable need to keep shielding so you can't send your son up to hug his granny anytime soon but he shouldn't be missing out on his education and football due to a virus that isn't harmful to him in any way.
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34 minutes ago, eyeswideopen15 said:

What about the first part? Where there are plenty of adults in there 30s and 40s that play amateur. I love my football but To me it seems crazy that some of these people cant go to work due to the fact they cant guarantee 2m but there is this "need" to get amateur football back while there are still thousands of people ( plenty middle aged and healthy ) dying on a weekly basis. I get we need to move on and education can be achieved safely but Recreation sport? Cmon.

Wife- im Struggling. I cant pay the mortgage this month because cutting peoples hair is too dangerous also iv not cuddled my ( healthy) niece in months.

Husband- ok honey. Can we tall about that later I'm off down scott Ellis. Big game against minishant today.

You have more chance of being knocked down with a bus and dying than dying of Covid-19 if you're of an age that you can play football still.

It's not impossible that you could pick it up and die when you are young with no underlying health issues, but that's the same with any type of illness or virus. You see young people dying of cancer etc as well but in terms of the actual risk of that happening, it's miniscule. 

We can't hold the world back forever for a virus that's not dangerous to 99% of us.

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27 minutes ago, Crazy Feet said:

You have more chance of being knocked down with a bus and dying than dying of Covid-19 if you're of an age that you can play football still.

It's not impossible that you could pick it up and die when you are young with no underlying health issues, but that's the same with any type of illness or virus. You see young people dying of cancer etc as well but in terms of the actual risk of that happening, it's miniscule. 

We can't hold the world back forever for a virus that's not dangerous to 99% of us.

You dont know it's a minuscule risk. People of all ages have died thru this virus, from new born babies to the old and infirm. The world has been locked down as a result of this so it must be serious enough to us all.  We all want the world to return to normal, we are all struggling in one way or another but why put hundreds of people at risk to kick a ball about a park before we are sure it's ok to do so? We all miss the football but why rush back, run the risk of infecting hundreds more and then find ourselves back to square one again? 

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20 hours ago, BingeDrinker said:

You dont know it's a minuscule risk. People of all ages have died thru this virus, from new born babies to the old and infirm. The world has been locked down as a result of this so it must be serious enough to us all.  We all want the world to return to normal, we are all struggling in one way or another but why put hundreds of people at risk to kick a ball about a park before we are sure it's ok to do so? We all miss the football but why rush back, run the risk of infecting hundreds more and then find ourselves back to square one again? 

So when will be safe?

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21 hours ago, Crazy Feet said:

You have more chance of being knocked down with a bus and dying than dying of Covid-19 if you're of an age that you can play football still.

It's not impossible that you could pick it up and die when you are young with no underlying health issues, but that's the same with any type of illness or virus. You see young people dying of cancer etc as well but in terms of the actual risk of that happening, it's miniscule. 

We can't hold the world back forever for a virus that's not dangerous to 99% of us.

So you go down to play a game this weekend with your team, someone in the opposition has covid-19 but doesnt know. He passes it to you (and a few others). You go home and pass it to your wife/child who reacts badly and dies. How you feel then? Still happy you made the decision to go to football? Yes it may not be dangerous to the majority of people. I'm pretty fit and healthy, back at work not that worried about it. But still taking precautions because I am worried about my loved ones getting it who may not be able to fight it off.

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27 minutes ago, pleslie99 said:

So you go down to play a game this weekend with your team, someone in the opposition has covid-19 but doesnt know. He passes it to you (and a few others). You go home and pass it to your wife/child who reacts badly and dies. How you feel then? Still happy you made the decision to go to football? Yes it may not be dangerous to the majority of people. I'm pretty fit and healthy, back at work not that worried about it. But still taking precautions because I am worried about my loved ones getting it who may not be able to fight it off.

Understandable concerns raised there however they risks will b all around us for the forseeable future unless people are never going to leave the house again.  

Life has to go on and if people use there heads they can eliminate some of the risk of catching/spreading it. 

Thats said how do we bring Grassroots football back with social distancing in play? Is it even possible, will facilities even be available for teams to use? These are the kind of challenges that will face Grassroots football over the next couple of months. 

Id really like to see football back in august if not before it plays a massive part in alot of peoples lives so hopefully we get a green light for atleast some kind of training to be allowed and then we can look at tackling how to get games played further down the line.

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Understandable concerns raised there however they risks will b all around us for the forseeable future unless people are never going to leave the house again.  
Life has to go on and if people use there heads they can eliminate some of the risk of catching/spreading it. 
Thats said how do we bring Grassroots football back with social distancing in play? Is it even possible, will facilities even be available for teams to use? These are the kind of challenges that will face Grassroots football over the next couple of months. 
Id really like to see football back in august if not before it plays a massive part in alot of peoples lives so hopefully we get a green light for atleast some kind of training to be allowed and then we can look at tackling how to get games played further down the line.

I dont think Pleslie was saying we dont leave the house just that we will probably need to maintain social distancing for some considerable time. That kills any chance of games starting but doesnt mean we cant train. Obviously the training will need to take SD into account but at least guys can get back to a bit more social interaction alongside running and ballwork.
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5 hours ago, Amateur Footie Fan said:

I dont think Pleslie was saying we dont leave the house just that we will probably need to maintain social distancing for some considerable time. That kills any chance of games starting but doesnt mean we cant train. Obviously the training will need to take SD into account but at least guys can get back to a bit more social interaction alongside running and ballwork.

Exactly my point, the government has made it clear that social distancing will remain until at least a successful vaccine is found, that could be up to 12months away. Amateur football (and much of the pro game) doesnt have the resources to test players regularly so I cant see how we can get back playing anytime soon and maintain social distancing. Hopefully I am wrong as I want to get back as much as everyone else.

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16 hours ago, pleslie99 said:

So you go down to play a game this weekend with your team, someone in the opposition has covid-19 but doesnt know. He passes it to you (and a few others). You go home and pass it to your wife/child who reacts badly and dies. How you feel then? Still happy you made the decision to go to football? Yes it may not be dangerous to the majority of people. I'm pretty fit and healthy, back at work not that worried about it. But still taking precautions because I am worried about my loved ones getting it who may not be able to fight it off.

I agree with you that it wont be back anytime soon. The post you quoted is just my personal view on the matter.

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There has to be a vaccine, cheaper tests,almost zero deaths, the vast majority back to work before things change. Think the risk/fear will always be there until then. Maybe when the shops, stores are fully open then maybe that's nearer the time. PS will the twats continue to go to the beach,have parties,sit around in large groups, shows your mentality 😷

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Shocked it took so long to get to that outcome but for me its 100% the correct decision for our level of the game. I didn't think an 11 team premier was possible tho. Its harsh on a couple of teams in particular but I'm sure even they can see the difficulty in doing much different. Stewarton and Galston the big winners

Ayrshire leagues are null and void, start again nxt season in same league, premier will play with 11 teams.
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