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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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4 minutes ago, Mr Waldo said:


Well Stalin ordered more killings than Hitler, and that doesn't include World War two!   So you are asking me what language I would you prefer my death be announced in ?

I wonder what would happen if the kulaks removed a Stalin Statue?

See I'm very much in the Stalin can f**k off camp, but you're comparing apples and oranges there pal

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58 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Slightly off topic, but just wondering where people stand on the Ukraine commercial surrogacy situation which seems to be getting some positive coverage in our media ?

Personally I think it's scandalous that rich Brits are buying babies for £50k a hit and any that "don't turn out right" are being thrown to orphanages, again, I'd see that as a more relevant scandal that's taking place right now in our own time but I don't hear many complaining about it.

I'll see your Ukranian surrogacy scandal and raise you ethnic cleansing of Kurds in Northern Syria by the Turks.

Do I win?

Why is gammon logic always you can't give a shit about anything but the worst thing going on at the moment?

Edited by Gordon EF
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Slightly off topic, but just wondering where people stand on the Ukraine commercial surrogacy situation which seems to be getting some positive coverage in our media ?
Personally I think it's scandalous that rich Brits are buying babies for £50k a hit and any that "don't turn out right" are being thrown to orphanages, again, I'd see that as a more relevant scandal that's taking place right now in our own time but I don't hear many complaining about it.
Start a topic about it then, you daft c**t.
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Apologies if already posted but this little nugget just popped up on my f/b feed. A statement (yes, statement) from prominent Rangers* fan, Craig Houston...


Now that we are having monuments removed and vandalised and films removed from online archives I’m worried about what happens next.

There is already mechanics in place that allows the public to request the removal of statues that may have outlived their purpose. The reason the Colston statue in Bristol had being going through this legal process and was still in place was simply because there wasn’t enough support for those who wanted it removed. We live in a democracy that now allows the minority (and often the loudest) to take decisions for themselves. When the public take the law in to their own hands it’s called anarchy. Is that really what we want? We are now seeing law officials turn a blind eye to unlawful behaviour and in turn encourage more lawlessness. This won’t end well.

The anarchists have now drawn up a battle list of monuments they have decided are unsuitable and they wish to be removed. In Poole the council have decided they will remove the statue of the Scout movement founder today for “safe keeping”. Pandering again to the loudest voices.

These bullies claim others are the fascists yet they desire a world that is controlled by the minority and see law as nothing more than a fence post that requires only a small jump over on their journey to control the majority. This type of society breeds nothing more than oppression for the majority which is ironic as they hide behind banners that wish to remove oppression. History proves that societies ran in this manner become the most oppressive in the world.

Movies and TV are the modern version of libraries. When we dictate what is and isn’t allowed to be viewed we are doing no better then emptying our archives and burning them at the doorstep of the depository. We should never attempt to airbrush history and we should never allow deletion of the things we don’t like through time. Blemishes in our history should be used to educate and let us evolve. If they are no longer visible then we remove the ability to improve by past mistakes.

What’s next? Where does it stop? If you find the current situation as acceptable then you lose the ability to be shocked and complain when it reaches its conclusion. Do we burn works of art next if they are found to be a minute bit offensive to the anarchists? Should we crucify anyone who the lawless believe to be undesirable? Will we demolish the Palace of Westminster based on the opinions of the minority? These potential outcomes are never step one or two in the path of destruction, where we are now are steps one and two. Make no mistake, these are dangerous times in the future of our society. Our next decision could steer us down a path to normality or a route to its breakdown.

Our society is far from perfect but it’s a damn sight better than the potential outcome. Be careful what you wish for and if you justify the current acts you’ll have no right to complain when the pitchforks come out or those who are being labelled as racists etc possibly react. That war of words has already started when pockets of the public decided to protect war memorials and are described as “right wing thugs” by the main stream media. More labels to divide us with and more trash journalism to stoke a fire that’s needs no fuel.

These are worrying times which are a lifetime away from the origins of this wave of public reaction that’s supposed to be about a murder case in America. This is being diluted by such levels that now the founder of the Boy Scouts is some way responsible for the death of George Floyd.

Stay safe

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28 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

I'll see your Ukranian surrogacy scandal and raise you ethnic cleansing of Kurds in Northern Syria by the Turks.

Do I win?

Why is gammon logic always you can't give a shit about anything but the worst thing going on at the moment?

My copy of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey bugged out so I missed out on 100% completing that game. Why are people not protesting this?

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8 minutes ago, Durex Play said:

Who in their right mind decided that Mario Melchiot was worthy of a statue?

IMO they commissioned the woman that botched the Ecce Homo to do a Ronaldinho statue.

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I quite enjoy how the Helen Lovejoys' worst case scenarios are usually pretty cool.

'What will those horrible anarchists demand next ? That we get rid of our beloved queen and burn down the palace of Westminster ?'

f**k yeah.

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2 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

I quite enjoy how the Helen Lovejoys' worst case scenarios are usually pretty cool.

'What will those horrible anarchists demand next ? That we get rid of our beloved queen and burn down the palace of Westminster ?'

f**k yeah.

Heresy. There must be war.


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2 hours ago, GordonS said:

I very, very much agree with the call to crush and occupy Germany and I think it would have caused a monumental disaster to have supported a military coup. Germany would have been able to cover up the holocaust, for one thing. The comparison with 1919 doesn't work - Germany in 1945 was an ultra-nationalist society in which racism was a core value. That entire culture needed smashed to pieces and rebuilt on an entirely new basis, which is why Germany had to be occupied for a long time. By comparison, it's a pity that Japan was not occupied and the Emperor's body set on fire in a ditch, because revisionism is rife there and nationalism is endemic in the highest offices of government. Germany is a huge force for good in the world now, in a way that Japan is not.

It can also be argued that the problem in 1919 was hitting Germany hard enough to make them angry, but not hard enough to put them down and rebuild. What we did to them in 1945 went way, way beyond what we did in 1945.

'crushing' Germany was what lead to the second world war. German were blamed for starting the Great War despite Austro-Hungary starting it. France and Britain wanted a square go against Germany in 1914 for territorial and economic reasons respectively, and disproportionally crippling them afterwards was to ensure they stayed down, but like a dog that's been kicked a few too many times they got behind Hitler and rejuvenated their economy despite the Versailles treaty rules. Or a minority did, as the Nazis only had about 33% of the popular vote, but the Reichstag was in such a chaotic mess, to try and inject some stability von Hindenburg agreed to make Hitler Reichskanzler. Hitler likely wouldn't have been able to amass even that much support if it hadn't been for the economic turmoil imposed on them by the allies, and Hitler's ability to harness the ill-feeling towards it.

Also, the allies occupied Germany until 1949, retained military bases in Germany until the 90s as a bulwark against Sovyet aggression, and f**k knows what reason the US trots out for retaining the ones they still have. Japan was occupied until 1952.

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56 minutes ago, badgerthewitness said:

Apologies if already posted but this little nugget just popped up on my f/b feed. A statement (yes, statement) from prominent Rangers* fan, Craig Houston...


Now that we are having monuments removed and vandalised and films removed from online archives I’m worried about what happens next.

There is already mechanics in place that allows the public to request the removal of statues that may have outlived their purpose. The reason the Colston statue in Bristol had being going through this legal process and was still in place was simply because there wasn’t enough support for those who wanted it removed. We live in a democracy that now allows the minority (and often the loudest) to take decisions for themselves. When the public take the law in to their own hands it’s called anarchy. Is that really what we want? We are now seeing law officials turn a blind eye to unlawful behaviour and in turn encourage more lawlessness. This won’t end well.

The anarchists have now drawn up a battle list of monuments they have decided are unsuitable and they wish to be removed. In Poole the council have decided they will remove the statue of the Scout movement founder today for “safe keeping”. Pandering again to the loudest voices.

These bullies claim others are the fascists yet they desire a world that is controlled by the minority and see law as nothing more than a fence post that requires only a small jump over on their journey to control the majority. This type of society breeds nothing more than oppression for the majority which is ironic as they hide behind banners that wish to remove oppression. History proves that societies ran in this manner become the most oppressive in the world.

Movies and TV are the modern version of libraries. When we dictate what is and isn’t allowed to be viewed we are doing no better then emptying our archives and burning them at the doorstep of the depository. We should never attempt to airbrush history and we should never allow deletion of the things we don’t like through time. Blemishes in our history should be used to educate and let us evolve. If they are no longer visible then we remove the ability to improve by past mistakes.

What’s next? Where does it stop? If you find the current situation as acceptable then you lose the ability to be shocked and complain when it reaches its conclusion. Do we burn works of art next if they are found to be a minute bit offensive to the anarchists? Should we crucify anyone who the lawless believe to be undesirable? Will we demolish the Palace of Westminster based on the opinions of the minority? These potential outcomes are never step one or two in the path of destruction, where we are now are steps one and two. Make no mistake, these are dangerous times in the future of our society. Our next decision could steer us down a path to normality or a route to its breakdown.

Our society is far from perfect but it’s a damn sight better than the potential outcome. Be careful what you wish for and if you justify the current acts you’ll have no right to complain when the pitchforks come out or those who are being labelled as racists etc possibly react. That war of words has already started when pockets of the public decided to protect war memorials and are described as “right wing thugs” by the main stream media. More labels to divide us with and more trash journalism to stoke a fire that’s needs no fuel.

These are worrying times which are a lifetime away from the origins of this wave of public reaction that’s supposed to be about a murder case in America. This is being diluted by such levels that now the founder of the Boy Scouts is some way responsible for the death of George Floyd.

Stay safe

Lacking a wee tick next to his username to be given official Rangers Twitter fuckwit spokesperson status in my opinion

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