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I think its kinda unfair to have a go at clubs without a youth set up considering many are run by a very small number of people who are trying their best to keep their club alive. It must be hard for some of these clubs to even get punters through the door let alone run a youth set up. I know with Clydebank its been fantastic and we’ve been fortunate to have people amongst the support who have the passion and qualifications/skillset to help integrate Clydebank Boys Club etc into the Academy structure but how people can criticise other clubs for not doing the same is beyond me.
I’d love to see KR get a decent tie in with a youth set up, some fantastic sides in the 17/19/21’s in that part of the country, good luck to them.

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I get the slicedbread, et all, are not specifically "having a go" at anyone for not engaging with youth football so don't take any of this as a slight on individual commenters but, for a lot of clubs, a youth system just isn't feasible or desirable.

When there are clubs in the English Premiership, with hundreds of millions to play with, who pay nothing but lip service to their youth system with good reason it's a bit harsh to be negative toward part time clubs with small crowds for not taking up the option. Burnley, for instance believe that they'll be below Man U, Man City, Everton and Liverpool for players in their area for talented young players looking for a club. So rather than plough millions into their own youth system they take chances on players who have been released by other clubs around them.

The best players in Lanarkshire will be plucked by the Old Firm in the first instance more often than not. Aberdeen or Dundee United will bring young players up from the central belt and there are two good youth systems in place at Hamilton and Motherwell. Any young players remaining after those clubs have picked the best ones will end up at Airdrie or Albion Rovers. Cumbernauld Colts will be above the pecking order now ahead of Kilsyth. The odds of Kilsyth bringing through players good enough for their first team with the dregs remaining in their small town are slim.

Would it be in their better interests to spend thousands a year on what would basically be a glorified kickabout for some local youngsters or to use that money to be a... safety net for the same players who were in the youth teams of the clubs mentioned above but never made the grade and kept them from being lost from the game altogether?

For some clubs that "glorified kickabout" will be an important part of the social reach in the local area of the club and will have benefits beyond what it could do for their first team. The aims of these clubs may be more orientated toward the local area than just a starting XI playing on the Saturday: both are valid means of running a football club and having that mixture is important.

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1 hour ago, Krfc 10 said:

I understand everything you are saying and totally agree, clubs should have a connection with the community, I wonder who the committee members are you speak of who said, we are junior and always will be, are you sure they were committee because since all this wosfl stuff kicked off the club have always said that they need to move with the times, and no one I spoke to said other wise. 

On your other point the club was approached by a local team a while back who put points across about joining forces to be a community club, but as you said we didn't think it was a good idea at the time, and ultimately were probably proven right as that club folded and it wasn't because of Kilsyth Rangers, there were some unrealistic proposals put on the table about new 4g surfaces and the like for just one example, can't remember everything now. 

Your other point about the under 19 coach you spoke to, it will be Kilsyth Athletic, I know the gentleman you speak of and I have also spoke to him and I actually spoke to our then manager who agreed to speak with him about taking some players from the 19s and to meet with him, for one reason or another it never happened, I should maybe have pushed it a bit more but I had also found out the Kilsyth manager had applied for another job, so thought maybe he was losing interest and he did eventually leave the club. 

New manager was put in place and needs time to get his own ideas across and I'm sure something will happen in time as he came from coaching at u21 level, to say the club has no vision is rubbish but your entitled to your opinion, the club has a proud history and why more locals don't come out to watch their local team (senior team now I suppose), well you'll need to ask them as the club have tried to attract them.

Kilsyth Rangers also tried to attract more sponsorship from local businesses, got some on board with advertising boards etc, but found some local places would rather sponsor amateur teams and Sunday league teams than support their local senior team, they'll have their reasons, we'll see what happens in the future. 

You say Kilsyth are one of the worst with connection to youth and community football, and the people are blinkered with no vision? Yet you say that was an impression you got speaking to a "couple" of people, so you don't actually know the running of the club itself. 

If you can remember Kilsyth Rangers have had u18 and u21 teams in the past, not now for whatever reason. 

You also said there is no interaction with youth clubs in the area well up until January this year "they say they do but they dont". Could you show me where the club has said they do? 

And also saying the under 19s called it a day cause there was no where to go and no pathway, you can't lay the blame at Kilsyth Rangers door for that

Ignore the numpty he comes on here preaching and telling historic junior clubs that youth football is the way forward blah blah blah when he never sticks long enough at one youth team to do anything worthwhile. This know it then gets found out and leaves.

I've had numerous phone calls with people involved in the game who know the man and know of him and they all to a man have a chuckle at his nonsense on here and elsewhere. 

Keep doing what you are doing and good luck. 

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On 16/05/2020 at 21:05, traffordab said:

Stop bringing youth football into things ffs as if it's a big thing this isn't a youth forum. 

Kilsyth Rangers have a proud football in MENS junior non league football. That is what they are and what the community know and have got behind in times gone past and present day. 

You place far to much on boys football in relation to junior football. 

Junior football and all of non league football to be successful is down to signing the experience and talent you can for money you have. If a club decide to have a youth team fair enough it's a small added bonus if any players make it to a regular in 1st team again another bonus.

To castigate a club who were founded to be a MENS football team is bang out of order all because you are involved in youth football give it a rest!  

This is what is wrong with a lot of people throwing about term dinosaur all because they don't agree with the view you have. Stick to running a boys team and let club committees do what is right for them without being branded something that doesn't even mean anything in the real world. 

Yawn...….. your patter is pish.

Very few people ever agree with anything you say, you're just here to get reactions off people by disagreeing with everything they say. Go and troll somewhere else, as you are just getting boring posting your junior this, junior that repertoire. The Juniors were once great, now it is coming to an end thru bad management and self preservation, WOSL is the way forward, they teams are no longer Junior teams, get over it. Any BOYS team that has got where they are is through merit and deserve to be exactly where they are, as do any team who have either performed well or underperformed over the past years.

Edited by Windymillar
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4 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I think its kinda unfair to have a go at clubs without a youth set up considering many are run by a very small number of people who are trying their best to keep their club alive. It must be hard for some of these clubs to even get punters through the door let alone run a youth set up. I know with Clydebank its been fantastic and we’ve been fortunate to have people amongst the support who have the passion and qualifications/skillset to help integrate Clydebank Boys Club etc into the Academy structure but how people can criticise other clubs for not doing the same is beyond me.
I’d love to see KR get a decent tie in with a youth set up, some fantastic sides in the 17/19/21’s in that part of the country, good luck to them.

But Inanimate
I'm not having a go at the club.
They have no youth policy and not interested but should they be shot down for that, no because its their prerogative.
The information stated  from me was what I know first hand, not information passed to me as I genuinely were interested.

I think the hardest thing for any ex junior club committee that has been running a junior team for years and year to all of a sudden move to the senior ranks, all they have known  is now changed so you cant expect any committee to just turn and then start an Under 20s team as well or an academy.
In the way football is changing I think its something all clubs should be looking into the youth section to further their future

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5 hours ago, Krfc 10 said:

I understand everything you are saying and totally agree, clubs should have a connection with the community, I wonder who the committee members are you speak of who said, we are junior and always will be, are you sure they were committee because since all this wosfl stuff kicked off the club have always said that they need to move with the times, and no one I spoke to said other wise. 
Krfc, first of all, I would never name anyone on here, that's not right, the points are from my view and experience so why should they suffer.

On your other point the club was approached by a local team a while back who put points across about joining forces to be a community club, but as you said we didn't think it was a good idea at the time, and ultimately were probably proven right as that club folded and it wasn't because of Kilsyth Rangers, there were some unrealistic proposals put on the table about new 4g surfaces and the like for just one example, can't remember everything now. 
Kilsyth Rangers FC cannot be blamed for any team folding, lets make that a fact and I certainly never said that or intended that to be conveyed as such
You cannot have a community team come in and say to your club, 'do this, do that' when there has to be a feasibility study at the very least to see if its worthwhile

Your other point about the under 19 coach you spoke to, it will be Kilsyth Athletic, I know the gentleman you speak of and I have also spoke to him and I actually spoke to our then manager who agreed to speak with him about taking some players from the 19s and to meet with him, for one reason or another it never happened, I should maybe have pushed it a bit more but I had also found out the Kilsyth manager had applied for another job, so thought maybe he was losing interest and he did eventually leave the club. 
The head manager you speak of did not leave to take up another job, well football job, that is FACT. The coach I spoke to moved to another coaching position, that I know

New manager was put in place and needs time to get his own ideas across and I'm sure something will happen in time as he came from coaching at u21 level, to say the club has no vision is rubbish but your entitled to your opinion, the club has a proud history and why more locals don't come out to watch their local team (senior team now I suppose), well you'll need to ask them as the club have tried to attract them.
The team folded and the players went to other teams and this new manager has taken charge of a new team.
When I say regarding the vison of youth, yes I believe I am correct in the way I think after all the chat and interaction I've had.
If you canto work out why more locals are not getting involved then bring someone in to do a look over everything and you will find out why

Kilsyth Rangers also tried to attract more sponsorship from local businesses, got some on board with advertising boards etc, but found some local places would rather sponsor amateur teams and Sunday league teams than support their local senior team, they'll have their reasons, we'll see what happens in the future. 
Again you have to work out the reason why Kisyth cant interest them

You say Kilsyth are one of the worst with connection to youth and community football, and the people are blinkered with no vision? Yet you say that was an impression you got speaking to a "couple" of people, so you don't actually know the running of the club itself. 
You cannot say that, (well you have but your totally wrong),  because you do not know my connections to the people involved or the local community, youth clubs etc..

If you can remember Kilsyth Rangers have had u18 and u21 teams in the past, not now for whatever reason. 

You also said there is no interaction with youth clubs in the area well up until January this year "they say they do but they dont". Could you show me where the club has said they do? 
I think that was me fast typing should have be if they say they do, my bad, but again your reply looks as if its on the defensive or attack when theres no need to. its a viewpoint of my experience and not just a post to wind Kisyth fans up

And also saying the under 19s called it a day cause there was no where to go and no pathway, you can't lay the blame at Kilsyth Rangers door for that.
I never laid the blame on Kilsyth or intended to lay the blame of Kilsyth but if there was interaction and a connection then teams like those would have a better chance of progression nd flourishing. But what I do expect, most of those lads, who are from Kilsyth will have no interest in Kilsyth FC, more potential new blood lost, eitherr in players of fans.  The potential is there you just have to aim for it

This is not a swipe at you KRFC or Kilsyth Rangers FC and please do not take it as such.
It's my view point from my experience, I don't know the running of the club, I do not wish to and never will but I hope Kilsyth flourish in the future under the WOS


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24 minutes ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:

This is not a swipe at you KRFC or Kilsyth Rangers FC and please do not take it as such.
It's my view point from my experience, I don't know the running of the club, I do not wish to and never will but I hope Kilsyth flourish in the future under the WOS


Your getting yourself confused if you look back on your post, I am not talking about the youth manager leaving, I am talking about the Kilsyth Rangers manager who left who was interested in speaking to a local youth coach, and the manager I am talking about coming in is again, the new Kilsyth Rangers manager. 

So you can put your typing in bold all you want and put FACT in capitals but your completely mis understanding what I'm talking about, I have my own views as to why a lot of the local community won't come to watch Kilsyth Rangers but they will remain my own. 

And you basically did say if Kilsyth Rangers aren't interested in taking any of our players and there's no where for them to go then what's the point, let's just rap it. Also I can say things and they are not wrong just because you say so, it's my opinion. 

Also nothing in my post was on the defensive or attack, that's another assumption you made, and you may not think so but your not right all the time. 

You started your post attacking the club earlier saying they are one of the worst for community involvement because you heard  it from people you have spoke to, and you have ended your last post with you don't know the running of the club, a few contradictions imo

Edited by Krfc 10
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I have my own views as to why a lot of the local community won't come to watch Kilsyth Rangers but they will remain my own. 

Do you feel its the usual west of Scotland thing where so many buses leave towns to go watch the bigot brothers every saturday? Its depressing seeing supporters buses travelling from all over Scotland to the hate domes when they could be contributing to their local teams.
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16 minutes ago, Krfc 10 said:

Your getting yourself confused if you look back on your post, I am not talking about the youth manager leaving, I am talking about the Kilsyth Rangers manager who left who was interested in speaking to a local youth coach, and the manager I am talking about coming in is again, the new Kilsyth Rangers manager. 

So you can put your typing in bold all you want and put FACT in capitals but your completely mis understanding what I'm talking about, I have my own views as to why a lot of the local community won't come to watch Kilsyth Rangers but they will remain my own. 

And you basically did say if Kilsyth Rangers aren't interested in taking any of our players and there's no where for them to go then what's the point, let's just rap it. Also I can say things and they are not wrong just because you say so, it's my opinion. 

Also nothing in my post was on the defensive or attack, that's another assumption you made, and you may not think so but your not right all the time. 

You started your post attacking the club earlier saying they are one of the worst for community involvement because you heard  it from people you have spoke to, and you have ended your last post with you don't know the running of the club, you seem to think you know an awful lot

Honestly I give up sometimes
The typing was put in bold so it was easily identified, genuinely if I thought that was a problem I would have put yours in bold

I have started my post from my viewpoint, from my experience first hand that they are one of the worst in regards to youth community football connection, (and Ill add), when there is so much potential on their doorstep .
You saying I heard it from people I've spoken too, I've also seen it first hand and I'm only living 3 miles away from Kilsyth.
its my view point, either I'm wrong or I'm right. if I'm wrong then I'm sure Kilsyth will flourish in the future, if Im right then potentially Kilsyth could suffer further behind most teams, especially the ones who have a youth connection
If you take that as an attack, then I'm sorry you are wrong, I'm stating what I believe is true. The club runs its own way and think they are doing right and great
but you also state things why there not many of the local community get behind Kilsyth or sponsors would rather go to other teams and different levels.
if this is true then these things must be addressed in order for Kilsyth to continue as a club

Edited by Bestsinceslicebread
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On 16/05/2020 at 20:47, Bestsinceslicebread said:

Absolute no connection whatsoever with blinkered people with no vision, well definitely last season was the attitude while speaking to a couple of committee members.

If that isn't an attack on a club or people running a club I don't know what is

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28 minutes ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:


I have started my post from my viewpoint, from my experience first hand that they are one of the worst in regards to youth community football connection, (and Ill add), when there is so much potential on their doorstep .

You Got the attitude from a couple of committee members, your words not mine, now it's first hand experience, make up your mind ffs, and the way you put things across you really do think you know it all 🙄

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39 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Do you feel its the usual west of Scotland thing where so many buses leave towns to go watch the bigot brothers every saturday? Its depressing seeing supporters buses travelling from all over Scotland to the hate domes when they could be contributing to their local teams.

Very sad and I suspect that has a lot to do with it.My heart sinks when we are travelling to Ayrshire from the south side and bus after bus appears on the M77 coming from remote villages and towns of Ayrshire to pitch up at Ibrox or Parkhead rather than these guys getting behind their own local junior or local senior team.Thats the distortion however of Scottish football.

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Very sad and I suspect that has a lot to do with it.My heart sinks when we are travelling to Ayrshire from the south side and bus after bus appears on the M77 coming from remote villages and towns of Ayrshire to pitch up at Ibrox or Parkhead rather than these guys getting behind their own local junior or local senior team.Thats the distortion however of Scottish football.

Yeh, say what you will about Talbot, but they have their own fan base that isnt like an old firm reserve and should be commended for that, much like yourselves and Beith/Ladeside also, but the potential for every team in these parts is massive, especially places like EK, Ayr, Clydebank, Newton Mearns. Just such a shame people buy into the shite that follows Scotlands shame. It goes against the grain for me to compliment Talbot, but at least clubs like ours offer that kind of alternative and really are about the local community and surrounding places.
I know for Clydebank we’ve got so much to offer the local community, linking in with breathing space, we’ve got teams for everyone, girls, refugees, kids of all ages, adults and if you cant play football you’ll get a welcome at the games, we pitch in with things like the local foodbank and charitable events, I know a lot of other smaller clubs do this, what the old firm offer the communities of Scotland I dont get.
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13 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Yeh, say what you will about Talbot, but they have their own fan base that isnt like an old firm reserve and should be commended for that, much like yourselves and Beith/Ladeside also, but the potential for every team in these parts is massive, especially places like EK, Ayr, Clydebank, Newton Mearns. Just such a shame people buy into the shite that follows Scotlands shame. It goes against the grain for me to compliment Talbot, but at least clubs like ours offer that kind of alternative and really are about the local community and surrounding places.
I know for Clydebank we’ve got so much to offer the local community, linking in with breathing space, we’ve got teams for everyone, girls, refugees, kids of all ages, adults and if you cant play football you’ll get a welcome at the games, we pitch in with things like the local foodbank and charitable events, I know a lot of other smaller clubs do this, what the old firm offer the communities of Scotland I dont get.

Completely agree.The Old Firm represent the easy option for those unable to think for themselves where they have plenty of alternative more local  clubs to follow.OF followers will never ever experience the family spirit of a junior/non league side where the fans get to know the players and everyone feels the highs and lows together-the cup and league wins and the relegation battles and defeats.The great players and fans and travels throughout Scotland to many a new place.Unbeatable.

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Completely agree.The Old Firm represent the easy option for those unable to think for themselves where they have plenty of alternative more local  clubs to follow.OF followers will never ever experience the family spirit of a junior/non league side where the fans get to know the players and everyone feels the highs and lows together-the cup and league wins and the relegation battles and defeats.The great players and fans and travels throughout Scotland to many a new place.Unbeatable.

Too many sheep! Ive seen my club go through all sorts as you will have too, stuck through it all and wouldnt change it for the world cant understand how going to watch a team from a part of Scotland you’ve no connection with even travelling from Ireland etc, is in anyway as good.
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46 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Too many sheep! Ive seen my club go through all sorts as you will have too, stuck through it all and wouldnt change it for the world cant understand how going to watch a team from a part of Scotland you’ve no connection with even travelling from Ireland etc, is in anyway as good.


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2 hours ago, Krfc 10 said:

You Got the attitude from a couple of committee members, your words not mine, now it's first hand experience, make up your mind ffs, and the way you put things across you really do think you know it all 🙄

Obviously the way you have replied your taking it personally in regards that you follow the team
That's up to you.  Too many people do this and just aint objective as they try and find the faults.

First hand knowledge in regards to dealing with a few Kilsyth teams, friends at Kilsyth games, coaching staff of  teams and speaking two 2 committee members of your team.
Im sorry if you think that I think that you think that I think I know it all. I most certainly do not think that I know it all even if you think that I think that I know it all

2 hours ago, Krfc 10 said:

If that isn't an attack on a club or people running a club I don't know what is

That's up to you if you think it an attack, then please do, take it as such.
I'm telling you what my viewpoint is of the club in regards to youth community football connection.
its my viewpoint and is not an attack
I didn't say Kilsyth wur a shite team, bad football or anything like that, Only seen them play once, which was the previous season so could never make a judgement from that

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Ha yeah the Out of town O.F fans, shame some of those aren't playing or supporting locally - bit like the Plymouth branch of Man Utd fans ! As to the youth team arguments on P&B, I guess there are genuine reasons why clubs do or don't have a youth policy - finance,lack of help, etc etc. Be nice if everyone had a reserve/youth side, just hope there are enough players interested - the usual distractions as kids get older may decide that.

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1 hour ago, Andy groundhopper said:

Ha yeah the Out of town O.F fans, shame some of those aren't playing or supporting locally - bit like the Plymouth branch of Man Utd fans ! As to the youth team arguments on P&B, I guess there are genuine reasons why clubs do or don't have a youth policy - finance,lack of help, etc etc. Be nice if everyone had a reserve/youth side, just hope there are enough players interested - the usual distractions as kids get older may decide that.

Very true, maybe for short term gain but clubs like Dumbarton and Falkirk scrapped their full youth setup for financial reasons. Will let others be judge as to whether that was a good idea. 

Regards to OF fans, like anywhere else in the world, biggest teams will have biggest fan bases across a country. So happens we have 2 considerably bigger than everyone else. 

Up to clubs to work hard and to win hearts and minds into coming along on a Saturday. 

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