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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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2 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

Why did that kid with the assault rifle not get shot in Wisconsin?

Good point I would have expected him to be gunned down on sight


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8 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

This doesn’t explain why black civilians are so much more likely to be shot though.

I imagine because from a population of 10 percent make up 50 percent of the prison population and from a population of 10 percent black on black murders make up 40 percent of the murder statistics

So the police are racially profiling and are even more jumpy and trigger happy than normal when in black areas

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The same folk who think gunning down Jacob Blake was justified probably also support capital punishment. It's easy to all agree that completely innocent 'good guys' shouldn't be shot and it's easy to agree that a gun/knife wielding maniac who's an imminent threat probably should be shot. But the streak running through people of well he's a criminal so doesn't he actually kind of deserve to be shot, is more difficult to deal with.

You'll find plenty of gammons here who'll say things like "they committed a crime so they gave up their human rights".

Gun and violence culture in the US is obviously an enormous problem but the twin pervasive attitudes of "young black men are likely to be criminals" and "criminals have given up their right not to be shot" are clearly also huge problems there.

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12 hours ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

Minor point here but even in the Jean Charles de Menezes incident - he did not jump the barrier. This is something which somehow made its way into the media in the hours after the shooting and has remained in the public consciousness but which is categorically false. He paid using an oyster card and went through the barriers normally. 

Slightly OT but it's a standard Met practice to give off record briefings to smear innocent victims of their f**k ups. Remember when two very muslimy looking brothers had their door kicked in and were bundled into a van for absolutely no reason? "police sources reported that child pornography was discovered on a computer......" No charges though. Hmmm. 

1 hour ago, Binos said:

I wouldn't fancy doing their job

That's because you're not a homicidal racist. 

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17 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

Jacob Blake was walking round the car, the police had plenty of time to take care of the situation before they ‘needed’ to fire 7 bullets in to his back at point blank range. 

George Floyd was subdued, he was no threat to anybody. The police did not need to kneel on his neck for 8 minutes. 

Breonna Taylor had a no knock search of her apartment by plain clothes police officers because her ex boyfriend was suspected of being a drug dealer. The police fired over 20 shots. No drugs were found. 

In all three cases, there was plenty of opportunities not to kill (or paralyse,) in Jacob’s case. 

Anybody posting information about past criminal records obviously thinks it’s ok to murder a black man if they have done something wrong in their past. 



Jacob Blake fought two police who tried to arrest him using non lethal force, including both using their tasers. When he stood up the officers, seeing he was armed with a knife, backed off a took out their guns. One shot him as he entered a car with children in it.   It was known he was violent in the past, and had a warrant out for his arrest - and yes, people pre-judge.  I am not an expert, and think 7 shots is excessive, but the fact he is alive might cast a bit of doubt on that. 

George Floyd's neck was compressed for several minutes and those responsible are, quite rightly, charged with murder.

Breonna Taylor, I don't know enough facts. but wiki says, the police returned fire after one of them was shot. Americas obsession with guns is a factor.

Claiming the first two incidents are the same, and seeing some on social media saying Blake's was an execution of an innocent man by racist establishment authoritarians, simply inflames the situation and plays straight into MAGA types hands.    And then everyone will be surprised when Donald 'man of law and order, you're only safe with me' Trump gets re-elected on a 'BLM are terrorists' ticket.

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1 hour ago, Marshmallo said:

Why did that kid with the assault rifle not get shot in Wisconsin?

If Master Rittenhouse was black & tried to wander around with an AR-15, he would have been lucky to get out of his street alive. An absolute racist cesspit of a Country right now & even when change comes, it will get worse before it gets better.

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1 hour ago, Binos said:

I imagine because from a population of 10 percent make up 50 percent of the prison population and from a population of 10 percent black on black murders make up 40 percent of the murder statistics

So the police are racially profiling and are even more jumpy and trigger happy than normal when in black areas

Black people are more likely to to be shot because there's a lot of black people in jail?! What nonsense is this? What attempt at logic is this?

Also no shock that you haven't taken a second to wonder why 50% of the prison population is black. 

The 'clues' are all there and they aren't exactly subtle.

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39 minutes ago, Mr Waldo said:

Breonna Taylor, I don't know enough facts. but wiki says, the police returned fire after one of them was shot. Americas obsession with guns is a factor.


Ms. Taylor’s relatives and their lawyers say that the police never identified themselves before entering — despite their claims. They also say that Mr. Walker was licensed to carry a gun.

And Mr. Walker, 27, has said that he feared for his life and fired in self-defense, believing that someone was trying to break into the home.

“He didn’t know these were police officers, and they found no drugs in the apartment — none,” said Rob Eggert, Mr. Walker’s lawyer. “He was scared for his life, and her life.”

In a 911 call just after the shots were fired, Mr. Walker told a dispatcher that “somebody kicked in the door and shot my girlfriend.”

The police’s incident report contained multiple errors. It listed Ms. Taylor’s injuries as “none,” even though she had been shot at least eight times, and indicated that officers had not forced their way into the apartment — though they used a battering ram to break the door open.


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3 hours ago, Binos said:

Didn't know that

We have 17000

That would make it at least twice as likely to be violently killed on duty than in UK, with gun culture not surprising

The fact they have to employ 700,000 to police a population of 320m against our 17,000 for 60m is scary

Just thought I should mention that Scotland has a population of approx. 5.5 million and 17,251 police officers.

Edited by Sinner-to-Saint
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9 minutes ago, Sinner-to-Saint said:

Just thought I should mention that Scotland has a population of approx. 5.5 million and 17,251 police officers.

The US figure may be lower - https://ucr.fbi.gov/leoka/2018/topic-pages/tables/table-85.xls

So 550,000 police for 250 million = 1 cop for every 454 people compared to 1 for every 319 in Scotland. 

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38 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:



Well, as a wee thought experiment imagine if instead of there being black and white people in the USA there were just people who could or could not pronounce the word 'nuclear' correctly. Imagine that people who said 'nucular' were the ones involved in more crime - do you think the police would shoot them in the same sort of numbers?

Is widespread gun ownership a factor in how many police are shot? Absolutely. Are black people dispoportionate assailants in these cases? Yes. Does this mean there's something intrinsic to black people that makes them do this more than white people? Absolutely not.

They fucking should, regardless of their involvement in crime.

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2 hours ago, Perkin Flump said:

If Master Rittenhouse was black & tried to wander around with an AR-15, he would have been lucky to get out of his street alive.

An absolute racist cesspit of a Country right now & even when change comes, it will get worse before it gets better.


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Going back to the case of Jean Charles de Menezes, it needs to be said again and again that he was murdered, the police smeared him, his family received no justice and the police promoted Cressida Dick to the top job in the country. 

The amount of right wing columnists and politicians that tried to shift blame away from the police in the immediate days afterwards was shameful (Littlejohn tried to claim he was another 'victim' of the terror attacks a few weeks previously, for example).

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2 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:

The US figure may be lower - https://ucr.fbi.gov/leoka/2018/topic-pages/tables/table-85.xls

So 550,000 police for 250 million = 1 cop for every 454 people compared to 1 for every 319 in Scotland. 

Seems the FBI use different definitions of who counts as a law enforcement officer, this one counts it as 687000 and rising in 2018. The problem is there are so many separate policing bodies in the US. And the population figure I get is 328 million, so actually one cop for 477 people. But then they have another 450,000 in the National Guard to back them up, which would give a figure of one cop for every 288 citizens.


The FBI defines law enforcement officers as those who regularly carry a firearm and badge, have full arrest powers, and are paid from governmental funds specifically for sworn law enforcement representatives.


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On 27/08/2020 at 20:03, Detournement said:

He wouldn't have ran away at first if he wasn't scared.

The 17 year old obviously had his mind poisoned by right wing culture. But you can't say that the three guys who got shot made smart decisions.


People, get shot ever day, kids, babies and some times if we;re lucky c***s like you.

Enjoy your day.

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18 hours ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

Minor point here but even in the Jean Charles de Menezes incident - he did not jump the barrier. This is something which somehow made its way into the media in the hours after the shooting and has remained in the public consciousness but which is categorically false. He paid using an oyster card and went through the barriers normally. 

It’s not a minor point, it’s a very important part of the narrative and I was totally unaware that it was false.

I appreciate you correcting me.

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