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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

This is it.

This case has just confirmed you can turn up to black lives matter events with a gun, antagonise folk, then kill them, and get away with it. Fairly sure there's enough nutters in America to try this a few times now.

Which will lead to the other half deciding they'll just shoot first, then the police start shooting everyone, and the whole thing spirals.

Genuinely no idea where America goes now. They're too far gone to change gun rules or stop the growing divide in their country. They genuinely seem to be fucked.

It's already well gone since columbine era

There are mass shootings every week 

Hundreds in a year 

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The problem is if you take each shooting as being unconnected and occupying a separate 10 second window then the self defence argument probably stands.


It doesn't answer what he was doing there, that and a "good ole boy" as judge got him off, he should consider himself very lucky. I've seen opinions stating the prosecution should've spent more time considering what was achievable.

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On 20/11/2021 at 16:28, NotThePars said:

A great day for people who love defending “technically legal but morally abhorrent” acts.

This is the thing. I came into the case thinking that it was going to be morally abhorrent. However, after watching a lot of the live footage of the trial, it became obvious the media hasn't reported the facts accurately, and as I previously mentioned I do think the boy can be cut some (not all) slack.

I personally find America's approach to guns bizarre and scary. However, I won't judge a 17 year old who has grown up in that culture for just going along with what's normal for him. I appreciate not everyone will feel this way.

The thing about him travelling "across state lines" is misdirection by the prosecutor. He travelled about 25 minutes. His home town, and the town where it happened, are physically connected. They just happen to lie on either side of the state border. His dad and dad's side of the family live in the town where it happened, his mates live there, he worked at the swimming pool there. It's not like he travelled for hours and hours. 

He also wasn't itching for a fight. He was in that town the night before it happened, staying at his best mate's house. There were riots that night too. His best mate had guns. They all just stayed at home. The next day he was out cleaning graffiti and a business owner offered to pay him and his mate to come and protect their shop later that night. 

I don't think he's faultless. My criticisms are these: (a) it's mad that you can pay a 17 year old to protect your business with guns; (b) he left the business premises with a fire extinguisher to put out fires. That was unnecessary; (c) when people started shouting at him, he just yelled "friendly, friendly, friendly", thinking that would calm them down. I think he was naive; (d) as it escalated (before the first shooting), he just ran away rather than fronting up and defusing the situation. I think he was scared and immature.

However, the only people he shot were already attacking him. He declined to shoot anyone who stopped attacking after he raised his gun. The guy who survived, who himself was carrying a Glock, had travelled three times further than Rittenhouse and had no connection to the town.

There's a snippet from the Tucker Carlson interview now been released where he says he actually supports BLM. It will be interesting to see what he says in the full interview.

For now, my main feeling is just disgust at continued inaccurate and lazy media reporting, from both left and right, which is unnecessarily polarising Americans, backed up by reckless, self-interested comments from politicians (again, left and right).


Edited by Priti priti priti Patel
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25 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Regardless of whatever else this is it's certainly a sad life.


I take it from this you remain totally unpersuaded. I am genuinely curious as to why. For example, do you just sort of assume the facts I have stated are made up/distorted, or are they not that relevant to you, etc? 

Not sure how else to convey it but I am just genuinely interested. 

Edited by Priti priti priti Patel
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Would this would be the same Tucker Carlson that caused two of his colleagues at Fox to resign in disgust after stating his 3-part series on the Jan 6 insurrection "relied on fabrications and conspiracy theories to exonerate the Trump supporters who participated in the attack"?

That's who we're listening to on this topicTucker...fucking...Carlson?

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I am not suggesting anyone listen to Tucker Carlson. The video clip above only has Rittenhouse speaking in it. In fact, as a measure of what an "extremist" he's supposed to be, he's went on Tucker Carlson (who - unsolicited - helped raise money for his bail fund) and said he supports BLM and the protest movement, which is probably in the Top 1 things Tucker Carlson doesn't want to hear.

Who said we are listening to Tucker Carlson?

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21 minutes ago, Priti priti priti Patel said:

I am not suggesting anyone listen to Tucker Carlson. The video clip above only has Rittenhouse speaking in it. In fact, as a measure of what an "extremist" he's supposed to be, he's went on Tucker Carlson (who - unsolicited - helped raise money for his bail fund) and said he supports BLM and the protest movement, which is probably in the Top 1 things Tucker Carlson doesn't want to hear.

Who said we are listening to Tucker Carlson?

That's just the kind of thing he wants on his programme.

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Aite, well, I listened to the trial because I enjoy law, my career, and enjoyed the procedural arguments. I then heard facts, accepted by both prosecution and defence, which contradict what was reported in the media and which paint the events in a different light. Those facts undermine both the left wing and right wing narratives. No-one here has disputed those facts, or posted other facts which support the general narrative, but instead just said things like I must be racist, or have a sad life, or am mental because I have a dissenting view of things.

Failing to engage with the issues, calling people names, holding firm to opinions regardless of the evidence presented, and seeking to explain dissenting evidence as part of some machiavellian conspiracy - these are evidently not the sole preserve of the American right wing.

I had hoped to have a decent conversation. P&B is usually so much better than the above. 

Edited by Priti priti priti Patel
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